
The ancients rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor, so why not poison the food? It's not that I don't want to, it's completely impossible

The ancients rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor, so why not poison the food? It's not that I don't want to, it's completely impossible

Friends know that in ancient times, if you want to talk about the person with the highest power and status, it must be the emperor at that time. The emperor of ancient times, one person not only managed all the major affairs of the country, but also controlled the life and death of all people in the country. If an emperor loves the country and the people, cherishes the world, and takes the affairs of his family and country as his responsibility, then he will certainly be supported by the people, and those who only covet beauty and enjoyment, and do not ask about the sufferings of the people, will be resisted by the people, and those uprisings that have broken out in history are not in the minority.

The ancients rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor, so why not poison the food? It's not that I don't want to, it's completely impossible

Whether an emperor does a good job or does not do well, it is inevitable that some people will covet his status and rights, so we can also see on TV that in ancient times, there were many officials or relatives of the emperor who bought the assassins to murder the emperor's life. Then some people will ask, since it is better to murder the emperor and directly poison his food, why should someone be sent to assassinate him?

The ancients rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor, so why not poison the food? It's not that I don't want to, it's completely impossible

In fact, those who wanted to seize the throne in ancient times did not think of the way to poison the emperor by poisoning the emperor's meals, and in history, because the emperors who were poisoned in the meals and wine, such as the Hanping Emperor Liu Yan, were poisoned by Wang Mang in the pepper wine, and the Han Emperor Liu Miao was also poisoned by a person who was placed by Liang Ji in his side who mixed the poison in the cake and was poisoned, in addition to many emperors who died of poison. Therefore, in the future, in order to avoid the emperor from being poisoned by people with hearts, the management of the emperor's meals was also very strict, how strict was it? The following small series for everyone to analyze in detail.

The ancients rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor, so why not poison the food? It's not that I don't want to, it's completely impossible

The first is the procurement and pre-processing of food, the food eaten by the emperor is procured by special people, and the purchaser is only responsible for this one, and when they are purchased, they will be handed over to the special processing person to clean, and after cleaning, it will be handed over to the chef of the imperial dining room to make dishes for the emperor. Many people may think that poisoning while cooking will not be discovered. However, in the past, when the chef of the imperial dining room was cooking, there would be two special supervisors standing next to him, just to prevent the chef from being bribed and poisoned by the emperor during the cooking process.

The ancients rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor, so why not poison the food? It's not that I don't want to, it's completely impossible

When the meal was ready, a eunuch in charge of serving the dish would be presented to the emperor. And they do not act alone when serving food, but go together, which also plays a role in supervising each other. When the meal is served, there will be a eunuch who is specially responsible for tasting the dish to taste the dish for the emperor first, and will not enter the emperor's mouth until it is determined that there is nothing wrong, often at this time the food is already cold.

Therefore, the reason why people who wanted to kill the emperor in ancient times did not poison in the meal was because there was no such opportunity at all. There are many different people in different links, even if you want to buy, the price is too high.

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