
Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!
Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

During the Stalin period, he was officially said to have been born in the ancient town of Gori in Georgia (Груия) in the ancient town of Gori in Georgia (Грия) in the Russian calendar, and later Dr. Sbinin, a Doctor of Soviet History, corrected the date of birth in Stalin's official biography, according to the local church birth register, Stalin was born on December 6, 1878 in the Russian calendar, that is, December 18, 1878 in the Gregorian calendar. The source of the 1878 birth register of the Gori Cathedral in the Province of Tbilisi reads, part I, page 33, which reads: On 6 December, Visarion Ivanovich Jugaschvili, a resident of Gori and his legal wife, Ekaterina Geblyenovna, gave birth to a son, Joseph. Her father was a shoemaker from a peasant background, and her mother died in July 1937 as the daughter of a serf.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!
Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Stalin's coffin.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Soviet Minister of Internal Affairs Beria delivers a speech in memory of Stalin.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Both Khrushchev and Beria were involved in carrying Stalin's coffin.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Soviet army leaders watched Stalin's coffin leave.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Funeral procession.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Stalin's coffin passed through Red Square.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Farewell to Stalin's people on Red Square

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

The common people wept over Stalin's departure.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

The streets of Moscow were crowded to bid farewell to Stalin's coffin.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Flowers everywhere in memory of Stalin.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

News of Stalin's death reported by Russian Pravda.

Old photos of the memorial service at stalin's death!

Khrushchev spoke at a congress in memory of Stalin.

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