
Treacherous countries: China's "tens of thousands of heroes" are buried, but now the tombs of martyrs have been razed to the ground

Treacherous countries: China's "tens of thousands of heroes" are buried, but now the tombs of martyrs have been razed to the ground

The greatest catastrophe in human history: The Second World War, 61 countries and regions, more than 2 billion people have been involved in the war, the combat area of 22 million square kilometers. According to incomplete statistics, more than 90 million military and civilian casualties were inflicted in the war, and more than 5 trillion US dollars were wasted.

Crazy German chariots swept through Europe, Italy invaded North Africa, and Japan began its expansion in Asia and the Atlantic. In the face of the unbridled expansion of the Axis powers, France fell within a few weeks, and most of Europe fell into fascist hands. At the same time, Japan began to expand in the Pacific and invaded China in order to gain more land.

Burma fell, and China sent troops

Treacherous countries: China's "tens of thousands of heroes" are buried, but now the tombs of martyrs have been razed to the ground

In the face of increasing tensions and the erosion of the war situation at home and abroad, China's resistance was extremely strong, leaving the Japanese in the quagmire of war and unable to extricate themselves. After the end of the Battle of Wuhan in October 1938, Japan was forced to stop its strategic offensive in the Chinese battlefield, and the strategic focus of its foreign expansion gradually changed from the mainland policy to the maritime policy, hoping to seize Burma, French India and other places, cut off the international passage of the United States, Britain and other countries to aid China, threaten the southwest rear area of the center of China's frontal anti-Japanese battlefield, and force the Chongqing Nationalist Government to submit and get rid of the plight of the Chinese battlefield.

In the face of the frenzied attack of the Japanese, China was forced to send an expeditionary force into Burma to launch the Burma Road Operation, but the first battle was a tragic failure, and was forced to retreat to the country and India.

Treacherous countries: China's "tens of thousands of heroes" are buried, but now the tombs of martyrs have been razed to the ground

Later, after a period of armament warfare, the Chinese government

The second time, from October 1943 to May 1944, the Chinese Army stationed in India and the West Yunnan Expeditionary Force successively launched the Burmese Campaign in Northern Yunnan.

Annihilated more than 30,000 Japanese troops. On January 27, 1945, the two armies met at Hatamachi. In March, it completed the task of opening the Burma Highway and withdrew to China. Since then, the great victory of the Chinese Expeditionary Force has washed away the shame of the previous defeat.

Treacherous countries: China's "tens of thousands of heroes" are buried, but now the tombs of martyrs have been razed to the ground

In this war, Chinese min in the period from October 1943 to March 1945, the Chinese Army stationed in India and the Chinese Expeditionary Force in northern Burma and western Yunnan counterattacked, recovered more than 50 large and small towns in northern Burma, recovered 83,000 square kilometers of lost land in western Yunnan, and annihilated more than 49,000 Japanese troops. The results were brilliant, but they still paid a huge price, with about 67,000 casualties.

In the face of the great sacrifice of the Chinese nation, Myanmar was also greatly grateful at that time, and they paid tribute to our country and specially built a martyrs' cemetery. This is a commemoration of history, but also a memorial to the martyrs, and of course, it also allows the people of Myanmar to have a clearer understanding of this period of blood and fire national disaster.

Treacherous countries: China's "tens of thousands of heroes" are buried, but now the tombs of martyrs have been razed to the ground

The perfidy of Myanmar

However, not long after the incident, the Burmese side's approach was shocking, and this incident not only angered the Chinese people, but even the Burmese people could not understand it.

The cause of the incident was that in the planning of Myanmar, it was necessary to use one side of the land, and in order to build a building, it was actually mad to dig a tomb and build a city hall in Bamo City on it. When the news spread, public opinion was in an uproar and expressed opposition.

The Yingling Cemetery was tragically destroyed, and the Burmese side's perverse actions caused anger from all sides

In the face of opposition from all sides, the Myanmar government has stubbornly acted in such shameful acts. Most unacceptably, the graveyards of british and French soldiers buried in Myanmar are intact, and even the Burmese side has sent people to protect them.

Most incredibly, the graves of the Japanese soldiers who had served as aggressors in Burma were also protected by the Burmese side. It is simply a slippery slope, the enemy's cemetery is protected, but the benefactor's grave is destroyed, which is what a government born as a human can do?

In order to prove their stupidity, the Burmese side did not even give an explanation, but instead gave the outside world an even more absurd and nonsensical reason:

They believe that the Reason why the Chinese Expeditionary Force went to Burma was to jointly capture Burma with the Japanese army...

Burma has perished, but the Chinese people are fighting in blood, and after the final victory, Burma is restored, but it will take revenge, and what they have done is simply heinous. This incident also allowed the Chinese people to see what is upside down and what is right and wrong, and there is no distinction between good and evil.

Of course, there must be a reason behind everything, why is the Myanmar side so crazy? Some analysis has been made based on the situation in Myanmar. Some analysts believe that Myanmar has implemented the so-called "nationalization movement" because there are a large number of Chinese rich people in the country, and the implementation of government decrees has deliberately created contradictions and frictions. Of course, during that period, many overseas Chinese were also persecuted, and some even died of death.

The contradiction between the living actually involves the heroes, and the Burmese government is also extremely stupid. Destroying cemeteries and disturbing the dead not only does not help the implementation of government decrees in the slightest, but also angers peace-loving people and causes unnecessary trouble. What makes people speechless is that the Burmese government can't even find a better reason, and finding a reason that even the Japanese find ridiculous shows that there is not much valuable in the minds of its politicians except incompetence.


Today, we can only watch as the bones of the martyrs are desecrated and cannot be buried, and there is nothing we can do but morally condemn them.

The remains of the ancestors fell into this step of the field, it is really sad and helpless, whenever I see this kind of news, my mood also plummets, but unfortunately I can't do anything.

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