
That poetic red

That poetic red

If you were asked to name a color that best represents China, I believe that many people's first reaction would be red. In ancient times, people took blue, yellow, red, white, and black as the positive colors, and from the perspective of modern art, red is one of the three primary colors. Whether ancient or modern, red is an indispensable color that can be seen everywhere in our lives.

When red is integrated into poetry, this common color is given a poetic connotation, which is not only a red representing China, but also a symbol with unlimited meaning.

Vibrant red

Red flowers and green leaves, excellent standard in nature. And the fiery red, all of a sudden, gives people a strong visual impact, with the moving vitality, instantly attracts us fiercely, and it is difficult to remove the eyes.

"The Garden Is Not Worth It"

You should pity the teeth to print the moss, and the small buckle wood door will not be opened for a long time.

The spring color of the garden could not be closed, and a red apricot branch came out of the wall.

Spring is just right, it is better to travel. Ye Shaoweng walked slowly to a small courtyard and gently knocked on the chai door. Unfortunately, he knocked and knocked, and no one answered, and he was a little disappointed. As he wandered outside the door, he inadvertently glimpsed the gorgeous red apricot branch, protruding from the wall, as if greeting passers-by, showing the beauty of spring. Yes, the door can be artificially closed, but the message of spring, the vitality of spring, cannot be hidden!

"Xiao out of the Jingci Temple to send Lin Zifang"

After all, in the middle of June in West Lake, the scenery is not the same as the four o'clock.

The lotus leaves are infinitely blue, and the lotus flowers are different red.

The scenery of the four seasons of the West Lake is different. It is precisely because of its diverse charm that it has become a scenic spot that everyone praises. Look, the West Lake in June, another different look: the turquoise lotus leaves are endless, seem to be in contact with the sky, there is no end; the red sun and lotus flowers reflect each other, for a time, the red color of the lotus flowers seems to break through the limitations of time and space, and unfold in front of our eyes. This extremely contrasting picture of colors perfectly highlights the magic of red.

That poetic red

The red of the affectionate model

Red, with its strong and unrestrained personality, conquered the hearts of the literati. They use red to write about the fiery and affectionate emotional world of human beings, taking us to feel the delicacy and elegance buried in the depths.

Miscellaneous Poems

The vastness is slanted away from the melancholy day, and the whip is the end of the world.

Falling red is not a merciless thing, and it is more protective of flowers when turned into spring mud.

The safflower leaves the branch, not in search of unfettered freedom, but chooses to leave selfishly. Flowers simply turn themselves into spring mud and nutrients, moisturizing the next generation of flowers and leaves, and helping new life to grow. Falling flowers have affection, are willing to sacrifice, and under the ordinary laws of nature, they are full of love that is often ignored. There is no need to tell in detail about the depth of affection, but it is necessary to understand with the heart and understand it, and it should be cherished.


Red beans are born in the southern country, and a few branches are sent in the spring.

May the king pick up more, this thing is the most acacia.

Compared with the admirable spirit of sacrifice, the gentle affection of the long stream of thin water is also touching. Red beans have the nickname of "acacia seeds", produced in the south, and are mostly used to express their love for love. Don't say your thoughts directly, but tell the other party to pick more red beans, and when you see red beans, you will naturally think of me. This euphemistic and tortuous expression vividly expresses the simple and implicit expression of Chinese. Words are endless, leaving room for imagination and adding artistic beauty.

That poetic red

Red of sorrow and sadness

Red seems to be hot and dynamic, but in the pen of the literati, it may also be used to reflect the sadness in the heart, making the text appear more and more mournful and touching.

"Jiang Chengzi Chunxing"

Spring of the year is geometrically empty, apricot blossoms are red, begonias are red.

Look at the branches, speechless and complaining.

Fortunately, since one sunny day is too warm, three days of rain, five more winds.

The chief of the mountain remembers the city, to the city, looking east of the water.

Talk about idleness, no hurry.

Yesterday I also drank with the same flowers, and finally there was hatred, not thick.

"Sad spring and sad autumn" is a common theme used by the ancients when creating poems. In the spring, a hundred flowers bloom, purple and red, beautiful. Unfortunately, beautiful things are always full of a sense of fragmentation, easy to disappear, and arouse people's faint sorrow. For Liu Chenweng, in the last years of the Southern Song Dynasty, when he saw the vision, Xu triggered his thoughts of the homeland and the sense of his life drifting. Even if it is not a heavy hatred, but the sorrow is like a ghost that cannot be shaken off, shrouded in the heart, unable to extricate itself.

Sighing Flowers

Since it is late to go to school in search of spring, there is no need to worry about the time of resentment.

The wind fell a deep red, and the green leaves became full of branches.

Du Muben thought of looking for spring flowers, looking around the scenery, helplessly missing the opportunity, going to the flowers in the spring, not seeing the grand situation of the crowd, only seeing the remnants of flowers blowing on the ground by the fierce wind. Although the spring light is good, it is short-lived, and if you are not careful, you will lose the opportunity to enjoy the scenery. Just like people's youth, if they are not properly grasped, they will quietly pass from their fingers and cannot be recovered. Between the lines, it is all feelings of regret and frustration, regret, and red is red, but it feels lost.

That poetic red

Love the red of the motherland

Throughout the ages, countless sons and daughters of China have struggled bravely, with a pure heart, and strived to move forward for the hot land under their feet. The burning patriotic enthusiasm makes people surging with blood and touching.

"From the Army"

The desert wind and dust are dim, and the red flag is half rolled out of the gate.

The former army fought in The north of the river at night, and has reported that it has captured Guhun.

The wind blows fiercely in the desert outside Cyprus, and the dust is flying and the sky is dark, creating a sense of oppression that the war covers the sky. It is precisely because the wind blows in a disorderly manner that the red flag is difficult to display and presents the appearance of half a volume. Despite the harsh conditions and urgent military situation, it could not hide the momentum of the soldiers going into battle to kill the enemy. At this moment, the front line sent a battle report, and the vanguard troops had quickly captured the leader of the enemy army, and their prestige was greatly enhanced.

"Qinyuan Spring Changsha"

Independent cold autumn, xiangjiang north, orange island head.

Look at the red mountains, the layers of forests are dyed, the rivers are clear, and hundreds of boats are competing for the current.

Eagles strike long skies, fish soar shallow bottoms, and all kinds of frost days compete for freedom.

Ask the vast earth, who is the Lord of the ups and downs?

Bring a hundred couples to travel. Reminiscing about the past, the years are thick.

Qia classmate is a teenager, the style is flourishing, the book business is angry, and the party is wavy.

Pointing out the country and mountains, stirring up the words, dung soil was ten thousand households in the year.

Have you ever remembered, hit the water in the middle of the stream, and the waves stopped the flying boat!

In the writer's pen, red is a symbol of revolution, a spark that can ignite the plains, a hope and vision for the future of the country, and it is red all over the mountains and sweeps across the land of China. This is a patriotic enthusiasm that belongs exclusively to the revolutionaries, a kind of courage that is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and shows that Comrade Mao Zedong has a broad mind in the world.

The red seen by the eyes is monotonous and fierce; the red in the poem is a symbol of emotion with rich meaning and different forms. Appreciate the poetry, chew the words, the poetic red, the melodious rhyme, the long attention.


Xiao Chai, like music and food, loves movies and tea tasting, just wants to live happily and happily, and does not want to spend his life only.

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