
Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

On February 28 of the 17th year of the Zhenguan Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty (March 23, 643 AD), Emperor Taizong of Tang assigned the heroes who fought together in the world as the 24 heroes of Lingyange.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

It can be said that all the people selected are military generals who have worked hard and made great achievements, and none of them are fuel-saving lamps. But what is puzzling is why the famous Anderk Hu Gong Qin Qiong (i.e., Qin Shubao), who is famous and has made outstanding achievements, ranked twenty-fourth and accompanied the last place?

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

There are two main reasons for the analysis.

One is to go out of the house halfway. Qin Qiong followed many masters in his life, he was initially a Sui general who protected his children, and later followed the famous Sui Dynasty general Zhang Sutuo to encircle and suppress Li Mi. As a result, Zhang Sutuo, who was a light enemy, died under Li Mi's clever plan, and Qin Qiong, desperate, turned to Pei Renji, and then followed Pei Ren to Li Mi. Li Mi was very important to him and appointed him as the horseman of the tent. After Li Mi's death, Qin Qiong defected to Wang Shichong, and later in the second year of Tang Gaozu Wude (619 AD), Qin Qiong made a move to abandon the dark and surrender to the Ming, and he and Cheng Zhijie and others joined Tang and became a general under Li Shimin, the King of Qin. In short, although Qin Qiong made great achievements in battle, because of his special political background of "halfway out of the family", he was not exempt from being excluded by people, which inevitably aroused people's suspicion, and Tang Taizong also had to consider this factor when ranking the heroes.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

The second is to die young. Although Qin Qiong was brave and fierce, but after all, he was driven by flesh and blood, he fought for many years, because he was injured too much, resulting in illness, to quote his own words: "I am a young man who has been fighting horses for more than two hundred battles, and has been hit by heavy sores repeatedly." Ji Wu before and after the bleeding is also a few times, Ande is not sick? It was precisely because of the injury that he did not participate in the xuanwumen change. Later, after lying ill in bed, he almost did not participate in political affairs, and in the twelfth year of Zhenguan (638 AD), Qin Qiong died of illness.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

After Qin Qiong's death, Emperor Taizong of Tang authorized him to be buried in Zhaoling, and in front of his tomb he erected a stone man and a stone horse in recognition of his military exploits, and posthumously honored him as the governor of Xuzhou and the Duke of Hu. Five years later, when the twenty-four meritorious men of Ling Yan Pavilion were divided, Tang Taizong was still able to retain a place for Qin Qiong, and he was already exhausted.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

And the person who ranked first in the 24 heroes of LingYange had no suspense, and it was Sun Wuji, the Duke of Zhao Guo, for three main reasons.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

First, the eldest son Wuji was the elder brother of Empress Li Shimin of Tang Taizong, that is to say, he was the "brother-in-law" of Tang Taizong Li Shi, and the kinship relationship between blood and water was in it, which was incomparable to ordinary people.

Second, the eldest son, Wu Ji, followed Li Shimin very early on, regarding him as a loyal master, and he would never abandon him no matter the wind and rain.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

Third, Changsun Wuji was Li Shimin's right-hand man, participated in almost all the major battles related to Li Shimin, and made great achievements. Especially in the change of Xuanwumen, his strategy played the effect of "the main bone", and finally helped Li Shimin seize the success of the xuanwumen change.

Qin Qiong's hard work was high, why did Li Shimin rank last when he was named the Twenty-Four Meritorious Heroes?

In short, whether it is on merit, family relations, or prestige and character, the eldest grandson is ranked first among the 24 heroes of Ling Yan Pavilion, which is well-deserved and deserved.

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