
The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

In the long river of Chinese history, countless dynasties have changed, but no matter how the world changes, there will always be

The traitors are in charge, and the loyal servants weep

The drama. For example, the ministers of the Ming Dynasty

Yu Qian

, he is called

The first loyal vassal of the Ming Dynasty

However, he ended up being raided and beheaded, which was naturally indispensable to the provocation of the traitor in front of the emperor. And at the end of the hero's road, there is someone to accompany him,


It is difficult to blame yourself in your heart,

Apologize for your sins

Those who were ordered to raid the house

The officers and men also burst into tears

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

As we all know, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty

Zhu Yuanzhang

Initially just one


He can overthrow the Yuan Dynasty and become the founding emperor, and how difficult it is on this road is only clear to him. From the lowest level of society to the position of the king of a country, he understands better than anyone the shady deeds between officials at all levels, which is also what Zhu Yuanzhang vigorously grasped after he ascended the throne

The wind of corruption

The most important reason. It is no exaggeration to say that Zhu Yuanzhang was the emperor in Chinese history who most hated the corruption of officials, and because of this, during his reign, there were few opportunities for officials at all levels to embezzle.

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

But Zhu Yuanzhang could not change the end of the Ming Dynasty almost becoming one of the most prevalent dynasties in Chinese history, and his vigorous grasp of corruption did not mean that his descendants would do the same, so.

Descendants of the Ming Dynasty

Once there is some relaxation in this matter, those ministers who are lucky will come out and commit crimes against the wind.

The Ming Dynasty's pro-villain yuanxian courtiers

Gradually, it formed. And Yu Qian just happened to have a monarch who did not know the truth, and we can only sigh at him

Born ahead of one's time


What is the charm of Yu Qian's body?

Can the unknown officers and soldiers shed tears for him, and the executioner kill himself for him?

Punish adultery and eliminate evil, and do not fear the powerful

During Yu Qian's tenure as an official, he has always adhered to it

"The Son of Heaven breaks the law and commits the same sin as the common people"

Therefore, as long as it is a person who is detrimental to the interests of the people, whether he is an official or not, Yu Qian will seek justice for the people, and the local people will therefore be therefore

I love him very much

。 However, Yu Qian's practice will inevitably be attacked by many traitors, but Yu Qian's attitude has always been very tough -

I am willing to sin against you for the sake of the happy life of the people!

Therefore, Yu Qian was always able to protect the people of one side, and even those thieves did not dare to come to the place under Qian's jurisdiction to make trouble.

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

Imperial eunuch Wang Zhen

During the period of the cabinet in power, whether it was a minister who held great power or a student who sought fame, most of them bowed down to him, and as long as they had the opportunity to see Wang Zhen, they would bring gold and silver treasures and give him, hoping that he could say more beautiful words in front of the emperor. But Yu Qian had never done this, he had always been one

Dare to love and dare to hate, and be honest and honest for officials

Even if the people around him advised him, even if they could bring some souvenirs from his hometown, he was still indifferent. He has always looked down on those cowardly and incompetent ministers, and even more hated those traitors who oppress people with power, and since he did not like them, it was impossible to be with them.

Yu Qian, who was loved by the people and refused to be with himself, had long been

It caused Wang Zhen's dissatisfaction

Wang Zhen then used his power to instruct Li Xi, the envoy of tongzheng, to impeach him, and the result of the impeachment was

Yu Qian was sentenced to death

。 It can also be seen from this that the king of the Ming Dynasty can no longer see who is a traitor and who is a loyal subject, let alone control this imperial power.

Yu Qian, who was sentenced to death, was arrested and imprisoned, and when the local people learned about it,

Jointly signed the book

Forcing Wang Zhen to find a reason to say that he had arrested the wrong person, he was eventually forced to release Yu Qian, but Yu Qian was still

He was therefore demoted

Simple life, single-minded for the country and the people

Yu Qian, as a heavy minister of the Ming Dynasty, did not live as luxuriously as other ministers, and he put all his thoughts on it

How to make the people happier, how to make the country richer and stronger

On these two things.

In 1449, the Great Khan of the Mongols raised an army to attack, instigated by the ill-intentioned Wang Zhen

Ming Yingzong

Seeing that Ming Yingzong was about to go to the battlefield in person, Yu Qian immediately joined forces with Shangshu of the Military Department to write a letter together,

Strongly advise Ming Yingzong to think twice before acting

However, it still could not change the outcome of Ming Yingzong's obedience to the traitorous minister Wang Zhen. And the unclear Ming Yingzong finally

Captured at Fort Tumu

Wang Zhen was also killed, and Yu Qian stood up at this time to preside over the overall situation.

Defend the Kyoshi Division

Zhu Qiyu, the overseer of the state, also ascended the throne as emperor, that is

Ming Dynasty Emperor

During his reign, yu Qian and other upright people were enabled to implement a lot of benevolent government, and the economy of the Ming Dynasty was restored. And Yu Qian, who is dedicated to serving the country and the people, makes those


Extremely dissatisfied, he began to design a trap for Yu Qian.

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

However, if you want to completely get rid of Yu Qian, you still need the consent of the emperor, so when Emperor Ming was seriously ill, those ministers who hated Yu Qian began to plot

Regaining the throne, while instigating Ming Yingzong to kill Yu Qian. Faced with the proposal to kill Yu Qian, Ming Yingzong always disagreed, but when the ministers told Ming Yingzong that

"If you don't kill Yu Qian, the restoration will become a nameless teacher"

At that time, Ming Yingzong was moved, after all, in front of the throne at his fingertips,

What is the life of a loyal servant?

Immediately after, they fabricated Yu Qian together

"Motivation-to-Be-Inspired Foreign Clan"

The "crime of conspiracy" will be arrested and imprisoned by Qian. In the first year of Tianshun, Yu Qian was escorted to the execution ground,

A generation of loyalists eventually died at the hands of the traitors and the Emperor

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins


The executioner in charge of the decapitation

Day and night are difficult to be at ease, he knows that Yu Qian is a loyal servant who thinks about the people everywhere, and although he is forced to do so, he really killed Yu Qian, so he can't bear this kind of day and night when he is deeply condemning himself.

The only choice is to die to apologize

。 And the officers and soldiers who were ordered to raid the house found Yu Qian's home

There is nothing of value at all

Only when the Ming Dynasty Emperor rewarded him with a sword weapon,

Everyone hid their tears

。 In the face of Yu Qian's mansion surrounded by disciples, the officers and soldiers who had the intention of raiding the family were all plunged into sadness and could not extricate themselves.

The importance of pro-virtuous people

Looking back on Yu Qian's life, we can only lament that he was not born at the right time, and not all Maxima in this world can meet his Bole. In the feudal society of ancient China, corrupt officials and corrupt officials appeared in an endless stream, but there were heroes in every era, and if these heroes met a good king, they could naturally shine and jointly protect the safety of the country; but if they encountered a pro-villain and distant sage, they could only fall behind

He was unjustly killed

The tragic end was over.

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

It was not only Yu Qian who was unjustly killed, but as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when the Seven Kingdoms were vying for dominance, it was also those who were victimized by the traitors and those who bore the sin of Jing

General Lian Po and Li Mu of Wu'an Jun

。 Zhao Guo had many talents, and was originally the strongest opponent of the Qin State, but because of Guo Kai, a great traitorous minister, he obstructed it, making the Zhao State cowardly and incompetent king Xian

Mistakenly killing Li Mu, he wronged Lian Po

, which directly led to the defeat of the State of Zhao at the hands of the State of Qin.

The first loyal servant of the Ming Dynasty was unjustly killed, and when the officers and soldiers raided their homes, they all shed tears, and the executioners felt guilty and apologized for their sins

This is also true

Zhuge Liang's "Table of Teachers"

A sentence in :

"Pro-Xianchen, far from the little man, this first Han so Xinglong also; pro-little man, far xianchen, after that Han so fell into decadence also."

This sentence is useful not only for Han, but also for humility, for honesty, for Li Mu, and for the fate of many other loyal subjects who have been victimized by traitors. What a happy ending it would be if these loyal servants met a Ming Jun.

In fact, the truth left by the ancients is also useful in modern times, and the rapid development of China in recent years is obvious to all Chinese people. In fact, before China embarks on the road of rapid development, the first thing to do is to fight corruption.

"Fight tigers, shoot flies, and see how hard the country fights for the sake of anti-corruption"

It even became a household name in those years. It is precisely in this way that we can ruthlessly solve the "cancer" of society that we can ensure China's rapid development and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as soon as possible.

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