
His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

Where misfortune and blessing depend, where blessings and misfortunes lie. A person's development mainly relies on acquired efforts and innate family strength, and in the process of growing up, there will be many other factors that affect the future character and development.

Many things are complementary, strong causality, so this is the opportunity of life, not predictable, sometimes full of legend. The Three Kingdoms period is an era of heroes, and the character to be talked about today is the fierce general of the Three Kingdoms period, he is not Liu Guanzhang, nor is he cao Mengde, the tyrant of the chaotic world, let's take a look at his story.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

The second generation of officials experienced the pain of losing their father

During the Three Kingdoms period, Qin Yilu was Lu Bu's subordinate, and he was loved by Yuan Shu, and Xu gave him a very beautiful wife, who was the Du clan after the Han Dynasty royal family, and her beauty fell into the country. After marrying Qin Yilu, the two of them had a son, named Qin Lang.

Qin Lang inherited his mother's appearance, looked dignified, and was highly skilled in martial arts, and had superior courage from an early age. Later, Qin Yilu fought Zhang Fei on the battlefield, and Zhang Fei's bravery and robustness made him powerless, and finally died at the scene of the battle and lost to Zhang Fei.

In this way, Qin Lang lost his father's protection, and the revenge of killing his father could not be completed, which made his young soul very devastated, from a second generation of officials to an ordinary person who no one paid attention to. If he spent the rest of his life like this, it would be fine, and then his life ushered in a bumpy situation.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

Because Du's appearance is very outstanding, many people know that she is a generation of beauty, Qin Yilu died in battle, Du's next step has become the focus of everyone's coveted, many people began to fight Du's idea, for a time, Qin Lang was in the pain of losing his father, and for a time he wanted to usher in his mother's remarriage.

This is a heavy blow to a boy who has not yet established a family, losing his father and losing his mother, his life fell from a high place, hitting him hard, but fortunately the heavy fist of life did not knock him down, but let him learn to be patient, let him grow up in an instant.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

In order to save herself in the chaotic world, his mother could only adapt to the times and protect herself and her son in the chaotic changes, when Du's reputation was relatively large, and many people wanted to include her in their wives and concubines, including Guan Yu.

Guan Yu also met Du Shi by chance, and he was very optimistic about this Han room beauty, whether Zhang Fei was her husband-killing enemy or not, he wanted to impress her and make her his concubine. Such an idea has been deep in Guan Yu's heart until the end, and it has not been realized.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

Wei Guo sent people to life under the fence

What everyone did not expect was that Du Shi eventually became Cao Cao's concubine. However, Cao Cao's love for other people's wives is known to everyone, many of his wives and concubines are other people's wives, some of them are still snatched hard, and Cao Cao was also a concubine xiao Qiao who coveted Zhou Yu, but he did not do as he wished.

The same is true of this Du clan, at the beginning Guan Yu was under Cao Cao's hands, at that time Cao Cao weighed Guan Yu heavily, and he was eager to give him anything, and any request could be satisfied, and Guan Yu was not willing to surrender to Cao Cao. Later, Guan Yu only asked him for a request once, it was Du Shi, and Cao Cao heard Guan Yu's intentions and said that he would do his best.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

Unexpectedly, after Cao Cao saw Du Shi, he himself liked this woman, so he had a big selfish heart, directly accepted her as a concubine, and dispelled Guan Yu's thoughts, which showed that this Du Shi had great charm.

After Du Shi joined the Cao family with his son, he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, Cao Cao's son was fighting with each other, in order to compete for his father's favor, so he desperately showed himself, without any brotherhood for each other, in such a situation, Qin Lang could only force himself to grow, be cautious in words and deeds, and did not dare to have a little rash move.

Cao Cao also had many stepsons, not only Qin Lang himself, but most of those wives and concubines also had offspring, and in such a large family, he could only live with great care.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

Hidden patience has become a generation of fierce generals for many years

In this way, Qin Lang was cautious in his words and deeds all the time, but he did not forget to improve himself, and after many years, Cao Cao found that his stepson was quite courageous, and he was excellent in literature and martial arts, and never spoke quietly. Later, he became more and more optimistic about Qin Lang, and many times in public, he threatened that his favorite stepson was Qin Lang, and after having such a title, he was still not arrogant, never participated in battles, and was very approachable.

After Cao Cao's death, Cao Pi declared himself emperor, and Qin Lang still chose to avoid the storm, so he traveled out and became an idle person, never participating in any military activities, and successfully avoided various struggles in the State of Wei.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

Wandering outside allowed him to learn a lot of truths, and he accumulated a lot of life experience by watching other people's things, which also laid the foundation for his future path to becoming an official. After Cao Rui succeeded to the throne, he called Qin Lang back, he knew that his uncle would definitely help him, and Qin Lang did not live up to his good intentions, and directly became a general of the Horse Riders.

After leading the battle, he was not like other generals, but very low-key and silent, such a style made Cao Rui very happy, the two were intimate, and Qin Lang's talent was finally revealed.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names

In the later war with the Xianbei people, Qin Lang led the army to attack, and gave full play to his military skills, so that the Xianbei tribe suffered defeats and retreated one after another, and this battle made him a recognized hero of the Wei state, and also left a strong mark in the Three Kingdoms period.

During Cao Rui's lifetime, Qin Lang's ability was fully exerted, but when Cao Rui fell ill, the State of Wei was once again chaotic, partisan disputes arose one after another, and the open and secret battles caught him off guard, and finally he was unfortunately caught into the storm.

Years of leading soldiers to fight made him seriously ill, and it was not long before he died with various open guns and dark arrows, but his exploits really existed in history, and he was a rare talent.

His father died at the hands of Zhang Fei, his mother was forcibly occupied by Cao Cao, and he grew up to become a generation of famous generals with familiar names


Many people will be full of fantasies about the hero's story, in fact, they are also ordinary people, experiencing ups and downs, with loneliness when it gets dark, but also with vulnerability when it is bumpy, just like Qin Lang's life, he has the pain of losing his father, and he is powerless to blade the enemy Zhang Fei, and then he was taken by Cao Cao to take his mother, fortunately, he knows how to be patient and conform.

Different life circumstances have grown up different people, different people will have different futures in the same environment, this is the interesting place of everything in the world, perhaps the life of the great general Qin Lang Is the portrayal of ordinary people's lives, there have been sorrows, there have been peaks, there have been forbearance, there have been pride.

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