
He was the most snug general in the Three Kingdoms, and his wife was occupied by Cao Cao, and he was still complacent about it

Qin Yilu was Lü Bu's general, and the xinxing people of The Prefecture, which is now Xinzhou, Shanxi, and I am a fellow countryman.

Judging from his place of origin, it is likely that he assassinated Shi Dingyuan's subordinates and followed Ding Yuan to Luoyang after the death of Emperor Ling. Later, Ding Yuan was assassinated by Lü Bu, and Qin Yilu became Lü Bu's subordinate and was reused.

The reason why Lü Bu reused him was partly because he had some skill, and more importantly, because of his beautiful wife Du Shi. Because according to the historical records, Lü Bu had a bad habit

"Love the wives of the generals".

As for the extent of love, it is difficult to say. Qin Yilu was also famous for this, and even Guan Yu knew that Qin Yilu's wife was quite beautiful.

He was the most snug general in the Three Kingdoms, and his wife was occupied by Cao Cao, and he was still complacent about it

(Qin Yilu li painting in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13" is full of forgiveness everywhere)

To what extent did Guan Yu remember? According to historical records, in 199, Cao Cao besieged Xia Pi City. Guan Yu repeatedly requested Cao Cao before the city was destroyed, hoping that Cao Cao would give him Qin Yilu's wife Du Shi. Cao Cao agreed at first, but then he thought, this Guan Yu generally does not ask for people, is it difficult for this Lady Du to have a heavenly posture and national color, so that Guan Yu can ask me so much?

He was the most snug general in the Three Kingdoms, and his wife was occupied by Cao Cao, and he was still complacent about it

(Du Shi in Romance of the Three Kingdoms 13)

After the city was destroyed, Cao Cao saw Lady Du with his own eyes. Good fellow, as soon as Cao Cao saw Lady Du, he reneged on his previous promise and took her in himself. After Qin Yilu surrendered, Cao Cao occupied the wife of the people, and he was not embarrassed to kill him, so he made him the county magistrate of Chengxian County, which was enough to give face.

Qin Yilu had no choice but to hurry up and handle the formalities. However, Qin Yilu did not lose money, before he was an emissary of Lü Bu to yuan shu for help, and Yuan Shu also rewarded him with the daughter of the Great Han Sect

"For Lü Bu to make Yuan Shu, the wife of Emperor Hanzong"

。 Now surrendering to Cao Cao not only saved his life, but also became an official, without loss or loss.

He was the most snug general in the Three Kingdoms, and his wife was occupied by Cao Cao, and he was still complacent about it

(Guan Yu: Cao Gong, can you give me Du Shi after the city is destroyed? Cao Cao: Don't you know that I am good at this mouthful? )

However, Qin Yilu's catastrophe was imminent. Soon Liu Bei returned to Xiao Pei, Zhang Fei saw Qin Yilu and said sarcastically, your wife has been occupied by people, you still think it is a good thing to be able to get rid of it, where are you such a stupid person! "If a man takes his wife and grows up for it, it is evil!" Let me go? Qin Yilu touched his hat, a little ashamed, so he followed Zhang Fei away.

Halfway to the road, Qin Yilu had some regrets. He thought, why should I follow you to suffer if I don't do it, so he showed remorse. As soon as Zhang Fei saw that this was not right, he killed Qin Yilu.

Although Qin Yilu died, his wife Du Shi and son Qin Lang lived a good life with Cao Cao. Du gave birth to Cao Cao's two sons, Cao Lin and Cao Gong, and princesses of Jinxiang, which shows that he received a lot of grace. Although his son Qin Lang was not related to Cao Cao, Cao Cao treated him very well, no different from his own son. Cao Cao also said, Is there anyone like me under the heavens who loves his stepson?

He was the most snug general in the Three Kingdoms, and his wife was occupied by Cao Cao, and he was still complacent about it

Since Qin Lang grew up in Cao Mansion, he had a good relationship with Cao Rui, the Emperor of Wei Ming, and the two were considered to be small. After Cao Rui succeeded to the throne, Qin Langguan was promoted to the rank of general of Xiao Qi, and he led his troops to break through the new and humble in his hometown. After making battle achievements, Qin Lang was a little fluttery.

When Cao Rui was seriously ill, he wanted Qin Lang to entrust the crown prince Cao Fang to him as one of the ministers who entrusted him with orphans, but this plan was eventually stillborn. After Cao Rui's death, Qin Lang lost his patron, and his good life came to an end.

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