
Is it really hard to poison the emperor? Puyi: Don't be stupid! I haven't eaten a hot meal in so many years!

Is it really hard to poison the emperor? Puyi: Don't be stupid! I haven't eaten a hot meal in so many years!

I believe that when you watch the costume TV series, if the emperor happens to be a handsome male protagonist, there will be such a scene, that is, I don't know where to suddenly jump out of a group of black-clad people to take the emperor's life, but basically not by the female protagonist to block, or by the emperor a few times to get rid of, then why not choose to poison it? Maybe everyone in the TV series will see the picture of testing poison with silver needles, the silver needles turn black to indicate that the food is poisonous, but this is just a gimmick Not all poisonous silver needles can be detected, but only containing sulfides or sulfur can make the silver needles black, so why not use poison to kill the emperor.

Is it really hard to poison the emperor? Puyi: Don't be stupid! I haven't eaten a hot meal in so many years!

The emperor before eating is to go through many audits, more rigorous than once, with our Qing Dynasty's imperial dining room to make a comparison, the person in charge of the imperial dining room was the eight flags of the people, is the emperor's relatives, which is very responsible for the emperor's diet, not only to the emperor to eat well, but also to ensure the safety of these foods, and the emperor's every dish, the ingredients are purchased by special people, transportation, selection, washing, preparation are supervised by each special department, and the records of these personnel are recorded after the case dish is ready, under the supervision of the eunuchs , they will be recorded, division of labor details.

Is it really hard to poison the emperor? Puyi: Don't be stupid! I haven't eaten a hot meal in so many years!

It can be said that every dish that the ancient emperor ate, the material of this dish, and then transported to the imperial dining room and cleaned these dishes, then cleaned these dishes, and then made preparations to start cooking every procedure, every work here is supervised! We usually stir-fry a dish, that is, one person is cooking, and then the emperor eats the meal, a dish needs three people to do, which ensures that everyone can not do tricks and feet on it! Three people cooking is to supervise each other, but also to strictly prevent everyone. So if you poison these two processes is not an easy task!

Is it really hard to poison the emperor? Puyi: Don't be stupid! I haven't eaten a hot meal in so many years!

Even if the poisoned person passed the previous tests, but after the dish was served, there were several test procedures, first of all, there would be a eunuch with a silver needle and a silver spoon to test the meal, after the test was correct, there would be a special eunuch to try to eat, if after a period of time, the eunuch was safe, then the emperor could start eating, but at this step, the general meal was already cold. Therefore, Puyi once mentioned in his autobiography that in the years when he was emperor, he had not eaten a hot meal.

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