
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The Beijing Winter Olympics is a major event in 2022, and preparations are in place. The greenest clean energy, the most environmentally friendly ice technology, the safest epidemic prevention measures, the most enthusiastic volunteer team... These will be the best business cards to show the world at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympic Winter Games. Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

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Look at the venue

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The National Speed Skating Hall, which looks saddle-shaped from the air, undertook the speed skating event during the Winter Olympics, producing 14 gold medals, making it the single venue with the largest number of gold medals produced by the Winter Olympics.

The National Speed Skating Hall has an image name - "Ice Ribbon". It is crystal clear throughout, and the façade is made up of 3360 curved glass units. Outside the curtain wall, there are 22 "ribbons" that circle high and low, fluttering around.

Another meaning of "ice ribbon" is that speed skaters glide on the ice, as light as a ribbon.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The "Ice Ribbon" is printed by a crystal clear ultra-white glass color glaze, and the average length of each ribbon is about 620 meters. This is the "Ice Ribbon" template.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The "Ice Ribbon" roof cable mesh structure adopts domestic high vanadium closed rope, which is the roof of the world's largest rope mesh gymnasium. This is a roof cable template.

The construction of venues is the top priority of running the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and the Winter Paralympic Games. "Ice Ribbon" can be said to be the master of these characteristics.

The ice of the "ice ribbon" is intelligent because of technology. Nearly 12,000 square meters of ice surface, using sub-module control technology, the future can be based on different projects sub-region, sub-standard ice, can simultaneously carry out ice hockey, speed skating, figure skating, curling and other mass ice sports, fully meet the general secretary's "some venues to be repeatedly used, comprehensive utilization, sustainable use" requirements.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The "Ice Ribbon" can achieve temperature stratification in the museum through intelligent management, while ensuring the suitable temperature of different environments such as ice surface, athlete body temperature sensation, and spectator seats.

Look at Service Assurance

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The main media center and the athletes' village are an important part of the test of the ability to guarantee services for major international events.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The main media center is located in the south area of the main building of the second phase of the National Convention Center, with a total area of about 216,000 square meters, which is composed of functional areas such as news release area, broadcast work area, media restaurant, and media workshop.

According to the director of the venue of the main media center operation team, the main media center will provide registration, interview, broadcast, technology, transportation, accommodation, epidemic prevention and other services for about 11,600 domestic and foreign journalists during the competition. To use two words, it is "all-weather" + "full process".

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

One of the biggest highlights of the main media center is "intelligence", there will be hundreds of robots on duty during the game, providing services such as parade, food delivery, delivery, guidance, killing, and waste removal.

Taking the robot restaurant as an example, there will be about 120 catering robots serving thousands of people at the same time, and media reporters only need to scan the code on their mobile phones to easily order food.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The Beijing Winter Olympic Village is the home of athletes and team officials. During the Winter Olympics, it is expected to host 1,670 Winter Olympic athletes and accompanying officials from 54 countries and regions, providing them with 24-hour service.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The Beijing Winter Olympics are being held against the backdrop of the pandemic. Epidemic prevention work is of paramount importance. In the Athletes' Accommodation Suite in the Winter Olympic Village, the cleaning and disinfection of bedrooms, bathrooms and living rooms alone covers 22 steps.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The Winter Olympic Village has also opened a comprehensive clinic with a construction area of 1,500 square meters, and set up 18 disciplines such as emergency, physiotherapy and rehabilitation, imaging, traditional Chinese medicine, and dentistry. After the competition begins, the polyclinic will provide 16 hours a day for basic outpatient and 24-hour emergency treatment needs.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

Look at Run Management

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

Establish an efficient and powerful command system for racetime operation, improve cross-regional and cross-field command and dispatch and emergency support capabilities, and ensure safe and efficient operation during the game. Shougang Park is the seat of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The dispatch center of the Beijing Winter Olympic Operation Headquarters can be called the "Winter Olympic Brain", which is both the command center and the information gathering place. Four large screens more than 30 meters long show the real-time operation of the venue during the competition, and the command headquarters can understand the operation status of the Olympic-related venues in real time.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The preparations for the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Winter Paralympic Games are a systematic project, and it is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership and overall coordination, gather the wisdom of all parties, gather the strength of all walks of life, and form a strong joint force for doing a good job in the preparatory work.

Look at the training

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

Located on the banks of lugou bridge, Erqi Factory was formerly known as the Lubao Railway Lugou Bridge Machine Factory, which was founded in 1897 by the Ministry of Posts and Communications of the Qing Dynasty. In the 1920s, it was one of the cradles of the "27" strike of Beijing-Hankou railway workers. In the 1950s, the first internal combustion electric locomotive in New China was born here.

In March 2018, the Erqi factory, which has a history of more than 120 years, stopped production and transformed. Based on some of the old factories, a national ice and snow sports training and scientific research base integrating training and scientific research has been built. The reconstructed training base retains the original appearance of part of the Erqi Factory.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!
Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The multi-functional training system of the six degrees of freedom and one hall is suitable for skiing special training. Athletes train in an immersive VR environment using real snowboards and poles, and the snow blanket under their feet simulates the friction of sliding on the snow.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

The staff was waxing the snowboard. At present, the domestic snow wax joint research team is developing liquid snow wax that is more suitable for the use of the public.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

Driven by the athletes of the Winter Olympics, we will accelerate the popularization and improvement of ice and snow sports and accelerate the construction of a sports power. If sports are strong, China is strong, and if the national fortune is prosperous, sports are prosperous.

Beijing is ready, let's go to the future together!

Text: Yu Zhenyi and so on

Pictured: Chen Kuo, Zhang Jing, Qi Huan

Source: CCTV News, China Daily

Editors: Xie Wenyun, Yang Ye

Review: Sun Weijun

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