
The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

This is a "psychic journey" from the 12 constellations.

From Aries and Taurus to Aquarius and Pisces, the 12 constellations embody the planet, with its brilliant, changeable colors.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

But what exactly is it that brings about the estrangement and strife between people?

What is the pure "original heart" that bridges these 12 forces within us?

Try it, this story with rich horoscope cognition and fairy tale-like beautiful allegory,

Maybe in a certain paragraph, at a certain turn, give you a casual touch...

In the beginning, there was only one life in the universe. Nameless, formless, beginningless and endless, she is both an eternal entity and an eternal void.

As time passed (although there was no time yet), this life began to realize that there were two vague patterns of light and darkness, and developed a desire for self-exploration.

She saw the vastness of space, saw the formation and demise of galaxies; she watched the nebula explode, felt the glow of the stars, and the darkness that disappeared in the universe.

Then she saw black holes, saw stars being born, planets orbiting each other, moons orbiting planets, and saw meteorites, asteroids, and comets moving through space.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

Gradually, the creature focused its attention on a spiral galaxy with a star orbited by planets on its outer arm. Among them, there is a planet that is getting cold, and a moon is circling her. We now call them "Earth" and "Moon."

On the Earth's surface, life can see the sunrise and moonset. She gazed at the mountains, rivers, oceans, islands and continents, listening to the sound of water, the wind, and the sounds of animals and birds moving around, not knowing what to do for these beautiful and diverse beings.

Just when she was amazed and amazed, she had a long dream in which there was another powerful and beautiful life, and this life's body looked exactly like her.

In the dream, she gave birth to her first child. While feeding her child, she looked at the sky around her and wanted to give the child a name.

At this point, the sun, moon, and eight shining planets are all clustered in the eastern part of the sky (a situation that will never happen again until everything in the universe is regenerated), and Mars is on the rise. So she dedicated the child to the planet and gave it a name we don't know, but today we call it Aries.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

Ten million years passed, she kept the child with her, and then she had another dream. She woke up in the great conjunction of Taurus and named the child born when Venus rose as "Taurus".

This happened ten more times, so she had a total of 12 children, each named after a large rotating star wheel in the sky.

The 12 signs grow up in fertile valleys, and every child is equally beautiful and creative.

As they grew older, their mother appeared less and less often, until finally she only came to see them very occasionally.

Once, when she saw that they were old enough to go out and explore the world, she called them together and asked them what kind of development path they would choose.

Fire Sign:

"We'll build a bunch of fires that we can see day and night, take care of it safely, and observe the shape of the flames."

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug


"I'll bring the fire to all who want it so that all living things can start a new life because I love to start." I like to be positive and proactive. I fell in love with life itself. Time and again, I will leap from the darkness into the unknown light and bravely face everything I encounter on the road. ”


"I will take care of this fire because I feel like I have a fire burning in my own heart. It is my love for the world and the joy in my life. I want to send my creations into the farthest shadows of darkness, like following the pulse of a heartbeat, to sound the joy of fire, to dance the heart, to sing about life. ”


"I will travel far and wide, thinking about the vastness of the universe and having fun in it. I will walk the plains and meadows, studying the ways of life of different people and looking for wisdom that can explain human customs. I will carry a flame to illuminate the darkness between people because I have the power to warm myself and others with my faith. ”

Earth sign

"We want to be close to land and experience the changes that the earth has undergone through our senses."

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug


"I will never get tired of the valley. I want to figure out what I like and what I don't like, and to understand the value of everything I'm exposed to. I want to be aware of every part of my body and the whole of this body of the earth. ”


"I want to understand the nature of every flower, every animal, every fish and bird. I will observe them and at the same time give them practical help. I will be a friend of nature. I love the natural order of the world, it gives me a clear and clear way of thinking. ”


"I was touched by the charm of difficult things. So I'm going to go to the desert, to the rugged highlands of the wilderness. I like to constantly discover my strength, patience and endurance. When I have finished dealing with the difficulties in front of me, I always find another challenge in front of me, because I am the creator of the means of survival. ”

Wind direction constellation

"We want to go to a place where we can feel the breeze and the strong wind at the same time. We are going to go to higher mountains and live with the creatures in the air. ”

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug


"I want to fly like bees and butterflies, to taste every flower, to absorb their colorful colors, because I love the ever-changing moments. I will find a place on the hillside where I can think clearly in the morning breeze, pursue my thirst for knowledge, I like to make connections, I like to express vividly, I want to tell stories to the birds, to learn from them to speak their language. ”


"I'm going to build a temple on a hill with fresh air. It will be very beautiful, and every item in it will be carefully chosen after careful consideration. It will be a place where balance and harmony can be found. You may come to My Temple to seek peace and to put an end to our strife. ”


"I want to think about the specificity of flowers in the mountains, because I like the beauty of strange and rare things. I'm going to convey my thoughts to all the people on the planet who feel like outsiders, and I'm going to stand by the shared experiences and equal status we have. I want to watch the storm from above, and lightning will illuminate the unknown possibilities for me, because I love the future, and I am keen to discover things that we can't imagine now. ”

Water sign

"We're going to go where there's water flowing, to the bottom of the water."

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug


"I would look for a beach with mild tides, sunshine and shade. Sometimes I venture out on the waves, but I always come back to my own harbor. I will learn from the sea how to discover the past, because the sea always remembers everything. I want to observe the moon and learn to perceive it from her relationship with the tides. I love the depth of my imagination and love taking care of all the vulnerable and helpless people. ”


"I'm going to walk on the cliffs and watch the rough waves. I will feel the intense energy in it, walk along the river to its underground source, where I will think deeply about the mysteries of life and death, the power of sex, who we are and what the meaning of existence is. I will find the answer through my own experience. Because I am not afraid of anything but myself, and I have the courage to face it. ”


"I will find a quiet pool in the forest and often stay there alone. I will gaze into the abyss, and that silence will remain in my heart. I will sleep by the pool and dream, leaving you messages with oracles and poems. I have the magic of healing, and it comes from a place where there is absolutely no barrier at all. There we are all one; there, the waters of the pool will merge again in the sea.

So, constellation 12 went to visit the humans who inhabited the earth. However, over time, all the twelve siblings saw and heard was the badness of the outside world.

They find that many are involved in estrangement, hurt, and even oppression. Some are sitting on great wealth, while others are starving.

What shocked them even more was that they saw that the lovely and beautiful planet itself was gradually warming due to human activities, so that the creatures on the earth were facing the threat of extinction.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

After fully understanding the situation, they convened a meeting. At first, they tried to find the culprit, but then they turned to accusing each other. They said:

Aries advocates egoism and useless behavior, glorifying the struggle by encouraging bravery;

Taurus places too much emphasis on the value of property, so much so that people have exhausted the earth's resources in endless accumulation;

Gemini teaches people to manipulate the truth and to make people restless about novelties that the earth cannot afford;

Cancer keeps people clinging to their family bastions (even if they already need to leave) and limits people's concern for strangers;

Leo teaches people to crave dignity and power, ignoring people who are humble and have nothing;

Virgo invents the drudgery, allowing people to indulge in trivial details to the point of not seeing the bigger picture;

Libra creates too many fantasies about happiness and romantic love, causing people to become more and more unrealistic, avoiding the necessary struggle for equality and justice;

Scorpio makes people too obsessed with dangerous notions of death, sex and power, and leads people into pathological introspection;

Sagittarius is fanatical, especially those arrogant people with fanatical beliefs, and explorers who trample on newly discovered lands;

Capricorn encourages people to suppress their imaginations and manage and control society at the expense of the environment;

Aquarius lives only in the ideal future, ignores the present, and advocates continuous, and often unwise inventions;

Pisces allows people to escape into dreams, turn a blind eye to reality, and trigger excessive sacrifice and addiction to pain.

They say harsh things to each other because of the state of the world they see. Then they fell into a long silence.

Despair hung over them. They began to forget who they were and looked at each other blankly.

Until, at the bottom of this abyss of despair, there was a cry of anger from Aries.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

Scorpio stood up and said, "I'm going to take you to a place we've never been before, where the air explodes, where flames burn underground, where the earth flows like water, where all the moisture evaporates into the air." If you want, come with me. ”

Slowly, everyone stood up and followed Scorpio. They walked in unfamiliar places for days, barely speaking, remembering only the angry voices of Aries before.

On the way, Pisces saw an image. In this image, they are heading to somewhere deep under the sea, where the salt of tears can erode the hardest pieces of iron, and the fish are cheerful and bright like parrots, swimming past the shipwrecked ship.

They followed the road all the way up, finally reaching a top of a mountain. There was a huge black crater where smoke erupted. The ground was hot and a little shaky.

Capricorn stood quietly near the edge of the crater, "I could feel the earth moving deep under my feet. I think it's also our home, like the valley we came from. ”

This is not an easy recognition because they all feel that an explosion could occur at any time at the top of the mountain.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

Cancer said: "When I stand here, I realize that we can summon destruction, we can hope so in despair, but if so, everything we love will be destroyed." ”

They fell into a long silence because no one knew what to do. Ultimately Sagittarius says, "No matter what happened before, I believe that people's way of life can still make a difference, and that will save the planet." ”

Libra whispered, "This will mean stopping finger-pointing and seeking true justice." ”

They thought about it for a moment, and then Aquarius said out loud what he thought, "We can try to be someone else, but it won't work." Facing and accepting our true selves is better for us. Each of us knows best about our own patterns, and the problems we should solve are how to use what we know to help correct mistakes. ”

"Yes," said Taurus, "but please don't forget your fear and respect for this place." You can't repair a crater, cover it or ignore it. Taurus, who had wanted to ignore it, laughed softly.

Laughter filled the sulphur air, and then Leo began to dance for the laughter, for their nostalgia for the past, and for the innocence they had lost.

Against the edge of the volcano, Leo appeared small and insignificant, but then he jumped higher near the crater, forming a sharp silhouette against the yellow-brown sky.

The "prehistoric" story of the 12 constellations: May you in the cold winter, a warm hug

The crowd followed, and they stood in a large circle on the edge of the cliff, staring into the smoke-filled abyss and shouting:

"I want to dedicate myself to the fight for justice and become a warrior." - Aries

"I will dedicate myself to discovering what the earth needs and becoming a guardian." - Taurus

"I want to work to improve understanding between people and become translators." - Gemini

"I will work to identify human vulnerability and become a protector." - Cancer

"I want to dedicate myself to the cause of celebrating life and become the vanguard of life." - Leo

"I will dedicate myself to the truth and become a servant of the truth." - Virgo

"I will dedicate myself to justice and be a messenger of peace." - Libra

"I want to commit myself to the right use of power and to be a transformer." - Scorpio

"I will dedicate myself to a broader vision and become a philosopher." - Sagittarius

"I will commit myself to our survival and become the organizer." - Capricorn

"I will commit myself to an equal future and become a visionary." - Aquarius

"I want to commit myself to the unity of our experience and to be a dreamer." - Pisces

Their words echoed on the edge of the volcano.

They remembered that humanity had found the strength and determination to change, friendship and mutual respect in times of its greatest despair; that millions of human beings had far more love for the beautiful earth and its creatures than they longed for wealth; that a distant and ancient song that was not imprisoned by material reality and echoed in the heart.

Now, the 12 signs have embarked on a journey again...

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