
Looking forward to 2022| how to power the metacosm in the vent?

Looking forward to 2022| how to power the metacosm in the vent?

Recently, the well-known market research institute IDC released the "Top Ten Predictions of China's Meta-Universe Market in 2022" report. The report makes predictions for China's meta-universe market in 2022, including the independent layout of meta-universe platforms, training and remote office of Internet manufacturers, which are expected to become the first meta-universe commercial scenarios. Since the second half of 2021, the concept of "meta-universe" has been as lively as a cluster of flowers, and capital has entered the meta-universe, how can major industries take advantage of the wind and exert their advantages to enter the new track? How can telecom operators target the new track of the meta-universe?

Looking forward to 2022| how to power the metacosm in the vent?

The meta-universe has broad prospects, and capital giants have entered the game

Yu Jianning, executive director of the Meta-Universe Industry Committee of The China Mobile Communications Federation, said, "The next ten years will be the golden decade of the development of the meta-universe, and the transformation window has quietly opened. "The concept of the metaverse of the whole network refers to the virtual world that uses the technology segment to link and create a virtual world that interacts with the mapping of the real world, and the digital living space with a new social system.

With the help of major capitals, the door to the metaverse world slowly opened. As early as February 2020, Tencent invested in the "immersive game" Roblox, and also won its product distribution rights in China. At the beginning of 2021, social software Soul proposed to build a "social metacosm", and NetEase also invested in the parent company of IMVU, the world's largest virtual character social platform for social platforms. At HTC Vive 2021, HTC announced the layout of the metaverse. It is not difficult to predict that with the rush of capital into the game, the construction process of the domestic meta-universe is bound to accelerate, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, and open up new space to empower entity enterprises.

The IDC released the "Top Ten Predictions of China's Metacosmonic Market in 2022", which shows that the Metacosm will bring more content, products and applications to all walks of life in 2022, and also predicts that there will be benign development in the future metacosm.

What are the advantages of China's development of the metacosm?

U.S. game developer Epic Game completed a new round of funding in April to develop the metaversic business; last October, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would change its name to Meta and shift its business to an emerging computing based on metacosms. The overseas metaverse wave can be described as "wind and water", what are the advantages of the current domestic development of the metacosm?

On the one hand, China has special advantages in the construction of communication infrastructure. 5G networks are the foundation of the metaverse, allowing vr/AR products to control imaging latency within 20 milliseconds. According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the number of 5G base stations in China is as high as 1.396 million, leading the world with more than 70% of the world's 5G base stations and 80% of 5G users, providing fertile soil for the budding of the Chinese meta-universe.

On the other hand, China has the advantage of a huge number of netizens. The 48th CNNIC China Internet Network Report shows that the current scale of China's Internet users has exceeded one billion, and the huge number of Internet users provides important momentum for the development and application of the meta-universe. It can be said that in the future, every netizen may become a member of the metaverse world.

How can operators grasp the opportunities of meta-universe?

As the main force of communication infrastructure construction, telecom operators have unique advantages in the field of 5G, in the face of the "surging" meta-universe wave, how can telecom operators seize the opportunity?

First, we should grasp the outlet of the metaverse and actively lay out the metaverse field. In 2021, the concept of meta-universe is "hot" across the network, and telecom operators should tap the meta-universe dividend and actively layout the meta-universe field. For example, China Telecom launched the 2022 "Pangu Plan" to comprehensively card bit universe track and accelerate the integration of 5G innovative applications.

Second, we must play the "state-owned card" well and become an innovator in the meta-universe industry. As china's central enterprises, the three major operators need to actively exert the responsibility and innovation awareness of central enterprises, realize multi-dimensional deep bundling of content + platform + terminal + channel for the meta-universe industry, formulate industry standards, and create innovative "explosive models" around the meta-universe ecology.

Third, provide pipeline support services for the metaverse field. The development and construction of the meta-universe are inseparable from the network support of operators, and telecom operators should grasp the future meta-universe network requirements and provide high-quality network, computing, security and storage needs for the meta-universe industry.

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