
Sima Zhao saw that liu Chan had no intention of killing in front of the door, and the minister was puzzled, Sima Zhao: Read it in reverse!

Introduction: Sima Zhao saw that the three words in front of Liu Chan's door had no intention of killing, and the minister was puzzled, Sima Zhao: Read it in reverse

Liu Chan's succession was inevitable, and although Liu Bei had many wives in his lifetime, he had few descendants. After Liu Bei painstakingly laid a place of his own, his life also came to an end, Liu Bei's death actually meant that the Three Kingdoms began to enter the late stage, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu also died in front of Liu Bei in turn, and finally left a small child and a mess, waiting for Zhuge Liang to take over.

What is admirable is that in the face of the incomplete Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang did not have the idea of replacing him, in fact, with Zhuge Liang's means, coupled with his prestige in the Shu Kingdom, it was very promising to take away the throne. The soldier died for the confidant, and Liu Beisan's appreciation of him made it impossible for him to do such a thing. After the Shu kingdom settled down, Zhuge Liang proposed the great cause of the Northern Expedition, and Liu Chan, who had no opinion of his own, nodded his support.

Sima Zhao saw that liu Chan had no intention of killing in front of the door, and the minister was puzzled, Sima Zhao: Read it in reverse!

Whether the Northern Expedition should be or not is originally a controversial topic, some people think that the Northern Expedition has dragged down the entire Shu state, and some people think that the Northern Expedition is inevitable. However, the Northern Expedition should be a kind of worry for Zhuge Liang, who was afraid that after his death, no one in the Shu kingdom would be able to pick up the great beam, so he wanted to destroy the Wei state in his lifetime and realize the dream of the former emperor to restore the Han Dynasty. Besides, who can find the reason for Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition? If it was only because of his willful will, why should he raise the army and mobilize the masses, go to war with all kinds of fatigue, and finally die of illness on the way to the Northern Expedition. With his ability to stick to Chuanshu, is it not easy to be a leisurely beggar to spend his old age in peace?

In fact, Zhuge Liang has already made it very clear in the "Table of Renunciation", this is the task left by Liu Bei, and it is also the wish of Zhuge Liang to follow the lord of his life. After Zhuge Liang's death, the burden shifted to Liu Chan's head, and there was no one to rely on, and Liu Chan himself was a shrewd person, he just had no ambition and no enterprising heart.

Sima Zhao saw that liu Chan had no intention of killing in front of the door, and the minister was puzzled, Sima Zhao: Read it in reverse!

This is also the problem of many founding emperors, after laying down the Jiangshan, they think about how to sit in the Jiangshan, and there is no pioneering spirit. But in the Three Kingdoms, where the masses rise together and the boats do not advance against the current, they will retreat, and this idea will only lead to the final demise. When the Wei army approached the city, Liu Chan did not hesitate to raise the white flag.

Liu Chan surrendered voluntarily, Sima Zhao did not kill him for the time being, but only provided him with good food and drink after taking him prisoner, Liu Chan also expressed his happiness, happy not to miss the perished Shu state, but the emperor of the enemy country was a hidden danger after all, almost no dynasty replaced the former dynasty, and also let the emperor go, Sima Zhao's killing heart for Liu Chan deepened.

Sima Zhao saw that liu Chan had no intention of killing in front of the door, and the minister was puzzled, Sima Zhao: Read it in reverse!

Just as he was about to act, Sima Zhao saw the three words on Liu Chan's door, and immediately had no intention of killing, and the ministers also expressed their confusion. It turned out that the three words on Liu Chan's door were "Zhongshan Village", and after reading it backwards, it was in the mountains. It means that Liu Chan has given up everything and only wants to live a life of seclusion in the mountains. With such a nestful idea, Sima Zhao had already disdained killing him.

In fact, this is also a manifestation of Liu Chan's cleverness, if he is like Li Yu in front of Zhao Kuangyin, every day he behaves of homesickness, maybe a cup of poisonous wine will be given to him. What do you think? What ideas can be discussed below, like friends to like a like.

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