
There is a country in Asia that is very capable of fighting, and has defeated the world's three major powers, not Russia, not Japan

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

We know that China has a vast territory, which gives China many neighbors. There are fourteen countries on land that border China, such as Russia, India, Vietnam, North Korea, and so on; if we count the borders on Shanghai, the number of countries is even greater, reaching twenty-one.

There is a country in Asia that is very capable of fighting, and has defeated the world's three major powers, not Russia, not Japan

Among these countries bordering China, the evaluation of who can fight the most is likely to cause a fierce debate. Some people will say that Russia must be in the first place, because Russians are called "fighting people" by us, as the name suggests, that is, they are particularly able to endure hardships, they are particularly able to fight, and they have the reputation of "polar bears" with thick skin and thick flesh.

Looking at the history of Russia's fortunes, the title of "fighting nation" is by no means a waste. Since Russia developed from a Muscovite principality, it first got rid of the Mongols, and then began a process of expansion, seeing who was not happy and rushed up to punch and kick. Then he forcibly occupied the other side's land, and in just a few hundred years, his land area was rapidly expanded, becoming a large empire.

I think that at that time, Napoleon in France and Hitler in Germany were all bullish figures, and they were naturally a hundred unconvinced by Russia. They led expeditions one after another, but in the end they all broke the sand on this land. The glory of their military careers came to an end, and whether it was Napoleon or Hitler, Russia was a graveyard for arrogance.

Some people also say that Russia can fight because of its large land area, harsh climate, and fighting at home, using a war of attrition, even if it wins, it is a cruel victory, and it is not in the first place.

There is a country in Asia that is very capable of fighting, and has defeated the world's three major powers, not Russia, not Japan

What about Japan? As a self-proclaimed great Japan, they have never stopped in modern history, and they have been rampant in Southeast Asia for a while, can such a record be ranked first?

But don't forget, the japanese military glory is a special product in the context of the historical era, and the countries he bullied are the weakest time, and the biggest heroes, when they fall ill in bed, a small child may kill him, so there is no comparison.

Vietnam's combat effectiveness is also good, but in history, Without the help of China and Russia, it is difficult to successfully fight away from France and the United States.

The country we are going to talk about today is actually a small country, and it is our neighbor Afghanistan.

There is a country in Asia that is very capable of fighting, and has defeated the world's three major powers, not Russia, not Japan

The reason why Afghanistan is very good is because it has defeated the world's three major powers in succession, britain, the former Soviet Union and the United States have fought with him, but without exception, they have not conquered this country, so it has also made Afghanistan have the title of "graveyard of great powers".

First of all, Britain, in the nineteenth century, Britain, the empire that never sets, began the road of global expansion, Afghanistan because of its strategic position in Central Asia, naturally also became the "thorn" in the eyes of Britain, they mobilized a large army, has invaded Afghanistan three times, but three times have failed, and finally had to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Then there was the Soviet Union. At that time, the Soviet Union was overbearing and unreasonable, and also invaded Afghanistan, but the ten-year-long war caused the Soviet Union to be seriously injured, and it can even be said that a large part of the disintegration of the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan, which made the Soviet Union weak and gradually stepped onto the brink of collapse.

In the early twenty-first century, the United States also came to play Afghanistan, but the fierce afghan local armed forces made the American soldiers suffer and finally ended with the withdrawal of troops.

Although Afghanistan can fight, if it is changed to another angle, from their perspective on their neighbors, the most capable of fighting is actually China, and a war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is enough to explain all problems.

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