
Pushing the limits? How crazy is Tesla, the world's highest mileage: 1.5 million kilometers in 7 years

On January 7, foreign media gamingdeputy reported that German owner Hansj rg Gemmingen announced on Twitter that the Tesla Model S he drives has achieved a new achievement of driving 1.5 million kilometers, which should be the highest tesla electric car in the world.

Pushing the limits? How crazy is Tesla, the world's highest mileage: 1.5 million kilometers in 7 years

It is understood that the owner purchased the Model S P85 in the form of a second-hand car in 2014, with a comprehensive mileage of 502 kilometers, when the car's driving range was only 30,000 kilometers, which is very new. In November 2019, the vehicle had a range of 1 million kilometers. It took him another two years to finally reach 1.5 million kilometers today.

During the 1 million kilometers of the Model S, the owner replaced it with 3 batteries, 4 electric motors, 2 12V batteries, 1 rear shock absorber, 1 front axle and 1 touch screen. The first battery ran a total of 290,000 kilometers, and then Tesla lent him a battery and ran another 250,000 kilometers. After the third battery ran 460,000 kilometers, it still has 86% of the usable capacity, which is very exaggerated.

Pushing the limits? How crazy is Tesla, the world's highest mileage: 1.5 million kilometers in 7 years

According to previous reports, Hansj rg Gemmingen made a repair to the car at 900,000 kilometers, when the car was still under warranty, but had already spent nearly 100,000 yuan on repair costs. Now that the total cruising range has reached 1.5 million kilometers two years later, it is speculated that at least one battery has been changed during this period, and the motor and other spare parts are estimated to have been replaced, but the report did not elaborate.

Interestingly, the owner also has a Tesla Roadster sports car, which also has a range of more than 630,000 kilometers. Xiao Lei is really curious about what this owner does, it is difficult for a taxi driver to run such a high mileage in 7 years.

Pushing the limits? How crazy is Tesla, the world's highest mileage: 1.5 million kilometers in 7 years

I have to sigh, Tesla electric car is still very durable, running 1.5 million kilometers has not been scrapped. According to national regulations, the car mileage of more than 600,000 kilometers to guide scrapping, this Model S ran a full 1.5 times more mileage can still be used, really is challenging the limits of the car ah.

Xiao Lei is more interested in how many times the owner has charged, the mileage is 502 kilometers, taking into account the actual endurance and battery capacity shrinkage and other factors, according to the average 1000 km charging 3 times, 1.5 million km will be charged 4500 times. This is really a bit crazy, every day in addition to driving is charging, it is estimated that few people in the world can do this step.

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