
Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

Han Xin, the founding hero of the Western Han Dynasty, experienced countless large and small wars in his life. Led the army out of Chen Cang, Ding San qin, capture Wei, break the dynasty, destroy Zhao, descend Yan, and cut Qi, until the entire Chu army was annihilated, without a single defeat, and the world did not dare to compete with it. So the question is, Han Xin is so strong, who did he learn from? Who is his master?

Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

Looking at the cattle people in ancient times, most of them had very cattle fork masters. The master of Ghost Guzi is LaoZi, Zhang Liang's master is Huang Shigong, Zhuge Liang's master is Pang Degong, etc., which also explains the principle of "famous teachers make high disciples". To find out who Han Xin's master was, we need to first understand his early years.

Han Xin's family was poor, often hungry, and he was barely able to make ends meet with the help of his neighbors. After his mother's death, he couldn't even get the money for the funeral, so he finally found a vacant lot and buried his mother.

Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

Because Han Xin was tall and mighty, and often wore a sword, this made the local butcher very unhappy, so he let Han Xin crawl over his crotch, and there was a later "crotch humiliation", which showed that Han Xin was not very good at this time.

Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

After Xiang Liang rebelled against Qin, Han Xin defected to Xiang Liang's army, still unknown, presumably for the sake of mixed food. After Xiang Liangzhan's death, Han Xin was appointed by Xiang Yu as Langzhong, at this time, as if he had opened the second vein of Ren Dou, the door of wisdom was opened, and he also offered xiang Yu many times, but he was not adopted.

Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

Later, Han Xin turned to Liu Bang and, with the help of Xiao He, was reused to have the opportunity to display his talents. After that, Han Xin, almost like a divine helper, has been in a state of bloody rampage, which can be called defeating the invincible hand in the world, and Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu, is not his opponent, and is known as "soldier immortal, god of war".

As for who Han Xin learned his strategy from, there is no clear record in history, and Sima Qian and his old man do not know. But there are three ways to say it.

Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

First, Han Xin studied under Wei Ji. Who is Wei Ji? He was once the prime minister of the Qin State, but there was not much information about him, and he did not know how Han Xin knew him.

Second, Han Xin's teacher was Li Zuoche, who had assisted Zhao Wang Xie and later became Han Xin's adviser. This statement is very far-fetched, and there is no conclusive historical evidence, so the credibility is not high.

Han Xin, a prodigy in the world, has almost never been defeated in his life, who is his master?

Third, Han Xin had no teacher at all, he was born a wizard, and all the strategies for combat were epiphany by himself. Most people agree with this view, believing that Han Xin is a genius without a teacher.

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