
How high is the fuel consumption when you are stuck in traffic for an hour?

Traffic jam is something that every car owner does not want to encounter, in the case of traffic jam, car owners waste time not to say, but also will make people feel unhappy, the worst thing is to hear that long-term traffic jams will also cause high fuel consumption... This is undoubtedly a cold water poured on the owner who wants to save fuel.

When staying in the car for a long time, many car owners will turn on the air conditioner to maintain the temperature in the car. Do not think that the fuel consumed by the vehicle under idling conditions is not much, in fact, the engine of the vehicle should maintain the air conditioning compressor, pump, flywheel and other mechanical components when idling, and the mechanical efficiency at this time is very low, so the fuel consumption is still quite large.

How high is the fuel consumption when you are stuck in traffic for an hour?

How high is the idle fuel consumption?

How fast is normal?

Does idling hurt the car?

Don't worry, here's the answer!


What is idling

Idle speed, simply put, is the minimum speed at which to keep the engine running properly.

Idle state, output does not work. Whether it is a hot car in winter, or a green light such as an intersection, as long as the throttle is released to hang the neutral gear and let the engine continue to run, it is in a state of idle speed, and at this time, the engine is only superficially installed to work hard.

How high is the fuel consumption when you are stuck in traffic for an hour?


Idle fuel consumption, but also depends on the speed

Although in the idling state, it seems that there is no need for fuel, but as long as the engine is not turned off, the fuel consumption will not be less. This is similar to frequent start-up, there is a step of operation, there is a point of fuel consumption, even if the engine is doing "useless work", you have to be generous "pay for it".

Roughly estimate:

A 1.5L-1.8L family car, in the case of parking idle, the fuel consumption per 5 minutes is equivalent to the fuel consumption of 1 km of normal driving, according to the average fuel consumption of each vehicle per 100 km 8 liters, driving 5 minutes need 0.08 liters. If a blockage is half an hour, then 0.8 liters of oil is wasted without taking a few steps.

But different cars, idle fuel consumption is actually different, even if it is a small displacement car, the idle fuel consumption may be higher than the large displacement car, so it depends on what model it is, and how high the speed is when idling.

Idle speed, the lower the fuel saving

Some cars have an idle speed of 600, while some cars can directly quadruple, in the final analysis, because the models are different. And idle speed, it has long been decided by the computer, in general, the lower the idle speed, the lower the fuel consumption.

The idle speed of many family cars is 600-900 rpm, but when the cold starts, in order to heat up quickly, the speed will usually exceed 1000, or even higher, but after the water temperature is stable, the speed will return to the normal range.

How high is the fuel consumption when you are stuck in traffic for an hour?

However, if there is an abnormal situation in the hot start state where the idle speed is too high or too low, it is likely that the intake pipe is leaking or the injector nozzle is damaged. At low speeds, the engine air intake is low, and the fuel combustion is not sufficient, which will lead to an increase in engine carbon deposits. If the idle speed is high and low, and it is accompanied by vehicle shaking from time to time, most of it is too much carbon deposit.


Some driving habits are also the "culprits" of high fuel consumption!

Old drivers often say that those who talk about fuel consumption in spite of driving habits are hooligans, although traffic jams will cause high fuel consumption, but there is no way to meet them. And some bad driving habits, I advise everyone to pay attention to, over time will also hurt the car.

1. Frequently slam on the brakes

Frequent braking is the main culprit for the increase in fuel consumption. The same car, to an old driver and to a novice fuel consumption is not the same, although the old driver often likes to accelerate sharply, but they are very accurate in the distance prediction, when they are close to the intersection, they will first put oil to slow down the speed. Although novices are more relaxed in driving, they will brake sharply when they encounter a little situation, and they will step on the accelerator every time they are close to the intersection.

2. Start fast

Traffic jams cause drivers to be restless, and as soon as the road conditions improve, some people will immediately slam on the accelerator. You know, a rapid start not only costs fuel, but also hurts the car once it starts quickly, and the fuel consumption is more than 10 ml.

Recommendation: Make sure the vehicle can drive forward when starting, if you are a manual car, you can try to lift only the clutch to let the vehicle move forward.

3. Short-term traffic jam and stop the ignition

On the one hand, the convoy may move forward at any time, and the driving steps are increased after the shutdown, which is easy to cause the waiting and urging of the vehicles behind and slow down the travel time;

On the other hand, according to calculations, every time a vehicle is started, the idle speed of the engine and the idle speed of driving for 1 minute are equivalent, so waiting for traffic lights or short-term traffic jams, the shutdown can not play a fuel-saving effect.

How high is the fuel consumption when you are stuck in traffic for an hour?

4. Empty on the throttle

Some people like to step on the accelerator when they are stuck in traffic, and they can only say that your oil is too much, and they want to spend a little? Empty throttle is very expensive, under normal circumstances, you step on the throttle empty, 6 ml of oil is gone.

Suggestion: The foot does not know where to put, can be placed in the brake position, not only to ensure safety, but also to save fuel, killing two birds with one stone.

5. Too close to the car

If you do not maintain enough follow-up distance during driving, it is not only prone to accidents, but also easy to make the vehicle start continuously and cause fuel.

6. Slow travel should open the window

Often, airflow from vehicles on both sides of a traffic-jam section can affect low-speed vehicles.

Recommendation: Open the windows on both sides to reduce air resistance.

How high is the fuel consumption when you are stuck in traffic for an hour?


Idle for a long time is not good for the vehicle, but if you want to say how much idling hurts the car, it will not be. Isn't it hard to buy a car just to use it? If you wait for a green light and wonder if it is time to turn off the fire, it will also cause trouble for yourself.

We should pay more attention to bad driving and car habits, carefully observe the state of the vehicle, so that not only can the vehicle maintain a good driving state, but also improve driving safety!

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