
Hainan new energy car owners, this reward declaration deadline on January 15

Hainan new energy car owners, this reward declaration deadline on January 15

New Hainan Client, Nanhai Net, Nanguo Metropolis Daily

Reporter: Yao Hao Correspondent Xu Tao

The Hainan New Energy Vehicle Promotion Center reminds the majority of car owners to follow the document requirements of the "Notice of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province, the Department of Finance of Hainan Province, and the Public Security Department of Hainan Province on the Declaration of Comprehensive Incentives for Promoting the Consumption of New Energy Vehicles in Hainan Province in 2021".

Hainan Province 2021

Promote the declaration time limit of comprehensive incentives for new energy vehicle consumption

This will close on January 15, 2022

Please apply in a timely manner for users who meet the declaration requirements

So as not to miss the deadline

Failure to declare within the time limit shall be deemed to be a waiver of the reward qualification

Conditions for the declaration of the comprehensive incentive policy

as follows

Reward objects

The owner of a motor vehicle who purchases a new car for a new energy vehicle in an automobile sales enterprise in Hainan Province and registers it with the traffic management department of the public security organ in our province. The following conditions must be met:

(1) New energy vehicles mainly include pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles (including range extenders) and fuel cell vehicles.

(2) Vehicles must be registered for the first time, and registered to obtain a special number plate for new energy vehicles.

(3) Vehicles purchased between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021, and completed the initial registration before January 15, 2022 (including vehicles purchased in December 2020 and registered for the first time before January 15, 2021).

(4) Where a new energy vehicle purchased by a non-individual user declares a reward, the vehicle cannot be transferred within two years from the date of initial registration and listing.

Filing deadlines

The deadline for applying for provincial awards is January 15, 2022, and failure to declare after the deadline is deemed to be a waiver of award qualifications.

Related materials

The owner of the new energy vehicle must upload relevant materials in the "Hainan Charging Pile APP", and the personal user materials include the original ID card, the information of the bank card and bank card opening bank, the original driving license, and the original invoice.

Non-personal user materials include business licenses, driving licenses, uniform invoices for the sale of motor vehicles, bank account information, and a letter of commitment not to transfer the vehicle declared by a non-individual user for two years from the date of initial registration.

Edit: Millet

Duty Director: Shi Xiaohui

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