
Cao Cao saw that Lü Bubu had Qin Yilu's wife beautiful and took him as a concubine, which two sons did he have?

Lü Bu was the first fierce general of the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty, and also a prince who divided the side, Lü Bu had a general named Qin Yilu, Qin Yilu's wife Lady Du, was a big beauty with a very good posture.

Qin Yilu and Lady Du had a son, named Qin Lang.

When Cao Cao attacked Lü Bu, Guan Yu told Cao Cao that after the city was destroyed, he hoped that Cao Cao would reward Qin Yilu's wife to him, and Cao Cao agreed.

Cao Cao saw that Lü Bubu had Qin Yilu's wife beautiful and took him as a concubine, which two sons did he have?

Later, Guan Yu was afraid that Cao Cao had forgotten, and before attacking Pi City, he told Cao Cao several times, and When Cao Cao heard it, he felt very strange and attracted attention.

After defeating Lü Bu, Cao Cao saw that Qin Yilu's wife was indeed a great beauty, and he took it for himself.

The Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms notes the Book of Shu as saying: Cao Gong and Liu Bei wei Lü Bu in Xia Pi, Guan Yu Qi Gong, Bu made Qin Yilu xing ask for help, begged to marry his wife, and allowed him to do so. When it is broken, it has been repeatedly revealed to the public. Suspecting that it has a different color, he sent himself to look at it, because he left it behind, and his heart was not at ease.

Cao Cao saw that Lü Bubu had Qin Yilu's wife beautiful and took him as a concubine, which two sons did he have?

Cao Cao was naturally very happy to receive Qin Yilu's beautiful wife Lady Du, and Lady Du gave Cao Cao two sons in succession, one daughter, namely Cao Lin, Cao Gong, and Princess Jinxiang.

It can be seen from this that Cao Cao was very fond of Qin Yilu's wife and liked it very much.

Cao Lin was Cao Cao's tenth son, Emperor Wen of Wei,in the second year of the Huang Dynasty, Cao Linjin was made duke; in three years, he was conferred the title of Prince of Pei; in five years, he was renamed King of Pei; in seven years, he was enfeoffed with the title of Prince of Pei.

Cao Lin died in the first year of Ganlu (256) with the courtesy name Mu.

Cao Gong was cao cao's eleventh son, and was successively created marquis of Dongxiang, Marquis of Zan, Duke of Zan, King of Beihai, King of Zan, King of Puyang, and King of Zhongshan.

In the third year of Qinglong (235), Cao Gong died of illness and was given the courtesy name Gong.

Princess Jinxiang later married Cao Cao's adopted son He Yan.

When Cao Cao became a sikong, he took He Yan's mother and adopted He Yan.

The Wei Luo records that when Taizu was Sikong, he adopted Yan's mother and adopted Yan, and at that time, Qin Yilu'er Aso also accompanied his mother in the public house and saw that he was favored like a prince. Su Ji Lang also.

During the Gaopingling Rebellion, He Yan was executed by Sima Yi because he was a henchman of Cao Shuang.

Cao Cao saw that Lü Bubu had Qin Yilu's wife beautiful and took him as a concubine, which two sons did he have?

What happened to Qin Yilu afterwards? How did it end?

After Qin Yilu surrendered to Cao Cao, he became a county magistrate, that is, a county magistrate of Chengcheng, a very small official position.

Later, when Liu Bei defeated Xiao Pei, Zhang Fei said to Yi Lu that if a person takes a wife, and for it, if he is evil! Let me go?

Qin Yilu listened and felt very angry, so he followed Zhang Fei and left, but after walking for a few miles, Qin Yilu regretted it and wanted to turn back, so Zhang Fei killed him.

Qin Yilu was really miserable. However, his son Qin Lang was not bad, and the official Zhi Xiao riding the general and zhi shizhong led troops to fight against the rebels of Xianbei Kebineng and Budugen, and performed well.

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