
The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

(The greater the amount of breast milk, the higher the level?) Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started)

Recently, Dr. Xiao Kang discovered a Korean drama with a very subtle style.

At first, it was thought to be serious about social issues, but it turned out to be a black humor in the beginning and inadvertently.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

And the most important thing is that compared with other Korean dramas that talk about various love and love, dog blood ethics, etc., although the poster reveals that there seems to be a variety of high society, palace fight dramas and other temperaments, this Korean drama mainly tells the story of several women in the center of the confinement.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

The heroine opens with the setting being the youngest executive of the company.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

And there is also a caring and handsome husband, which can be described as a double harvest of love and career.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

But just at the peak of her life, the heroine found that she was naturally conceived ----- an advanced age.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

As a professional strong woman, how can you let childbirth delay your own plans?

Even if she is pregnant, she often maintains the most delicate makeup, even if the amniotic fluid is broken, she can calmly call herself to call an ambulance.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

However, after experiencing a series of childbirth steps such as enemas, shaving, labor pain, and childbirth, the heroine thought that she could breathe a sigh of relief and turned to the "postpartum conditioning hospital".

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

This is a high-level menstrual center, the heroine originally thought that she could find the lost brilliance, but she did not know that she had entered a new unknown territory, waiting for her to be more cruel than the workplace.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

At this confinement center, she found that every mother was referred to as "xx mother".

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

Mothers are also divided into different classes according to criteria such as number of births, full-time child support, natural childbirth, breastfeeding, etc.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

The more mothers meet the criteria, the higher their "status" in the nursery.

Just like the second female in the play, she is the "top" of the mothers, insisting on natural childbirth, breastfeeding completely for 2 years, raising children alone for 6 years, and the most critical family looks haggard.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

On the other hand, the heroine herself has reached an advanced maternal age, knows nothing about parenting, and several attempts to breastfeed have failed. The only way to "turn over" is to produce milk as soon as possible and let others know that you are also a "motherly" mother.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

Even if he has a cold, he has to endure not taking the medicine, afraid that his milk will affect the health of the babies.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

Breastfeeding cold, do you really have to endure it?

In fact, if the symptoms of a cold are not obvious, you can continue breastfeeding.

The milk does not contain any cold virus, and babies do not experience any discomfort after smoking. Moreover, breast milk will produce some immune factors, and if the baby drinks such milk, it will increase the resistance in the body.

However, it is worth noting that colds, although not transmitted through milk, can be transmitted through droplets.

If the baby is not well protected when feeding the baby with a cold, it is very easy to transmit some viruses to the baby, resulting in the baby suffering from a cold.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

In addition, once a nursing woman has a cold, the body's immunity will decline rapidly, and if you continue to breastfeed, it will make the body worsen the cold symptoms due to excessive fatigue.

Of course, cold medicines can not be eaten randomly, such as plate blue root punch, cold antipyretic punch and other proprietary Chinese medicine preparations, the toxic side effects of such drugs are not obvious, so it is not recommended to use.

In addition, some cold preparations with compound ingredients (such as Contec, Tylenol cold tablets, etc.), due to the complex composition, most of them also contain ephedrine, which is not safe for pregnancy and lactation.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

This Korean drama is terrifyingly real

In fact, this Korean drama does not bring anxiety.

It not only shoots a sense of real horror in real life, but also sets up a lot of jokes and suspense, making people can't wait to see the rest of the plot development.

But this Korean drama is too real, so real that it is frightening.

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

But these are also the faces of every mother in reality, and every woman in reality is real.

No one is born to be a parent, from a girl to a mother, how much helplessness has been overcome, how many hardships have been endured, and finally waited for the moment when the mother was named?

The larger the amount of breast milk, the higher the level? Regarding the sensitive subject of women, Koreans have finally started

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