
The new car discount is thirty-five thousand, the car inspection is found to be pitted, the owner: the mood seems to be riding a roller coaster

In the past, there were four great joys in life: long drought and sweet and sweet, other hometowns, the night of the cave flower candle, and the title of the gold list. Now the four great joys of life: buying a house, buying a car, marrying a wife, and getting a high salary. Buying a car you like is indeed a blessing in life, but if a happy event suddenly becomes unpleasant, the mood is indeed like riding a roller coaster.

The new car discount is thirty-five thousand, the car inspection is found to be pitted, the owner: the mood seems to be riding a roller coaster

Recently, Mr. Wang of Jiangsu encountered such a thing. Mr. Wang recently had plans to buy a car, and he saw a Honda XRV luxury version. He looked at the car at a 4S shop sample car, and the other party told him that if he bought the car now, he could be given a 35,000 yuan discount.

Mr. Wang thinks this offer is good, because he has been to other stores before, and learned from other 4S stores that although other stores also have discounts, the maximum discount is only 13,000 yuan. If Mr. Wang buys a car from this store, he can save 20,0002. If this money is used to pay the car tax, he can save a lot.

The new car discount is thirty-five thousand, the car inspection is found to be pitted, the owner: the mood seems to be riding a roller coaster

The salesman of the 4S store told him that if Mr. Wang felt that the car was good, he could transfer a deposit of 5,000 first, so that the car would not be sold to others for the time being. Mr. Wang was very touched after listening to it, and he could accept the 5,000 deposit, so he transferred the money to the sales through WeChat. The parties agreed to pick up the car in two weeks.

On the day of picking up the car, Mr. Wang happily came to the 4S shop, but he did not expect to find something wrong during the car inspection. During the inspection of the car, Mr. Wang found that there was sediment under the cockpit foot pads and in the engine compartment of the car, which looked like a wading car. So Mr. Wang asked the seller for verification on this issue.

The new car discount is thirty-five thousand, the car inspection is found to be pitted, the owner: the mood seems to be riding a roller coaster

The seller told Mr. Wang that the car was the car he picked up from the superior dealer, and he did not know whether it was a wading car. At that time, he went to pick up the car with the superior distribution office, because the time was relatively fast, he called the other party and brought the car over. Because they believed in each other, the sales office did not have a car inspection.

After mediation between the two parties, the seller agreed to Mr. Wang's claim for returning the car and paid Mr. Wang three times the deposit. In response to this situation, the local market supervision department was involved in the investigation. The market supervision department reminds the business entity to strictly control the verification link before delivering the car. Ensure that the vehicles delivered meet the delivery standards and pre-sales commitments, and if there is malicious fraud, they will be punished according to law.

The new car discount is thirty-five thousand, the car inspection is found to be pitted, the owner: the mood seems to be riding a roller coaster

Wading vehicles have many hazards, and the engine water will produce insufficient power. During the driving trip, the car will also produce jitter, and if used for a long time, it will cause the piston linkage to deform and break. And because the interior of the car is wet, the high-voltage power distribution system is easy to short circuit in a wet or water-fed state for a long time, resulting in flameout.

However, before the owner of the car, he found that he was buying a wading car, and he must replace it in time. If the accident is caused by yourself and the vehicle becomes a wading vehicle, the owner first needs to confirm whether the exhaust and inlets have entered the water. If the water is inlet, the car must be sent to the repair shop for inspection as soon as possible, do not blindly force the start, if the forced start may cause a greater situation in the vehicle because the engine lubrication is ineffective.

The new car discount is thirty-five thousand, the car inspection is found to be pitted, the owner: the mood seems to be riding a roller coaster

If the owner is too late to send the vehicle to the repair shop in time, the vehicle can be self-rescued. The owner can first remove the dressing of the electrical part and dry the moisture on the surface of the electrical appliance. Check for drifting clogging or aquatic entanglement between the individual components. Clean up the vehicle yourself and restore the braking effect. But keep in mind: don't force the car to start the car yourself.

Editor's Comments:

Wading vehicles are very harmful, and owners must carefully check whether they are wading vehicles or soaking water vehicles before buying a car. This type of car is extremely potentially safe, and a little attention may cause great danger.

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