
Before Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong, he once warned this person that if he did not flee, he would die, and as a result, something really happened three days later

Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty and early Ming Dynasty was the most chaotic, where not only imperialist armies but also powerful gangs ran rampant. The Qing Gang is a gang with a long history, in the early days it was a kind of guild secret association among the Water Transport sailors of the Qing Dynasty, and when it developed into modern times, it has developed into a hegemon in Shanghai, and some warlords and politicians have also used the Qing Gang to do some shady activities.

Before Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong, he once warned this person that if he did not flee, he would die, and as a result, something really happened three days later

When it comes to the Green Gang, we have to mention Du Yuesheng, Du Yuesheng was born in Pudong, Shanghai in 1888, when he was four years old, his parents died one after another, and he grew up in his uncle's parents and was very eager to cultivate his own power. When Du Yuesheng was 14 years old, he heard that the Qing Gang was the most powerful gang at that time, so he was hungry and full of food, and with his sharp teeth and a fierce strength, he joined the Qing Gang, and worshiped Chen Shichang of the Qing Gang as an old man, and later went to work under Jin Rong.

Before Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong, he once warned this person that if he did not flee, he would die, and as a result, something really happened three days later

When Du Yuesheng was working under Jin Rong, he was very trusted, and Jin JinRong often asked him to do some confidential events, and Du Yuesheng was also willing to saddle up for him, just so that one day he could sit on an equal footing with him. With the gradual expansion of Du Yuesheng's power, Jin Rong could not suppress him, but Jin Rong was not stupid, he not only did not stop Du Yuesheng's rise, but helped him. Du Yuesheng is very moralistic, he has firmly remembered this love in his heart, and maintains a close relationship with Jin Rong.

Before Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong, he once warned this person that if he did not flee, he would die, and as a result, something really happened three days later

As a newly rising gang boss, Du Yuesheng will naturally gather some people of the three religions and nine streams, and Ma Zai and his younger brothers are all scrambling to worship Du Yuesheng as a teacher. Du Yuesheng lacked family affection since he was a child, and he had nothing to say about his own apprentice, so it was very worthwhile to be Du Yuesheng's apprentice. There was a little bastard named Xu Yefu, who could speak the Tao, and was also more astute, under his many bitter pleadings, Du Yuesheng finally accepted him as his apprentice, and Xu Yefu also jumped the dragon gate, but his greedy nature was exposed.

Before Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong, he once warned this person that if he did not flee, he would die, and as a result, something really happened three days later

Beginning in 1937, Shanghai fell into a new round of chaos, and Du Yuesheng, who smelled the dangerous smell, decided to withdraw in time before the Japanese army came to Shanghai, so as not to fall into this muddy water. Before he went to Hong Kong, he did not trust his apprentices, and repeatedly warned them not to return to Shanghai in a short period of time, especially Xu Yefu, not to rely on his own little cleverness, otherwise with his greedy personality, he would eventually be killed by the Japanese army. Xu Yefu nodded in agreement, assuring Du Yuesheng that he would not return to Shanghai.

Before Du Yuesheng fled to Hong Kong, he once warned this person that if he did not flee, he would die, and as a result, something really happened three days later

Shortly after Du Yuesheng left, Xu Yefu, who had nothing to do at home, came to Shanghai again, he did not believe what Du Yuesheng said, he thought he could gain benefits from the Japanese. However, on the third day of Xu Yefu's return to Shanghai, he was secretly assassinated, and he ignored Du Yuesheng's advice and finally ended up dead.

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