
Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin: How did the elegant names of "Gentleman on Liang" and "Beauty under the Forest" come about?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

Liang Sicheng has an elegant name, called "Gentleman on Liang", lin Huiyin has a elegant name, called "Lin Xia Beauty", then, do you know why?

Among the three men in Lin Huiyin's life, Xu Zhimo is romantic, Jin Yuelin is infatuated, and Liang Sicheng, as a legitimate husband, has become the one with the lowest sense of existence.

Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin: How did the elegant names of "Gentleman on Liang" and "Beauty under the Forest" come about?

(Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng)

Later generations have a common misunderstanding of Lin Huiyin's marriage to Liang Sicheng, believing that their union was entirely the order of their parents, and even had some utilitarian purpose. But the truth is just the opposite, they are really two lovers and like-minded couples, and they enter the marriage hall completely out of love.

As we all know, Liang Sicheng is the eldest son of Liang Qichao, and he is the opposite of Lin Huiyin, who is also from a famous family. Liang Lin and his two families were originally family friends, the children have known each other since childhood, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin can be regarded as green plum bamboo horses, two small guesses.

At that time, his father, Lin Changmin, lived with the favored third lady and their children in the front courtyard, while Lin Huiyin lived in the back courtyard with his unfavored mother. Every time the young Liang Sicheng came to the Lin family with his father, he did not want to stay in the courtyard, preferring to go to the courtyard to play, because there was a girl he liked.

Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin: How did the elegant names of "Gentleman on Liang" and "Beauty under the Forest" come about?

(Lin Huiyin in the teenage years)

Under the wisteria in the backyard of the Lin family, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin spent countless happy times, they talked heartily, soaked up the sun, understood each other, and appreciated each other. Since then, they have had a common dream. Many years later, when Liang Sicheng became the most authoritative architect in China, and someone asked him why he thought of studying architecture (architecture was not welcomed by the eunuchs in ancient China), Liang Sicheng smiled shallowly, and his eyes flashed with happiness, he said: "Because Hui Yin likes it." ”

Liang Sicheng, although not good at words, also has a sense of humor, especially when coaxing Lin Huiyin. Once, they went to the Taimiao Temple on a date, walking and walking, Liang Sicheng was gone, Lin Huiyin couldn't find it everywhere, he was angry, and he saw that Liang Sicheng actually climbed the treetops. Lin Huiyin was angry and annoyed, blaming him for being too stupid and childish, but Liang Sicheng said mischievously: "But you are still in love with this stupid boy!" ”

Since then, Liang Sicheng has had the elegant title of "Gentleman on Liang", and in order to fight, friends have given Lin Huiyin a "beauty under the forest" elegant name, and the husband sings with the woman, which is very interesting.

"Gentleman on Liang" originally meant a gentleman hiding on the beam, that is, a thief, but in the love between Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, this became a romantic word, a good memory.

Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin: How did the elegant names of "Gentleman on Liang" and "Beauty under the Forest" come about?

(Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng wedding photo)

Between Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin, there are not only you and me, huaqian and yuexia, but also a common pursuit and dream, that is, architecture. They went to the United States to study together before marriage, and after marriage, they both became the most important architects in modern China, and jointly participated in the design of works such as the Monument to the People's Heroes and the National Emblem of the People's Republic of China.

It is often said that marrying Liang Sicheng is the wisest and most correct choice for Lin Huiyin. But I would like to say that marrying Lin Huiyin was Liang Sicheng's most successful and fortunate decision. Although Lin Huiyin is a famous bridesmaid, she is not spoiled, for her husband, for her career, for the country, she can eat any hardship, she can do any work.

From 1930 to 1945, for a full 15 years, Lin Huiyin accompanied Liang Sicheng to 15 provinces and more than 200 counties across the country, inspecting and mapping more than 200 ancient buildings.

Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin: How did the elegant names of "Gentleman on Liang" and "Beauty under the Forest" come about?

(Lin Huiyin and Liang Sicheng old photo)

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liang Sicheng and Lin Huiyin adhered to the national righteousness, resolutely did not do things for the Japanese, in order to avoid the invaders, they began a long career of escape, from 1937 to 1946, from Kunming to Lizhuang, Lin Huiyin, who was already suffering from severe lung disease, has been accompanying Liang Sicheng, while running housework, raising children, while assisting in her husband's career. The goddess of the Republic of China, who once did not eat fireworks in the world, was willing to walk off the altar and be an ordinary woman. For love, for the sake of home, she felt that everything was worth it.

When the English version of Liang Sicheng's masterpiece "History of Chinese Architecture" came out, Liang Sicheng issued a sincere confession to his wife Lin Huiyin in front of the world, saying: "In the difficult days of the war, the academic spirit and morale of the Construction Society were maintained, mainly thanks to her. Without her collaboration and inspiration, neither the writing of this book nor any of my research work on Chinese architecture would have been successful. ”

Liang Sicheng is known as the "father of modern Chinese architecture", and Lin Huiyin, not only the "first lady" of Chinese architecture, but also the "mother of modern Chinese architecture", she has never been an appendage of Liang Sicheng, but the kapok that stands side by side with him.

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