
During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

During World War II, the frenzied Japanese inflicted indelible suffering on the people of many countries. They are burning and plundering in the countries invaded by them, and they are doing nothing wrong.

Due to the long battle line, in order to appease the emotions of Japanese soldiers, the Japanese army wantonly requisitioned and forced Asian women, detained them in the army, provided services for Japanese soldiers, and brought great harm to the body and mind of innocent women in our country and neighboring countries.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

Even more heinous is that the Japanese army forcibly injected these women with a name in the name of doing them well

"606" agent

So what exactly is the efficacy of this 606 agent?

What was the real purpose of the Japanese army to inject this drug into women?

The madness of the Japanese during World War II is incomprehensible to normal people. As early as the Meiji Restoration in Japan, Japan allowed the existence of a domestic system of prostitutes. During the Sino-Japanese War, they allowed prostitutes to travel with the army and let them solve the "domestic needs" of soldiers. This provided a prototype for the establishment of comfort stations by the Japanese army in the future.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

"Wandering Girl"

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the crazy Japanese army burned and plundered everywhere, regarded the ordinary people who had no resistance as prey, regarded killing as a game of entertainment, and even regarded it as the glory of being a soldier, and gradually established the so-called so-called in the process of aggression

"Comfort System"

At that time, militarism was prevalent in Japan, and even Japanese women were brainwashed by this kind of thinking, and at the call of the Japanese government, they spontaneously formed a team and went to the front line of the battlefield to comfort the Japanese soldiers. But there were so many Japanese soldiers, and these women were only a minority after all.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

Great Japan National Defense Women's Association

In order to solve this problem, the Japanese army snatched a large number of innocent women from China, Korea, Vietnam and other countries, and even the Netherlands in Europe, detained them in the army, and forced them to join the comfort team for the entertainment of Japanese soldiers.

These women were forced to receive dozens of Japanese soldiers every day, and even if they were sick or unwell for other reasons, they were not allowed to rest and were dragged out to continue to serve the Japanese army. These innocent women live a life worse than death every day.

In the eyes of the Japanese army, comfort women were not human at all, just objects used for entertainment and consumption, and they even called them "military supplies" when they made records. Under such cruel institutional treatment, these innocent women have completely become the tools of the Japanese soldiers to vent, and have lost their dignity and basic rights as human beings.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

At that time, the sanitary conditions in the military were very poor, and because it was in the war period, there were many deaths and injuries, and the corpses were often not treated in time, and soon there were large-scale spread of diseases in the Japanese army.

According to statistics, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the number of soldiers infected with venereal diseases among Japanese soldiers accounted for almost 20% of the total number of troops, totaling 12,000 people, and the casualties caused by such diseases were also a very alarming number. This was already the case with these playful Japanese soldiers, not to mention how much suffering the poor comfort women had endured.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

Japanese army

After the mass outbreak of such diseases, the Japanese leadership did not reflect on its mistakes and decided to deal with the comfort women. They also need these women who continue to serve them, and it is impossible to kill them when they find a sick woman.

The leadership of the Japanese army thought of injecting them with medicine.

In the early 20th century, styrene diseases such as syphilis were widespread, limited by the level of science and technology at that time, and no solution was found for this disease at that time. A man named


When Working in hospitals, German medical scientists saw too many patients suffering from such diseases and felt sympathy. He is also a bacteriologist and immunologist as a medical scientist.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

Once, when dyeing bacteria for research, Orich suddenly thought, since dyes can enter the inside of bacteria and let bacteria die after staining, can they apply their principles to germs? Ollich seized on this idea, wanting to start by studying the operation of bacteria and finding a medicine that could treat the bacteria of this disease.

His assistant is called

Sawahachiro Hata

, from Japan. After experimenting with tens of thousands of mice, the two successfully found a compound that could kill the pathogen and made it an effective agent to treat such diseases.

The main component of this type of agent is organic arsenic compounds, which are called "

Arsenic vanname

Because it is the 606th compound tested by Orig, this agent is also called

606 pharmacy

。 For this invention, Orich was also awarded the 1908 Nobel Prize. After that, he did not stagnate, and on the basis of 606, invented a more effective one

Pharmacy 914

Unfortunately, Ollich died in 1915, and his Japanese assistant, Harasahachiro, returned home with both potions. But why is the Japanese army using 606 more widely than the more advanced and effective 914 medicine?

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

This has to mention the serious side effects of the 606 agent. The main ingredient of the 606 agent is arsenic vanamine, and arsenic is arsenic trioxide, commonly known


Compounds containing arsenic are toxic.

The 606 agent was indeed very effective in treating diseases spread in the Japanese army, but at the same time, it also had a serious side effect for women, which could be used

Women who were injected with the drug lost their fertility forever

Because the side effects were too great, the 606 drug was once banned internationally.

Of course, the Japanese side is very clear about the side effects of this drug, but they are just a tool to vent, and what kind of pain the tool will have is not within their concern. If women can no longer get pregnant after injecting 606 drugs, it is more suitable for them. This will not only curb the spread of the disease, but also continue to promote the comfort women system, which is a good way for them to kill two birds with one stone.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

The Japanese army told the women that the drugs were injected for their sake, but they would not be told of the side effects in advance, and even if any of them did not want to be vaccinated, they would be forced to inject the drugs. In the final analysis, the Japanese army was only for the sake of its own soldiers, or more precisely, for the sake of the country's aggressive cause.

Dr. Orrich originally invented this potion out of kindness, and it was later widely used in the vast number of innocent women, which Olrich, who was determined to save people, could not have imagined in advance.

The women detained in the military and forced to "comfort" themselves lived in dire straits, escaping hopelessly, and were soon tortured to the point of disfigurement. Many of them chose to cut themselves because they could no longer bear the pain, and many of them were tortured to death without even having the opportunity to cut themselves. There are also women who are strong enough to survive desperately, looking forward to the day when they will be rescued and reunited with their families every day.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

In 1945, after Japan officially announced its surrender, their troops were afraid that they would be liquidated and quickly withdrew to the country. But the women they had plundered could not follow them back to China. The Japanese army feared that if these women stayed, they would become evidence of their cruel deeds, so before returning home, they destroyed the evidence and brutally killed them.

Some women survived, but they fell ill with serious illnesses. Some of them learned that their families were dead and their families were gone, and some of them thought about their illness and did not dare to go home at all, so they hid their names and drifted away, not daring to marry anyone again, never mentioning the tragic past.

As witnesses who can expose the atrocities of the Japanese army, many of them bravely stood up, but no matter how our country protested and affirmed with them, the Japanese side still refused to face up to this history. They are waiting, waiting for these innocent women to die, and then no one will be able to prove their crimes, and they will no longer have to take responsibility, which shows how mad and lack of conscience they are.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, after the Japanese army captured Chinese women, why did they force them to inject "606 drugs"?

The war is merciless, but the women are innocent. The pain they endured cannot be extinguished by the Japanese side without talking about it, and I hope that the Japanese side can understand that the crimes they have committed will always be there, and no matter how they escape, it is impossible to really get rid of them.

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