
This cooker was the sharp soldier, the correspondent was the commando, and the division commander sent the only guard

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

In November 1948, in the Battle of Huaihai, since Sun Yuanliang's army was annihilated after breaking through, the enemy forces in the encirclement circle had become more and more difficult.

How can I break out of the encirclement?

One dark night when the wind was roaring, Du Yuming, Qiu Qingquan, and Li Mi got together again to discuss countermeasures. As soon as Li Mi entered the door, he said angrily: "After several days of breaking through, it did not work, and the troops guarding Wei Lou even lost their positions. ”

Du Yuming said: "It is no wonder that the brothers are not effective in battle, and an all-out attack and dispersion of troops are not the way to go. In my opinion, we should change the deployment, dispatch more elite troops, concentrate artillery and chariots, and carry out key attacks, attacking village by village. ”

This cooker was the sharp soldier, the correspondent was the commando, and the division commander sent the only guard

Qiu Qingquan had already come up with a brilliant plan, and couldn't wait to say: "I don't believe that the communist army is a copper-headed iron head, daring to collide with our chariots, I have chosen a breakthrough point." ”

He paused deliberately. Du and Li asked, "Where?"

Qiu did not answer, and drew a circle on the military map with his fingers, and Du and Li took a closer look and immediately remembered this place

Name - Lu Lou.

"Take down Lu Lou and go back to Nanjing, if you can't take Lu Lou, don't die, I'm out!" Qiu Qingquan squeezed a word viciously out of the gap between his teeth.

Located on the east bank of the Luo River, Lulou is a village with only 72 families. This was the only place where Du Yuming's group would protrude from the encirclement circle and reinforce Huang Wei's corps. It is precisely because of the importance of its position that Su Yu, the acting commander of Huaye, has already sent a hard force to stick to this place.

It was the 29th Division of the 10th Column of Huaye.

Su Yu personally said to the division commander Xiao Feng: "Holding the Lu Lou is equivalent to blocking the mouth of the Luo River." ”

The 29th Division firmly controlled the Area around Lulou, and the 85th Regiment was responsible for holding the Lulou position head-on.

This cooker was the sharp soldier, the correspondent was the commando, and the division commander sent the only guard

On December 8, the genius was slightly bright, and the Kuomintang 72nd Army poured shells at Lulou, which was deafening. Black columns of smoke rose in the air, and the smoke and dust covered everything. After the shelling, the enemy 72nd Army frantically pounced, ready to tear open an escape hole in the Lulou position.

The soldiers at the forefront of the 85th Regiment had just shaken off a body of dirt, and through the smoke of the gunfire, they found that the enemy was under the cover of tanks, howling and pressing over. The tank opened its mouth full of blood and spewed tongues of fire. The fighters rushed over, throwing out grenades after grenades, some of which exploded on the tank armor, but still could not chew on it. What to do? 40 meters, 30 meters, arrogant darlings are getting closer and closer. At this time, the deputy platoon commander of the 3rd platoon tied up four or five grenades, held them in his arms, concentrated the strings in his hands, and rushed over with an arrow step.

The bullet "whizzed" around him, and just as Deputy Platoon Commander Xie approached the tank, a bullet hit his right leg, and he pounced on the tank, shoved the cluster grenade into the tracks, pulled the string violently, and after an earth-shattering roar, the enemy tank was paralyzed.

Deputy Platoon Leader Xie made a heroic sacrifice.

This cooker was the sharp soldier, the correspondent was the commando, and the division commander sent the only guard

The enemy soldiers behind the tanks were frightened, some retreating backwards, some lying on the ground. After a while, under the threat of the Overseer, they swarmed up again. The light and heavy machine guns, submachine guns, rifles, and grenades of the 85th Regiment all sounded at the same time!

Later, the enemy soldiers died one batch, another batch, another batch, another batch of deaths, and the corpses were all over the place. The whole day was a fierce battle, until night fell, and the battlefield fell silent.

The next day, at dawn, the enemy's attack began again.

The fighting lasted another day. The two sides engaged in white-knife combat in the trenches several times.

However, the 85th Regiment forged a steel defense line with flesh and blood, and no matter how the enemy soldiers fought, they could not break through.

A few days passed, the enemy failed to capture Lu Lou, Qiu Qingquan was ashamed and angry, and ordered that one of the regimental commanders who was "ineffective in combat" should be executed on the spot, and howled hysterically: "I want to step on Lu Lou!" ”

He changed to the 70th Army and came up again, 8 aircraft and 12 tanks to help the battle, bombs and shells poured out vigorously.

The officers and men of the 85th Regiment stubbornly counterattacked, and the positions were lost and regained, gaining and losing. In every fierce battle, groups of warriors fell.

In the end, the battalion commander became a front-line combatant, the cooker became a sharp soldier, the guards and correspondents became commandos, and the division direct organs successively drew more than 400 people to supplement the company. Xiao Feng sent all the personnel around him who could and could not fight to fight.

On the position of the 6th Company in the north of the village, only the instructor and three soldiers were left, still fighting in blood. At this critical moment, Commander Su Yudai spoke to the division command post by telephone.

Su Yu asked, "How many people are there in the 29th Division?"

Xiao Feng said firmly, "Please rest assured that even if there is only one person left in the whole division, we must stick to the end and vow to coexist and die with the position!" ”

He put down the phone, called the guards who had been with him for three years and said, "Bolt, the front line needs people, you go." ”

The bolt knew that the division commander was reluctant to him, and he was even more reluctant to the division commander. However, at this moment, he didn't say anything, and tightly held the division commander's hand, and two hot tears fell down his face.

Division Commander Xiao Feng sent his last guard.

Liu Shuozi went to the front line and never returned to the division commander. In the fierce battle of Lu Lou, Liu Shuozi, who was only 19 years old, pulled the only grenade in his hand and died with the enemy when he ran out of ammunition and was seriously injured.

In the war, Lulou, a village with 72 families, was left with only a broken house. However, the enemy was bleeding profusely and could not break through from Lulou.

The 29th Division stubbornly resisted the enemy's crazy attack for six days and nights, killing and wounding more than 5,000 enemy prisoners, and inflicting many casualties on its own, but blocking Du Yuming's only breakthrough.

After this battle, Du Yuming no longer dared to break through, and was trapped in the area of Chen Guanzhuang waiting for death until the entire army was destroyed.

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