
These 5 cars are buying vegetable cars in foreign countries, but they have become pseudo-luxury cars in China, which have nothing to do with luxury

In today's society, as "home and car" has gradually become the standard of the people, everyone has higher requirements for scooters. This is also inseparable from the people's "face" thinking. I feel that the car is not only a means of transportation, but also a symbol of status and wealth. Due to the blessing of comprehensive reasons, China has gradually become the fastest growing market in the global luxury car market. Even under the influence of the epidemic in the past two years, people's purchasing power of luxury cars has entered the domestic market background in such a market background, and the world's auto brands have entered the domestic market to share a piece of the pie. In particular, luxury car brands have established joint venture production plants in China to further gain market share. There have always been 1-line luxury cars and 2-line luxury car brands in China. Among them, the first-line luxury car brand is simply summarized as "BBA", which means three German luxury car brands of Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi. The 2-tier luxury car brands are Lexus, Cadillac and Audi, but some high-end car brands also have "fish-eye mixed pearl" cars and brands. Such a car in foreign countries is obviously a vegetable substitute car that the general public can consume, but after coming to China, it has become a "high-end car", and it is also necessary to increase the price of the car. This time, I would like to explain to you one by one:

These 5 cars are buying vegetable cars in foreign countries, but they have become pseudo-luxury cars in China, which have nothing to do with luxury

The first item: Toyota Alpha's number one model must be Toyota Alpha. First of all, Toyota as an ordinary car brand, in addition to its luxury brands Lexus and Crown series, other models are mainly practical and practical, and have nothing to do with luxury. Toyota Alpha itself is positioned as a family 7 MPV car, the price in Japan is only 190,000 yuan, in the streets and alleys of Japan can be seen everywhere, its popularity is as common as our Wuling Hongguang. Because alpha has multi-functional, large space, wide range of attributes, initially many stars were used for bohm cars, many large enterprises were called commercial cars, but because of the long time called "premium cars", transformed into million-level "premium cars", no mark-up cars After all, Toyota's hunger marketing is doing well.

These 5 cars are buying vegetable cars in foreign countries, but they have become pseudo-luxury cars in China, which have nothing to do with luxury

The second: Mercedes-Benz Smart Many people think that all the models of Mercedes-Benz are luxury cars, but there are sub-brands that are not. That is Mercedes-Benz Smart as a mini version of Mercedes-Benz brand, also belongs to the Daimler Group, although it deviates from Mercedes-Benz technology, but it is not a compliment in terms of work and materials. Most of the decoration is made of hard plastic material, and luxury is completely incomparable. As a minivan, it is much more expensive than the same class of cars on the market, and the cheapest car is also more than 100,000. In addition, due to the cost of maintenance and maintenance, the mercedes-benz is directly targeted, but unless there is really a special love for this car, it is not cost-effective to buy it. The third item: Czech XEL As an entry-level model of Czech brands, Czech XEL does not meet the standards of luxury cars in terms of product strength and quality. First of all, the Czech brand has lost its reputation in recent years, from the original pure British luxury car brand to the brand of the Indian Tata Group, which has made many people unhappy and the luxury attribute has dropped significantly. Secondly, there is a real concern about the quality of czech products in recent years. Due to the endless emergence of various small problems, high maintenance costs, Czech sales have declined, the value rate has declined, and the market is known as the "70% leopard". Overall, the Czech XEL is not a luxury car.

These 5 cars are buying vegetable cars in foreign countries, but they have become pseudo-luxury cars in China, which have nothing to do with luxury

Fourth: Tesla Tesla has been packaged as a "luxury car" in recent years, which is very popular with the people, especially in first-tier cities, which can be seen almost everywhere, but in fact, Tesla's cheapest model is only more than 200,000 units, which is not expensive in the field of pure electric vehicles. Why has Tesla become a "luxury car"? In fact, this has nothing to do with the "high drive low go" of the price of Tesla vehicles. When it first entered the country, the price of Tesla Model X reached several million, and the price of other cars was not low. Since Tesla achieved localization, the price has been declining, but because its past impression of "high price" has not disappeared, Tesla has only played the role of "luxury car". In fact, a brand to achieve the level of "luxury", the need for the brand's historical precipitation, technical content, positioning people, the use of materials to work and many other requirements and conditions, so Tesla in general can not fully meet this requirement

These 5 cars are buying vegetable cars in foreign countries, but they have become pseudo-luxury cars in China, which have nothing to do with luxury

Fifth: Citroën DS to say that the most tragic luxury brand in the Chinese auto market is not Infiniti, which has just announced that it will merge with Dongfeng Nissan, nor the famous Acura, but Citroën DS. From the perspective of positioning, Citroën DS is an uncompromising luxury brand, and it is a high-end luxury sub-brand under Citroën, Baidu Encyclopedia wrote in the introduction: "DS is the top design luxury brand in the French automotive industry. "It is true that DS's models are good, the materials are in line with luxury standards, the workmanship represents the best manufacturing technology of Citroën, and it is far more than other luxury brands in terms of materials, backed by PSA Group, DS's research and development strength is also good, the appearance design, but from the perspective of market recognition and sales, DS is a bit "miserable". Due to the marketing, publicity and promotion strategy encountered water and soil, all models of DS were marginalized, and even sold at a discount step by step, completely deviating from the luxury route in terms of price. Overall, the failure of the DS brand in China is a bit sad.

These 5 cars are buying vegetable cars in foreign countries, but they have become pseudo-luxury cars in China, which have nothing to do with luxury

Summary: In general, these 5 models or brands are now veritable "pseudo-premium cars" in the Chinese auto market, do you agree? If there are other additions, please leave your comments and insights in the comments section.

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