
Second-hand pure electric vehicles are very cheap, some are less than 50,000 yuan, why not recommend everyone to buy?

With the popularity of new energy vehicles, more and more consumers are beginning to consider buying a green car when changing cars. However, the price of many pure electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid models is not cheap, and the price of hundreds of thousands of dollars is indeed a bit reluctant. Therefore, many consumers who have bought second-hand fuel vehicles have set their sights on second-hand pure electric vehicles, after all, everyone knows that pure electric vehicles do not maintain value, and the price of second-hand electric vehicles is very cheap. Some pure electric vehicles that were originally 200,000 may be sold for less than 50,000 yuan after a few years.

Second-hand pure electric vehicles are very cheap, some are less than 50,000 yuan, why not recommend everyone to buy?

Seriously, if you have such thoughts, I urge you to be cautious. Although second-hand pure electric vehicles are very cheap, some are less than 50,000 yuan, but it is still not recommended for everyone to buy. Want to know why? Let's talk about it one by one.

The first point: not to enjoy the benefits of the first owner

Whether it is the electric vehicles of the early years or many electric vehicles today, when buying a car, everyone will enjoy some of the benefits of the first owner. For example, BYD Han, which is now very popular, gave the first car owner three electric warranty and free maintenance and many other benefits. However, if you buy a second-hand BYD Han, many benefits cannot be enjoyed. This is not only BYD, but even other electric vehicles, especially in the early years of new energy vehicles, the benefits of the first car owner are more abundant, and the second owner may not enjoy anything.

Second-hand pure electric vehicles are very cheap, some are less than 50,000 yuan, why not recommend everyone to buy?

The second point: the problem of vehicle endurance reduction

The endurance problem of pure electric vehicles has always been a problem that many car owners are more entangled, and the endurance of second-hand pure electric vehicles is even more worrying. As we all know, pure electric vehicles have been driving for a long time, and the battery will be much worse than before. Even if the battery life of the new car is discounted to a certain extent, everyone can often do it. However, due to the unknown use of second-hand electric vehicles by the previous owners, it is difficult to judge the actual endurance of this second-hand electric vehicle. There may be netizens will propose car inspection, I can only say that pure electric vehicles are not fuel vehicles, many things are catty.

Second-hand pure electric vehicles are very cheap, some are less than 50,000 yuan, why not recommend everyone to buy?

Third point: vehicle safety is questionable

A lot of people say that electric cars are safe, and for new cars, I agree with that. But regarding the safety of second-hand electric vehicles, I personally remain skeptical because I am not sure about the condition of the car. Again, electric vehicles and fuel vehicles are different, most electric vehicles involve multiple sets of circuits, of which as long as there is a problem with one link, the consequences are very serious. Even when the inspection agency detects second-hand pure electric vehicles, it is impossible to test every line. For a simple example, the TV at home will still have problems after a long time, is the line of the pure electric car in the wind and the sun really so safe?

Second-hand pure electric vehicles are very cheap, some are less than 50,000 yuan, why not recommend everyone to buy?

The fourth point: the speed of upgrading of electric vehicle technology is too fast

The last point is to say that the speed of technological replacement of electric vehicles, although the age of electric vehicles seen in the second-hand car market is only 3 or 5 years, but the technology used is compared with today's pure electric vehicles, the gap is really not small. Needless to say that other brands, just look at BYD's electric vehicles 3 years ago and today's BYD Han and other products, how big the gap is, everyone should understand the reason. For example, the actual endurance of electric vehicles in that year may be less than 300 kilometers, but today's products have already exceeded 500 kilometers.

Seeing this, will you still choose second-hand pure electric vehicles? To tell the truth, greedy and cheap to eat big losses, second-hand pure electric vehicles are really not worth considering, even if the price is very cheap.

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