
The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

As the supreme leader of ancient times, the emperor was rich and sat on the whole world. Eating and drinking and enjoying pleasures are also more luxurious and luxurious than ordinary people. The way of entertainment is also endless,

Zhao Tuo of the Song Dynasty was very fond of playing Keju, which is today's football. By the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus preferred hunting on horseback and evolved into a custom. Hunting is carried out in the autumn.

However, the Jiaqing Emperor of the Qing Dynasty suffered an accident on the way to hunt in the autumn, and the emperor did not come out after entering the hunting ground?

Rumors are rife and people are flustered. What happened in the hunting ground, Jiaqing went in a month without news,

A month later, the ministers waited for the news of the emperor's death. Who is Jiaqing violently related to?

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

1. Jiaqing ascended the throne

There were a total of twelve emperors in the Qing Dynasty, and the longest reign was the Qianlong Emperor. Some people may have to question, is the longest reigning emperor not the Kangxi Emperor? Kangxi reigned for sixty-one years and Qianlong reigned for sixty years.

That may have ignored what happened after Qianlong's return to the throne. Qianlong is considered to be the oldest living star among the emperors, and he has reigned for a relatively long time.

During qianlong's reign, he still had the ability to continue to be emperor, but in order not to exceed his grandfather, the Kangxi Emperor, he took the initiative to give up his position to his son.

Retiring to the throne of the Taishang Emperor was originally a smooth thing, and there were similar things in history, the old emperor enjoyed his old age, and the new emperor was in charge. But unexpectedly, someone gave the emperor a bad idea.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

When Qianlong abdicated, He Yan gave Qianlong an idea, telling the emperor to give the position to his son, but the jade seal remained in his hands, without the jade seal.

The new emperor was a decoration, and the transmission of all orders could only be carried out with Qianlong's permission. In this way, the emperor Jiaqing became a puppet in front of the stage, at the mercy of others.

In this way, Jiaqing became a puppet emperor for four years, and after jiaqing four years, Qianlong died, and this time, Yu Yan really became an emperor

。 The first thing Jiaqing did when he ascended to the throne was to get rid of the corrupt official Hezhen. As a result, after Hezhen raided his home, he had more treasures in his home than in the treasury.

Although Jiaqing removed a corrupt official for the country, it also left a hidden danger for himself.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

It has also become one of the reasons for the mystery of Jiaqing's death. Qianlong was emperor for sixty years, and his glory and wealth were endless, and he also squandered the silver in the treasury.

By the time Jiaqing reached the silver in his hands, he was already stretched thin, and with it came the bandits who were chaotic. Rebellions in various places have emerged in an endless stream, and there are rebellious people in Shandong, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, Anhui, and so on.

Bandits were rampant, Zhanshan was king, Jiaqing barely insisted for more than twenty years, and he was also painstaking in his daily life, but in the end he could not last long.

Compared with his father Qianlong, his life was tight. Even autumn hunting can't fight wild deer and bears like before, and can only catch some small animals such as hares.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

In the autumn of this year, Jiaqing came to the Mulan Paddock again, and the team set out towards Mulan in a mighty way. Unexpectedly, this hunt became a mystery,

Recorded in the Qing history manuscript, this is the mystery of Jiaqing's death. From the time Jiaqing entered the hunting ground to the news of the emperor's death came from the Mulan paddock, and the emperor disappeared for nearly a month in between. What did Jiaqing go through?

2. Jiaqing's death

The mystery of Jiaqing's death has three widely circulated accounts in history. The first was the assassination. Shortly after the execution and execution,

Legend has it that there was an assassination at the court. On this day, the emperor was on his way back, when a man dressed in eunuch costume walked hurriedly to Jiaqing's side, and then drew his knife and stabbed him.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

Jiaqing was suddenly frightened, and the people around him immediately came to stop it, fortunately they did not succeed, but it still brought a serious psychological shadow to Jiaqing

。 And the heart was haggard, and later when he went to the paddock to hunt, he was also frightened, so he suffered from palpitations and died suddenly. The people who came to assassinate also had two identities, one said that they were anti-thieves, and the other said that they were leftover traffickers in the Hezhen case.

3. The Secret History of the Court

The second statement is even more bizarre,

It is said that the emperor was hunting in the Mulan paddock at that time, and did not find any large prey for a while, and he was very depressed and prepared to return with the team. Just on the way back, a sudden thunderbolt on a sunny day hit Jiaqing.

The Jiaqing Emperor on horseback became scorched black and died.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

The third theory is somewhat similar to the second theory, and also died of thunder robbery. The protagonist has some court secrets.

Mainly because there was a eunuch who was particularly favored by the emperor at that time, and the two had an improper relationship. This time, after coming to the Mulan paddock, it was even more debauched and unconstrained. On this day, when the two were in a private meeting, suddenly there was a thunderclap in the sky, killing both of them.

The above three statements are the most widely circulated. But there are some things that are not credible in all three claims. How did the eunuch who rushed into the palace to murder the emperor enter the palace,

Who was the person who received him? The second one was killed by lightning and seemed even more unreliable. If a person is struck by lightning, his whole body is scorched black and unrecognizable. How was the funeral handled after returning to the imperial court?

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

There is also a legend that before returning to the imperial court, he found a eunuch and put on the emperor's clothes after being strangled and sent back to the capital. Who gives the makeup of the painting,

How to find people with high similarities. It's hard to do it in secret. So these ways of dying are bizarre. What the truth is has become a mystery to this day.

4. Summary

Jiaqing himself did not expect to go hunting in the Mulan paddock happily, but he never returned. This is not known whether it is good or bad for Jiaqing.

Being Emperor Jiaqing is also a conscientious work, and there are a large number of chapters and chapters every day, but most of them are bad news, and the most said is where there are people making trouble.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

The banner of rebellion has been planted all over the country, and there is no place where there is no flag of rebellion. In addition, the peasants' grain could not be harvested, and more people were affected.

There are more mobs rising. Jiaqing painstakingly maintained twenty-five years, and the twenty-five years of the emperor's career were not happy, but more of a laborious and painful struggle.

In addition, there are many emperors in the secret history of the court who like to face the head,

From the beginning of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, it was no longer a new thing, and the role of eunuchs in the mystery of Jiaqing's death was more to give Jiaqing a correct career.

Criticism of heretical behavior. In fact, no matter how hard Jiaqing tried, it was impossible to change the fate of the Qing Dynasty.

The Jiaqing Emperor went out hunting, and suddenly died in the middle of the way, which turned out to be the work of a eunuch

The Qianlong Dynasty seemed to be rich, but in fact, the family funds accumulated by Yongzheng and Kangxi had already been spent, and the seven Jiangnan people worked hard to hurt their wealth and built courtyards.

Which one was not looted from the people. When we arrived in Jiaqing, we were left with only a bunch of debts and rebel victims.

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