
International friends in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, experience traditional Chinese culture to welcome the New Year

International friends in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, experience traditional Chinese culture to welcome the New Year

On January 8th, international friends experienced traditional Chinese culture in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Courtesy of the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanchang Municipal People's Government

Nanchang, January 9 (Reporter Wu Pengquan) Dumplings, writing Spring Festival, sticking window flowers... On the 8th, more than 40 international friends working and studying in Nanchang, the capital city of central China, experienced traditional Chinese culture and greeted the upcoming Spring Festival of the Year of the Tiger.

On the same day, on the eve of the arrival of the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Nanchang Municipal People's Government held the 2022 "International Friends Celebrate the New Year" Sino-foreign cultural exchange activities, inviting more than 40 international friends from 20 countries to experience cultural activities and feel the taste of the Chinese New Year.

International friends in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, experience traditional Chinese culture to welcome the New Year

International friends experience traditional Chinese culture in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. Courtesy of the Foreign Affairs Office of Nanchang Municipal People's Government

"The red lantern is hanging high, and we are about to bid farewell to the Year of the Ox and welcome the Year of the Tiger." Michael, from Canada, is a foreign teacher at Nanchang No. 3 Middle School and has lived in China for nearly three years. "Although Christmas and Spring Festival have their own unique traditions, many aspects are similar, with feasts, family reunions, busy trips, and children happily receiving red envelopes from relatives."

Michael argues that while cultural differences give the world flavor, many similarities in cultures unite all.

"Today, many friends have brought carefully prepared programs, including songs, dances, musical instruments, martial arts, Chinese elements and elements of different ethnic groups in the world." Mei Mei, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Nanchang Municipal People's Government, said that in 2022 and beyond, Nanchang, the ancient capital of the millennium, will continue to move forward and move towards becoming a modern international city that is livable, suitable for work, suitable for learning and traveling, which is inseparable from everyone's participation and support.

The XXIV Winter Olympics will open in Beijing on February 4, 2022. Mei Mei said that international friends are very welcome to pay attention to and watch with Chinese people, as well as peace and sports lovers around the world.

On the same day, more than 40 international friends also used various Chinese and Chinese to congratulate the people of Nanchang on the New Year. (End)

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