
After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

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Source / Uncle Zhifuudashu (ID: zhifoudashu)

"What did you do to that kid?"

"I took all his dreams."

"Give him back the dream!"

"Little children don't need dreams, they can be manipulated like dolls and toys before they grow up."

"Where did you get the kids?"

"I threw them into the grave of their dreams."

"Adults are always hindering children from making choices, and adults want to steal children's freedom of dreams."

- "Diga Ultraman"


Everyone knows about Diga Ultraman's removal, right?

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

When he first heard the news, the uncle was confused.

This news was released on September 24.

Perhaps because the voice of the whole network is too high, a dramatic scene has appeared!

3 days after the ban was released, on the evening of the 27th, it was listed again!

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

Go search for video platforms, Diga has appeared.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

Good guys, change the day!

Adjectives from 3 days ago: armed, beaten, violent.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

After 3 days, it became like this: sci-fi, magical, and loved.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

Sure enough, "little children don't need dreams, they can be manipulated like dolls and toys before they grow up".

Take it off the shelves at will, and then go back to the shelves, and that's the end of it?

No, let's take a peek, what the hell is this.


The ban is said to have come from a parent's report.

In April this year, the Jiangsu Consumer Protection Commission released the "Investigation Report on the Safe Consumption of Minors in the Animation Field".

The report said: 21 cartoons, including "Diga Ultraman", contain 1465 problem points involving vulgarity, violence, insults and so on.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

In a questionnaire survey of 1,026 parents of children, 70% of parents believed that their children would imitate the actions in cartoons, and 80% of parents called for the control and rectification of the scale of cartoons.

1,026 parents were surveyed, and 80% recommended remediation.

The appeal worked, and in order to respect the will of the people, Diga disappeared.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

In the eyes of some parents, "Diga Ultraman" is not about love and peace, but about armed beatings, multiple intimidation, arson and explosions.

"I have to take it off the shelf, my little friend is dizzy after watching it and learning to fight with others."

"Why are you only taking it down now?"?"

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

Seeing the resistance of these parents, people can't help but wonder.

Are we still watching the same Digimon Ultraman?

"Do you believe in the Light?"

This simple line is the idea that Diga Ultraman has always wanted to convey:

As long as you believe in the existence of light, then there will be people in the world who will save you.

As long as you firmly believe in not giving up hope, you will definitely achieve your dreams and wishes.

Many people think: This is obviously a positive energy film where justice will eventually eliminate evil, how can it be violent and intimidating?

Without the support of the villain, will justice appear even greater?

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

Perhaps the voice of the whole network after the removal of the shelves is too intense, in order to respect the greater public opinion, the official re-review, it was restored to the shelves.

But that's not the most critical.

The bottom line is that you simply don't know which one will be reported next.


In January, the People's Daily reported on a story like this:

5 and a half years old Mu Yi has been suffering from neuroblastoma for two years, and has undergone 10 chemotherapy, 20 radiation therapy, and 2 transplant surgeries, but the disease has come back again, and Mou Yi's condition has recurred again.

"To be able to meet Ultraman is a wish of Mu Yi."

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

After Ultraman China officials learned of this, they quietly fulfilled the child's wishes.

The live-action ultraman comes with "light".

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

When "Ultraman" stood in the doorway, Mu Yi felt very surprised, he did not expect that Ultraman really came to see him.

"Ultraman" did not speak, but just put a finger on Mu Yi and "stamped a seal", as if he was agreeing with the children that he must get better.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

No matter how dark it is, as long as the heart believes that the light will appear, it will not be defeated by the darkness.

Nowadays, the phrase "values that affect children" makes the heroes in children's hearts disappear.

So the question is, so many Ultraman, why is only Diga Ultraman banned?

At first, the uncle was also confused.

Then I finally figured it out.

Perhaps because Digimon Ultraman is the most well-known of all Ultramans in the past two years.

The parents only reported Digimon Ultraman, so the other Ultraman escaped the disaster.

I laughed.

Is such a riot operation really useful?

Aren't the other monsters in Ultraman terrifying?


Remember the "Legend of the Seven Heroes of rainbow cat blue rabbit" that was reported by parents that year?

The whistleblower reads:

"The Legend of the Seven Heroes of rainbow cat blue rabbit" is an animation for children and teenagers, and no matter how exquisite the picture is, it cannot hide the negative impact of its bloody killing scenes on children.

For the sake of children, CCTV you can't do this! ”

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

As soon as this letter came out, countless parents followed the trend and criticized the "Legend of the Seven Heroes of the Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit", and the reasons for criticism were also various.

Some people say that the weapons in this cartoon are "pointed", and it is dangerous for children to imitate.

It is also said that the protagonist of this cartoon is not positive enough and does not conform to the correct values.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

As China's first martial arts-themed cartoon, it is normal for a righteous hero to fight a sword to the end of the world.

These parents can't see the heroes hoeing the strong and helping the weak and saving the lives, they only see all kinds of bloody and foul language.

In their eyes, this kind of cartoon without positive energy is garbage and needs to be removed.

There is also the once well-known "Pleasant Goat and Gray Wolf" has also been banned.

The reason is that some children imitated the plot of the play and burned and burned, and were banned for five years.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

The cartoon "Divine Chef Xiao Fugui" was removed from the shelves because the sense of realism was too heavy.

The cartoon "Filimon Girl 2", because the character's hair dyeing was reported by parents for bad customs, it was removed from the shelves.

The cartoon "Bear Haunting" was reported by parents because Bald Qiang always appeared with a shotgun or chainsaw.

Cartoon "Peppa Pig", because there are children who follow Paige to learn pig calling, some parents may be afraid that their children will become piglets, so angry reports...

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

By the standards of these whistleblowers, there simply aren't too many illegal works.

The master brother in "Journey to the West" likes to wear a tiger skin skirt, and the second master brother is always not good at wearing clothes, and the breast exposed breast is suspected of vulgar pornography;

"Hulu Brothers" also has the plot of exposing breasts, pulling gangs, and not loving wild animals...

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

In this way, one of the four famous works has become a mess, and the classic gourd baby saving grandpa is not in line with the correct values.

Classic childhood memories have now been reported and removed by some parents on the grounds of "violating the growth safety of minors".

It's sad and infuriating.


Last month's word that hit the whole network: spiritual opium, I think, you must not have forgotten.

"Games hurt children!"

"Game, ruined this generation!"

Haha, the plot is the same.

Is the game harmful to children? The answer is yes, one hundred percent, absolutely harmful.

But it's not just games that are harmful.

If a child eats only instant noodles every day, he will definitely catch fire, have nosebleeds, and even be hospitalized.

If a child only drinks drinks and does not drink water every day, the probability of leukemia is also very high.

If a child likes to run around on the road and doesn't look at the traffic lights, the next person who gets hit by a car is him.

But are things like instant noodles, drinks, and cars really wrong?

Whether it is cartoons or game drinks, they are all products of the times.

On the battlefield, the knife is the blade that kills the enemy.

In the kitchen, knives are kitchenware for cooking.

But in the hands of some people, the knife has become a weapon of crime.

What's the problem?

What parents have to do is to adapt their children to the world, not to adapt the world to parents.

Now many parents are very busy and have no time to spend with their children, so they send their children to private schools.

Or maybe it's a busy day, spreading out on the bed and not wanting to move.

Ignoring the child's expectant eyes, they casually threw a tablet and a remote control to the child, and the world was completely quiet.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

Children do not feel the companionship and instruction from their parents from an early age, and if they go astray, these parents will throw the pot of their children's bad learning to tablets and televisions.

But is there really something wrong with tablets and TVs?

I once heard a saying like this:

"The era without smartphones, there are online games; the era without online games, there are video games; the era without video games, and the era of playing marbles and fighting crickets..."

For some parents, they don't care whether cartoons or games will affect their children's three views, what they need is a pot bearer, a pot man who can cover up the poor family education.

You always complain online that your kids are bad at watching cartoons, but you never go to the park or the stadium in the early morning or on weekends to see what the good kids are doing.

Accompanied by their parents, they flew kites, played basketball, and ran.

They ride their bikes in the fresh air,

They and their friends, in the embrace of nature, are happy and free.


The uncle's son, a colleague, is six years old this year.

The son asked him: Dad, the monsters in Ultraman are not fake, are there any monsters in our world?

The colleague replied:

"There are no monsters in the world, and there are no Ultramans, monsters represent the bad guys in life, and Ultraman represents good guys.

When you grow up, you must become a brave and excellent person like Ultraman, defeat those bad people like monsters, and protect the people around you. ”

Many children, it is inside to see the fight.

But under the guidance of their parents, they understand love and responsibility, and understand that peace is not easy to come by.

And vowed that he would be like Ultraman in the future, a big hero who protected others.

Parents are clear about good and evil, and children will naturally know how to distinguish between good and evil;

Parents do not distinguish between good and evil, and children naturally do not understand right and wrong.

As a parent, what you see in your eyes is the world of your child.

Instead of complaining about the world, think hard about where you and the parents of good kids are.

After the top male star was banned for 3 days, the ban was lifted! It's so messy, who the hell did he offend?!

There must be a cause when things come out, and there must be a cause and an effect.

Don't rationalize your faults and blame others for everything that goes wrong.

After all, parents are the best teachers on the road to children's growth.

I want to say to those parents who like "one size fits all", it is better to block than to slacken, and it is better to lead than to neglect.

Good will eventually defeat evil, a value that most cartoons convey.

You can't just see the violence and the bloodshed and ignore the meaning behind it.

"Children don't need dreams, they just need to be manipulated by adults like toys when they grow up."

This line in "Diga" deserves the deep consideration of most parents.

Do you really want your children to have no more light in their eyes?

Light up "look again", forward to the circle of friends, and together, get the light back.

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* Article source: Uncle Zhifuudashu (ID: zhifoudashu). Author: Uncle, former airline employee, height 1 meter 86, three views than the facial features, the vision is broader than the eyes; I have never seen you, but I understand you better than anyone. Unauthorized reproduction shall not be reproduced twice, send friends, forward the circle of friends please feel free.

Good-looking people are [watching].

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