
After Wei Yan's tragic death, Yang Yi stepped on his head and said a word, if Liu Bei heard it, he could vomit blood

Since ancient times, there have been many official places. The Three Kingdoms period was no exception, and there was such a pair of rivals in the Shu Han Dynasty- Yang Yi and Wei Yan. According to historical records, Yang Yi was a Chinese military division, who often assisted Zhuge Liang in the Shu Kingdom, and was considered a civilian courtier. Wei Yan was the founding general of the Shu State, a warrior who often went on the battlefield to kill the enemy, and belonged to a military general. When the civilian warlords get together, there will always be a spark of discord. The two look at each other with disgust, and the ending is also your death and my injury.

Wei Yan not only died tragically at the hands of Yang Yi, but was also insulted by vicious words and exterminated his three tribes. If Such a result is known to Liu Bei, it is estimated that he can be angry enough to vomit blood.

After Wei Yan's tragic death, Yang Yi stepped on his head and said a word, if Liu Bei heard it, he could vomit blood

Wei Yan died tragically

So how did Wei Yan die tragically? What did Yang Yi say after Wei Yan's tragic death, which would make Liu Bei angry to the point of vomiting blood? As we all know, the difference between a civilian and a military general is that one pays attention to the strategic layout and the other goes on the field to kill the enemy.

No one was convinced, Wei Yan looked at Yang Yi as a soldier on paper, and Yang Yi even thought that Wei Yan was just a reckless man.

In this way, the two people will have different views on politics, and if they have different views, they will have differences, and they will naturally be hostile to each other.

After Wei Yan's tragic death, Yang Yi stepped on his head and said a word, if Liu Bei heard it, he could vomit blood

Contradictions escalate

The contradiction between the two intensified with the passage of time, and in the twelfth year of Jianxing, Zhuge Liang's Fifth Northern Expedition. Wei Yan served as the forward, and Yang Yi still assisted Zhuge Liang in discussing the strategic layout as usual. The Northern Expedition is proceeding in an orderly manner,

However, at this time, Zhuge Liang's illness worsened, so he discussed with Yang Yi, Sima Feiyi, Jiang Wei and others to wait for his own death to retreat from the army, so that Wei Yan would cut off.

After Wei Yan's tragic death, Yang Yi stepped on his head and said a word, if Liu Bei heard it, he could vomit blood

Zhuge Liang died of illness

After Zhuge Liang's death, Yang Yi conveyed Zhuge Liang's intentions to Wei Yan. However, Wei Yan did not comply, and said, "Although the prime minister is dead, but there is still me, how can I waste the world's major events because of the death of a person?" Besides, who was Wei Yan, and how could I be at the mercy of Yang Yi and be a general after the break? ”

This further escalated the contradiction between the two, Yang Yi led the army to retreat, Wei Yan was very angry after knowing it, rushed ahead of Yang Yi, and burned Yang Yi's retreat.

After Wei Yan's tragic death, Yang Yi stepped on his head and said a word, if Liu Bei heard it, he could vomit blood


After returning home, the two even told each other in front of Liu Chan that they were plotting against each other, and after Wei Yan refused to break after Zhuge Liang's illness, he lost trust. In the end, Wei Yan was killed by Yang Yi on charges of treason. After Wei Yan's death, Yang Yi was even more rampant, stepping on Wei Yan's head and scolding, "Yongnu! Can you do evil again? "And exterminate the three tribes of Wei Yan." As a loyal subject, Wei Yan died a very unjust death.

Before his death, he fought with Liu Bei several times, guarded Hanzhong for nearly ten years, and repeatedly fought with Zhuge Liang in the Northern Expedition, with many achievements, but in the end he ended up being wrongfully killed. Liu Bei was so angry that he vomited blood.


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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