
After Old Jiang put Zhang Xueliang under house arrest, this person was ordered to be in danger and said to Old Jiang: If you dare to kill him, I will oppose you

Friends who are familiar with the Double 12 coup d'état should all have such a question, why the chairman of the committee only secretly executed Yang Hucheng but never moved Zhang Hanqing, to say that there are many reasons, of course, in addition to the political and public opinion factors that the chairman of the committee has to consider, perhaps also related to a person, this person is called Huo Shouyi.

Many people think that Zhang Hanqing actually did not have any military achievements except for the Double 12 coup, but I think that words should not be said like this, and everyone will not really think that if Zhang Hanqing had directly started a war with the Japanese in spite of the orders of the chairman of the committee, he would have won, right?

Don't say that the Japanese engaged in a surprise attack at that time, even if the Northeast Army made preparations early, with only 300,000 troops, there would definitely be no chance of victory, just look at the battle in Shanghai, old Jiang sent all his family members over, didn't he still lose? It is indeed a shame to give up the northeast, but in another respect, it does preserve strength.

After Old Jiang put Zhang Xueliang under house arrest, this person was ordered to be in danger and said to Old Jiang: If you dare to kill him, I will oppose you

Judging whether a general is qualified or not, in addition to judging how many battles he has won, we should also see whether his position in the army is firm or not; Zhang Hanqing has done a very good job in this regard, and one of the reasons why the chairman of the committee does not dare to kill him is that he is jealous of the troops he left behind, and these people only listen to Zhang Hanqing's words. If the intention of killing is bound to lead to riots, it will be very unfavorable to the situation, and these people are not stupid, and even if the chairman of the committee wants to disperse them, it is impossible.

After Old Jiang put Zhang Xueliang under house arrest, this person was ordered to be in danger and said to Old Jiang: If you dare to kill him, I will oppose you

After Zhang Hanqing was placed under house arrest, no one else was allowed to visit him, but on one occasion, with the permission of the chairman of the committee, six senior generals of the Northeast Army met with Zhang Hanqing. At this time, Zhang Hanqing had mixed feelings, if it were not for this file, how explosive his life would have been, it is estimated that he would have regretted it, not regretting launching a coup, but regretting that he should not follow the chairman of the committee to Nanjing, as long as he did not step on that plane, no one could do anything to him, but it was too late to say anything, and he said to those six people, as long as you hold the military power, no one will dare to kill me.

Huo Shouyi returned to Nanjing to see the chairman of the committee behind him: "Your old man can let me fight, but we must ensure the safety of our deputy commander-in-chief, otherwise I cannot guarantee that my people will not oppose you." Who is the Chairman? It was a person who stomped his feet and trembled half of China, and he was very scheming and liked to take revenge. Huo Shouyi was kind of open-minded.

After Old Jiang put Zhang Xueliang under house arrest, this person was ordered to be in danger and said to Old Jiang: If you dare to kill him, I will oppose you

In the eyes of ordinary people, at this time, if you want to keep the top of your head and wear hualing, you must try to keep a low profile, and even clear up the relationship with Zhang Hanqing, afraid that the chairman of the committee will wear small shoes, Huo Shouyi's move is even more valuable.

This general had a very good relationship with our Party, and had given us a lot of help in the years of fighting together, but when it came to the War of Liberation, he had to stand on the opposite side. When a soldier carries out an order, he cannot mix any personal feelings, and once the order is issued, he can only carry it out.

After Old Jiang put Zhang Xueliang under house arrest, this person was ordered to be in danger and said to Old Jiang: If you dare to kill him, I will oppose you

When the East China Field Army attacked Yanzhou, Huo Shouyi had no reason to evade the war, so he had to lead his men and horses to fight a battle with our real swords and guns, and the 20,000 or 30,000 people he led were almost completely annihilated, and finally there was no way to recruit and surrender to our army.

It is reasonable to say that a person like him who surrendered after fighting all the troops in his hands should be sent to Gong Delin for reform, but our Party did not regard him as a prisoner, because in those past years, he had given us a lot of help, and as for this war, it was also his own master, and he had to do it as a last resort. After the liberation of the country, he was sent to the military academy for further study and left us at the age of 69.

After Old Jiang put Zhang Xueliang under house arrest, this person was ordered to be in danger and said to Old Jiang: If you dare to kill him, I will oppose you

We are not parties involved, we cannot put ourselves in the shoes of those people, if Zhang Hanqing leads the Northeast Army to surrender to the Communist Party, what will be the result?

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