
The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

After Wang Jingwei's treason, with the support of the Japanese invading army, he established the so-called "National Government" in Nanjing, and at the behest of the Japanese army, he wantonly recruited senior Kuomintang officials and generals who were not firm in their will to resist the war, and at the same time recruited you Yong scattered troops to expand their strength and actively cooperate with the Japanese army's rule over the occupied areas.

The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

The Japanese soldier holding the so-called "Emperor's Imperial Condolence Gift" frowned and smiled

The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

Japanese schoolgirls were mobilized to pack condolences

However, near Nanjing, which was strictly ruled by the enemy and puppets, the anti-Japanese armed forces behind the enemy lines were also active. At the junction of Jiangning and Jurong in Nanjing, there is a place called Chishan Mountain, which is named because the earth and stones on the mountain are red. This is the eastern gate of Jiangning, the strategic location is very important, the Area around Chishan has been a battlefield for the army and the people behind the enemy lines and the Japanese puppet army to carry out the struggle during the War of Resistance.

In 1941, our party established an anti-Japanese democratic government in Jiangning County, and the Chishan area was also an integral part of the anti-Japanese base area; the militia in Chishan District, in coordination with the New Fourth Army and the armed forces of the county, cut power lines, destroyed highways and bridges, engaged in intelligence, caught traitors, and organized surprise attacks on many occasions, dealing a heavy blow to the arrogance of the enemy and the hypocrites.

The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

These are the elite puppet armies of the Wang puppet regime

In August 1943, our army obtained reliable internal intelligence, and a large number of "Emperor's Imperial Condolences" shipped from the Japanese mainland will soon be transported from Shanghai to Nanjing, and a battalion of elite puppet troops will take on the escort task. The route of transportation is through The Xiyanghu Village in Hushu Town, which is the edge of my base area, which is a rare and good opportunity. Our army immediately dispatched capable cadres to observe the terrain near the village of Xiyanghu and determined the location of the ambush.

The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

Our machine gunners are shooting at the enemy

On the day of the ambush, the weather was extremely bad, the rain was heavy, the sky was dark, and the visibility was extremely low, but this also provided good conditions for our army to fight the ambush. A company of the 46th Regiment of the New Fourth Army, the Jiangning County Guard Company, and the Militia in Chishan District braved heavy rain to secretly rush to the ambush site and patiently waited for the puppet army to deliver to the door. When the convoy carrying the Emperor's condolences and the puppet army drove to the ambush circle, our army, which was buried in the trees on the hillside next to the highway, launched a condescending attack on the convoy, and the dense bullets and grenades made the puppet army completely powerless to fight back, and hundreds of "elite" puppet troops either fled in a daze or surrendered their guns, and they could not see any combat effectiveness at all. In this ambush, a total of 3 machine guns and nearly 100 rifles were captured, and dozens of puppet troops were also captured. The Emperor's condolences were also all captured. Since the torrential rain obscured the sound of the battle, this allowed our army to calmly clean up the battlefield and quickly withdraw from the battle with all the loot.

The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

Japanese instructors are training puppet troops

Although the scale of this battle was not large, the psychological shock to the Japanese and the puppets was incalculable, and the "emperor's condolences to the emperor" were actually robbed in the core area of the Japanese and puppet rule, and the lie that Nanjing was already a "public security area" was destroyed without attack, which made the headquarters of the Japanese invading Japanese army stationed in Nanjing and the Nanjing Wang puppet regime lose face. In anger, the devil summoned the high-ranking officials of the Wang puppet regime and scolded him fiercely, Wang Jingwei was like a needle felt, he quickly sent a large number of puppet troops and secret agents to cooperate with the Japanese army to search and clear around the ambush site for many days, but our army has long been transferred, and carried out a solid wall clearance, the Japanese puppet army tossed and turned to find nothing, can only mourn to collect troops.

The Emperor's condolences were lost in the city of Nanjing? The Japanese and Chairman Wang were very angry and escorted the puppet army to the mold

Group photo of Japanese troops and puppet troops

In desperation, Wang Jingwei could only instruct the pseudo-"military court" to try the puppet officers and men who had escaped to escort the materials, and under the strict attention of a large number of high-ranking Japanese and pseudo officials, these traitors who had luckily escaped from the Ghost Gate Pass finally failed to escape this fate, and after a hasty trial, most of the officers were pulled out.


History of the New Fourth Army

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