
People with large patterns can hold their breath, bend down, and raise their heads!

People with large patterns can hold their breath, bend down, and raise their heads!

Tianxingjian, a gentleman who strives for self-improvement.

For a person, the best ordeal is not to give up. Although it is very tiring, it is the only way to succeed. This bump has passed, and you have entered a new realm of life.

Yi Zhongtian once said that there are three qualities in life: being able to hold your breath, bending down, and raising your head.


Hold your breath

Lao Tzu said: The good is like water, and the water is good for all things without dispute.

Water has the broadest mind, and no matter where it flows, it will face it calmly.

Therefore, we should also learn from the water as human beings, not panic in the face of adversity, accept indifferently, and go with the flow.

Man can accept failure, but he must not accept abandonment.

The Vietnamese country was defeated in the war, and it was only in exchange for defeat and victory by cheating on the groom, living in a prison cell, eating moldy steamed buns, and enduring humiliation and burden.

Sima Qian defended Li Ling, offended Emperor Wu of Han, was brutally tortured by the palace, and tried to commit suicide several times, but he turned his grief into strength, calmed down and wrote a book, and only then did he have the "History of History" that the historian sang and had no rhyme.

In the Tang Dynasty, the senior monk Jian Zhen, at the age of sixty, in order to promote Buddhism, he crossed to Japan in the east, the first five times failed, he still persevered, until the sixth east crossing was successful, spreading the profound Chinese culture to foreign countries.

People with large patterns can hold their breath, bend down, and raise their heads!

Calm down, suitable for everyone's survival wisdom. If you can't hold your breath, the consequences will inevitably be unfavorable to yourself, just as the so-called "ordinary people can't tolerate it, and ordinary people can't get it."


Bend down

Bending over is not a stammer, flattery, a slap in the face, but an attitude, a modesty.

People who bend over often are more likely to be liked, and people who hold their heads high always give people a sense of pride and arrogance.

Proper stooping is a form of cultivation. Once, Zhang Liang was idly walking to the head of the Bridge, and met an old man wearing a coarse cloth short robe, and the old man deliberately took off his shoes under the bridge three times in a row, and then arrogantly sent Zhang Liang to pick up the shoes.

Zhang Liang bent down, again and again, to help him pick it up and put it on. Later, Lao Weng gave him the "Taigong Art of War", and Zhang Liang studied this book day and night, and eventually became an outstanding courtier, assisting Liu Bang in establishing the Han Room.

Bending down is to take a long-term view and not to consider the temporary gains and losses; to bend down is to better look up and be a person in the future.

The wise man condescends, and the fool stretches out his head.

Learn to bend over, and there will be a little more tenacity, a tension and a maturity in life.

Ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, but all successful people have one thing in common, that is, they do not care about the immediate gains and losses, and have high aspirations.

Zeng Guofan's career was not smooth, he put all his energy on the examination of merit, but every exam is not on the list, in the 25-year-old to 29-year-old time period, Zeng Guofan did not blindly stumble with the imperial examination, but bent down and used all his energy on the use of the world.

He began to fellowship with the court's important ministers, and followed the blueprint he had conceived step by step, step by step, step by step.

This broad strategic vision changed the trajectory of his life.


Lift your head

We often meet people who have lost their fighting spirit at a young age and would rather live than make a small change.

Because they have suffered too many failures and blows in the beginning, they are depressed and do not want to make progress.

The biggest difference between people is actually the attitude in the face of adversity. Some people do not bow their heads in the face of difficulties, so they win success, while some people are knocked down by difficulties, and their ability to resist pressure is almost zero.

People with large patterns can hold their breath, bend down, and raise their heads!

The hardest and most valuable quality of being a human being is to be able to lift your head.

Raising one's head means that one can also maintain a positive and enterprising attitude in the face of adversity; lifting one's head means that in the face of failure, one always has the courage and self-confidence to start over.

Whether the wind and waves are calm or the waves are rough, whether it is smooth or bumpy, people must have the courage to lift their heads.

Tao Xingzhi said: Failure is the mother of success, and struggle is the father of success. The troughs of life are inevitable, and only those who dare to face setbacks will not be defeated by setbacks.

Being able to hold your breath means thinking calmly in times of adversity, being calm and self-assured, and not being impetuous; bending down means that in the face of power, you know how to endure, give in, and do not compete for strength; raising your head refers to maintaining an optimistic attitude in the face of setbacks and tribulations, and not hanging your head down.

At the low point of life, learn to hold your breath, bend down, raise your head, and move towards the peak of life.

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