
【Medical Q&A】Pregnancy requires a large and round egg, how big is it suitable?

Eggs are the "seeds" of fertility, and the quality of the eggs is critical to successfully bond with sperm and form a fertilized egg. It is not appropriate to be big, and it is not appropriate to be small, so what kind of eggs are "favored" in fertility?

"Large" - diameter of 18-25mm that is, to reach the standard of mature follicles, the inner wall is thin and clear; "rounded" - if the gap between the two meridians of the follicles is ≥ 3mm called flat follicles, the gap is more indicative of poor follicle quality, poor fertility of the eggs released; "alone" - not the more follicles the better, if the ovaries have multiple follicles at the same time, but there is no obvious advantage follicle, such as multiple follicles, it will lead to more than a dozen follicles are not large, unable to ovulate, it is difficult to get pregnant.

To know the quality of your follicles, you can assess ovarian function with anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), follicle-stimulating hormone assays, and B-ultrasound.

In order to have large and round excellent follicles, female friends must pay attention to developing good living and eating habits, quit smoking and limit alcohol, avoid overeating, and eat more fresh vegetable juices, leeks, beans, seaweed, etc. Long-term dieting and drug weight loss result in malnutrition and lack of protein, which can cause hypoveal function.

Learning to combine work and leisure, maintain a good attitude, and actively face life and work is conducive to the health of the ovaries and uterus.

Eat less raw, cold, spicy and irritating foods to prevent excessive intake of physiological stimulants and affect the quality of follicles and the ovulation cycle. Eat more high-protein, high-fiber, easily digestible foods and antioxidant fruits, such as eggs, milk, strawberries, blueberries, etc., supplement a variety of vitamins, folic acid, easy to improve egg quality.

【Medical Q&A】Pregnancy requires a large and round egg, how big is it suitable?

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