
Regarding the light tractor trailer C6 driver's license, do you understand these questions?


The Ministry of Public Security announced

Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driver's Licenses

(Decree No. 162 of the Ministry of Public Security)

Light traction trailers are clearly defined in the regulations

This category of vehicles and the required C6 driving qualification

About the C6 driver's license


Xiaobian deliberately sorted out several hot questions

Focus on answering questions for everyone

Regarding the light tractor trailer C6 driver's license, do you understand these questions?

Q. Can I drive a trailer motorhome with a driver's license?

A: No, you need to drive the C6, which is a light traction trailer model.

Q What is the main content of the C6 driving test?

A: It is necessary to test the common sense of safe and civilized driving in subjects 2 and 3, of which the content of the subject 2 test includes the light traction trailer test pile test, curved driving, and right angle turning.

Q Can the elderly over 60 years old drive C6?

A: No, you must be between 20-60 years old to apply for a C6 driver's license.

Q Can I already have a C6 driver's license and use it?

A: No, over 70 years of age can not continue to drive light tow trailers.

Q. Do I need to add C6 to a driver's license with an A2 license?

A: No, there is no need to increase the driving C6 with an A2 driver's license, and other driver's licenses need to be additional.

Q Can I directly drive C6 when I just got the C book?

A: No, the C6 must be completed 1 year after getting the C book, and there is no 12 points in a scoring cycle.

Finally, the Beijing traffic police also need to remind the majority of car owners: the light tractor trailer defined in the new version of the "Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driving Licenses" is a car train with a total mass of less than 4.5 tons, so the owner of the trailer should not only consider the weight of his trailer, but also pay attention to the weight of the car in front of him. In addition, on the application for a C6 driver's license. The initial application for a C6 driver's license is not done by direct application, but only drivers who have had a C1 or C2 driver's license for one year or more and have not scored 12 points in the most recent scoring cycle can apply for an additional C6 driver's license. After April 1, 2022, all RV enthusiasts can take the C6 driver's license additional driving test according to their own situation, hoping that everyone can strictly abide by the relevant regulations and drive the trailer caravan safely and legally.

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