
New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

A new year, a new hope.

On the occasion of the New Year in 2022, many people naturally wish they could be healthy and healthy.

And the more we care about health, the more there are all kinds of health and wellness information on the Internet constantly bombarded with information, and often there are many fish and dragons mixed, but many people are convinced.

Nowadays, people's diets have gradually evolved from eating well to wanting to get a healthier diet and a more comprehensive nutritional intake, in order to make the body healthier.

New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

More and more people will believe that some of the recommended healthy eating styles, some people think that healthy ways, are actually not the right way.

First, how much are nuts to eat and healthier?

Many people have heard that eating more nuts can have a certain protective effect on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even help improve blood sugar instability.

At the same time, some female compatriots believe that the oil of nuts helps antioxidants, has a certain beauty and beauty effect, and many people have developed the habit of consuming nuts on time every day.

But in fact, nuts can not be counted as complete health food, many nuts are through a lot of processing procedures, such as charcoal roasting, salt baking, etc., resulting in in addition to the nuts themselves, will also contain a lot of fat, salt, so high fat, high sodium food is not only not good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but will increase the burden of health.

And some nuts will also be made into other flavors, it is indispensable to the role of additives, eating more has no small harm to the body.

In addition, nuts also contain a lot of fat, excessive consumption may aggravate the excess energy, resulting in obesity.

New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

Second, can whole wheat bread lose weight?

Everyone wants to be in good shape, and the three points often said depend on practicing seven points and eating.

Many people choose to use whole wheat bread instead of staple food, control their own intake of flour content, in order to achieve the purpose of weight control, because whole wheat bread is more likely to produce satiety than other staple foods, and the calorie content will be lower than flour, disguised is equal to reduce calorie intake.

But in fact, in the whole wheat bread on the market, there is no perfect unified standard to specify the whole wheat content, from the ingredient list, in fact, there are many other substances added.

Although the color is relatively dark, it looks like it is made of whole wheat, but in fact, in order to pursue a soft and palatable taste, a lot of wheat flour is added, and some will add sugar, cream and so on.

While making bread delicious, whole wheat becomes a gimmick, and eating such whole wheat bread will not only not lose weight, but may also accelerate weight gain.

New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

Third, the nutritional value of fruit juice is very high?

Some people do not like to eat fruit, and want to supplement vitamins, they choose to drink some freshly squeezed juice on weekdays, because these juices not only taste sweet, but also think that juice is better absorbed than fruit, and it is much easier to drink than chewing.

But in fact, when the juice is converted from fruit to juice, the sugar inside is gradually converted into free sugar, and the body will be more likely to absorb these sugars, and the speed of drinking juice is much faster than eating fruit directly, which is prone to overdose.

Compared with eating fruit, drinking juice may lead to excessive sugar intake, while fiber is also damaged, and the nutrient content is not as high as eating fruit directly.

New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

Fat is the "source of all sins" of obesity

The right amount of fat can help the body promote digestion, regulate blood sugar and hormone levels, and at the same time produce a feeling of fullness and maintain energy.

And in diet, what we need to do is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but a choice of how to eat the right fats.

According to the needs of the human body, 55%-65% of the daily intake of energy should be derived from carbohydrates, 0% to 30% from fat, and 10% to 15% from protein.

Among them, we need to avoid processed foods that contain a lot of saturated fats and trans fatty acids, and choose more fats that are naturally present in healthy foods, such as avocados, coconuts, eggs and nuts.

New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

Of course, these four are just the tip of the iceberg.

Many of the ways that look healthy are actually unscientific and don't stand up to scrutiny at all.

In fact, if you want to eat healthier, while paying attention to nutritional balance, reduce the complexity of cooking methods, and the more primitive way of eating can bring more nutrients and restore the original taste of food.

I wish you all a good year, eat well, drink well and feel better!

New Year, New Hope? In 2022, don't be fooled by these 4 "health advices"

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