
Zhang Fei beheaded his father, Cao Cao took his mother, and he finally became a general when he grew up

In the history of the Three Kingdoms, many people have gained understanding from the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and the real historical history book should be "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

Because it is a novel, the portrayal of the characters in the interpretation is slightly exaggerated in some places.

And it seems less real. For example, although Guan Yu is loyal and righteous, he is also a dignified and cool boy, and he also has seven passions and six desires. Although Zhuge Liang is like a god, he is just an ordinary person, who has read more books and has a deep understanding of many things.

Zhang Fei beheaded his father, Cao Cao took his mother, and he finally became a general when he grew up

Not close to the female color Guan Yu

Wusheng Guan Yu said in his speech that he was not close to women and had strong self-discipline, but in the history of Zheng, Guan Yu was actually asking Cao Cao for a woman in Cao Cao's camp, who was it? This woman was Du Shi, the wife of Qin Yilu, the original lü bu's subordinate. Du's beauty, even Guan Yu can move, it can definitely be said to be unique in the world.

After Cao Cao heard Guan Yu's request, he began to pay attention to her, it didn't matter if he didn't pay attention, this attention made Cao Cao also move his heart.

After all, is the hero sad about the beauty of the guan? Cao Cao refused Guan Yu's request and gave Du Shi as a concubine. Du's son Qin Lang was also adopted as a stepson.

Zhang Fei beheaded his father, Cao Cao took his mother, and he finally became a general when he grew up

Cut Qin Yilu under his horse

In fact, the most pitiful thing is not Du Shi, nor Qin Lang, but Du Shi's original husband, Qin Yilu, who not only could not protect himself, but became an object at the mercy of others, and his own son also became someone else's son, and he had to fight for his life at the hands of the wife snatcher. This is the most bleak time in life. At that time, Liu Bei's third brother Zhang Fei had persuaded Qin Yilu to surrender, after all, if the hatred of taking his wife could not be repaid, he would be called a big husband in vain.

Unfortunately, Qin Yilu soon regretted it, and Zhang Fei was a violent temper, so he beheaded Qin Yilu under his horse.

Zhang Fei beheaded his father, Cao Cao took his mother, and he finally became a general when he grew up

Food and clothing

Therefore, Qin Lang lost his father at a young age, and his mother was also reduced to the palm of others. But fortunately, his stepfather was Cao Cao, who could live freely in a chaotic world when he was young.

During the reign of Cao Cao and Cao Pi, Qin Lang did not serve as an official, but traveled around, making friends, reading military books and poems, and cultivating his own martial arts and sword skills.

As a low-key person, he has also been liked by many people.

Zhang Fei beheaded his father, Cao Cao took his mother, and he finally became a general when he grew up


During the reign of Cao Pi's son Cao Rui, he always asked Qin Lang about everything, and according to the generational division, Qin Lang should be Cao Rui's uncle. Later, Cao Rui worshipped Qin Lang as a general on horseback and helped Cao Wei guard those humble rebels.

When Cao Rui was dying, he even appointed Qin Lang as an auxiliary chancellor. Although Qin Lang's life was not good, he was also lucky, otherwise how could he later become a great general of the Three Kingdoms?


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

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