
What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

Text/Babe Bean Parenting Class (original manuscript, welcome to reprint and share)

Breastfeeding or milking?

I believe that many mothers have faced such a choice after giving birth.

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

In the eyes of the older generation, breast milk has high nutritional value, and is convenient and fast, better than simply brewing milk; but in the eyes of young people, breastfeeding is too hurtful to the mother's body, and the mother will also face problems such as swollen milk and lack of milk.

However, from the perspective of effect, it is obviously better to breastfeed. Someone did a special survey of newborn babies and found that children who grew up drinking breast milk far exceeded children who grew up drinking milk, both physically and physically.

Is breastfeeding really so magical? In addition to safety and speed, what other advantages does it have?

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? The composition of breast milk and formula is obvious

As a gestational organism, the mother is essential for the healthy development of the newborn.

From umbilical cord support when she was pregnant in October to breastfeeding after childbirth, every step of a child's growth is inseparable from the silent assistance of her mother.

Researchers have taken samples of breast milk to explore the differences between breast milk and formula. Under a microscope magnified 1,000 times, breast milk seems to have come to life, "moving" and giving a feeling of vitality.

What ingredients are in breast milk that formula does not have?

Just as mother-to-child genes are inherited, in breast milk, the mother delivers her own immune hemoglobulins to her children. With breast milk as a "natural antibody", it is no wonder that children who drink breast milk are healthier.

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

Even though many formulas on the market today are under the slogan of "comparable to breast milk", the nutrients and various immune cells in breast milk are not available to formula milk powder.

In addition, natural breast milk is also a big cut away from formula in terms of safety. From the formula point of view, the composition of formula milk is mixed, coupled with the rampant bad business, parents are easily deceived and buy back inferior milk powder that is not suitable for children to eat.

Breast milk does not have such a risk. As the breast milk known as "the purest substance under the sky", it is secreted from the mother, with the mother's care and love, the purest and most able to close the distance between the mother and the child, convenient and safe.

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

Babies who stick to breast milk grow up with these advantages

The temperature is suitable and it is not easy to cause allergies

Mothers who have experience in parenting know that newborn babies have low immunity and are at risk of getting sick if they are not careful. Especially for babies with allergies, their own body is delicate and their resistance is poor, and once they are exposed to allergen substances, they will inevitably have to eat a bitter meal.

Compared with formula, the temperature of breast milk is suitable for the human body temperature and does not require additional heating, which also avoids the harm of too high or too low temperature to the baby.

The various types of flora contained in formula milk powder, not to mention that it is not easy to breed other bacteria in a low temperature environment, is the process of heating back and forth and waiting for cooling, which is enough to make the baby and parents physically and mentally exhausted.

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

Natural immune factors make your baby stronger

Compared with breast milk, formula milk powder may be able to add more nutrients to the ingredients, but from the perspective of resisting external viruses, formula milk powder is still slightly inferior and cannot compete with breast milk with its own immunity.

There are also immunoglobulins, lactoferrin, macrophages, etc. in breast milk, which are the key factors in defending the baby's internal environment and resisting bacterial pollution.

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

Promotes physical development and provides more comprehensive nutrition

As the most intelligent "feeding machine", breast milk has evolved all the nutrients most in line with the baby's growth and development.

From the current point of view, the nutritional effect of formula milk powder on the market is single, and it cannot support all the development needs of the baby. From birth to a few months, the nutrients required are different, and formula alone cannot meet your baby's needs.

Compared with the purchase of a variety of different types of formula milk powder, the nutrition supply mechanism of breast milk can basically meet the baby's growth needs, and even take care of the baby's intestinal flora, saving time and effort.

Without the plague of disease, the baby can grow healthier and happier, and the physical fitness will be stronger.

What does it look like to enlarge breast milk 1,000 times? Positive molecules under the microscope, full of nutrients

Write at the end

As a substance naturally secreted by the human body, the secretion of breast milk is also affected by the mother's mood. In order to ensure the adequate supply of breast milk, women can rest more, supplement sleep, maintain a happy mood, and think more about happy things.

In terms of diet, pregnant women can also drink more soups such as pig's trotter soup and crucian carp soup to supplement nutrition and assist in milk.

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