
The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

author:Do you know if you can

There is an old saying in this world: life should be fireproof, anti-theft, anti-girlfriend. It is an old saying because it has been confirmed in the long river of time.

Similarly, the story of Xiao He in the office also confirms this sentence, but the process surprises me even more.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

Xiao He's girlfriend is the sister of his college club, and during the school period, the two people are like-minded and inseparable. After graduation, Xiao He also successfully entered a company internship under the introduction of his girlfriend.

The girlfriend fell in love, and Xiao He sincerely blessed. Girlfriends often joke that they hope that Xiao He can also find the right person as soon as possible, and then you can date four people together.

By chance, Xiao He met a girlfriend who was dating, and the girlfriend's boyfriend greeted her very kindly, and the three people naturally met. After simply eating a meal, Xiao He consciously left to give space to his girlfriend and boyfriend.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

One day, the girlfriend asked Xiao He to go shopping, but she brought a strange man with her. The girlfriend explained that the man is a good brother to the boyfriend, the character and the family are good, let the two people get along and see. In this way, Xiao He was forced to go on a blind date without knowing it.

Afterwards, Xiao He confessed to his girlfriend that he felt that he was not suitable for the man, and hoped that his girlfriend would not do so in the future. After the girlfriend listened, she was a little angry, felt that her kindness was betrayed, and said to Xiao He that she could not fully understand a person at a meeting, and suggested that Xiao He talk to men more.

Xiao He later refused the man's invitation many times. One day, the girlfriend's boyfriend found Xiao He and apologized for his girlfriend's behavior, while saying that his brother would not bother in the future. Xiao He was grateful for this.

Later, Xiao He met his girlfriend's boyfriend several times, because they were all accidental encounters, and Xiao He did not care. Until the girlfriend found Xiao He, inexplicably scolded Xiao He, saying that she was green tea and specifically seduced her boyfriend. Xiao He also felt inexplicable, although angry, but also did not want to lose his friends for many years, so he went to the door many times to explain, and the results were all fruitless.

After work one day, the girlfriend's boyfriend found Xiao He again, vowed that he had broken up, and from the first moment he saw Xiao He, he was obsessed with Xiao He and hoped to further communicate.

Xiao He Yanzi refused. The whole thing, Xiao He feels that he is an innocent victim, mixed between girlfriends and scumbags, not only being named, but also losing his friends for many years.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

Nowadays, Xiao He calms down, and between her and the so-called girlfriend for many years, there is no trust, and it cannot withstand the test, so don't let such feelings be done.

When it's over, back to the topic, what should the real girlfriend look like?

1. Unconditionally trust and stand by your side

The famous stand-up comedian Yang Kasa once said on the show: The most mean words in this life are to the ex-girlfriend of the girlfriend's boyfriend. Because she is always on the side of her girlfriend, she can also be mean to strangers she doesn't know.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

In this regard, Yang Kasa also explained: "We girls know that what we say is not so important. No one cares except friends. So we are how happy our friends are, and we say what we say. ”

Although a little willful, I have to admit that it is indeed a happy thing to have such an unconditional girlfriend around who trusts and spoils himself unconditionally.

2, even if silent, choose to accompany the people around

I have such a girlfriend by my side, we have known each other for many years and know each other. The girlfriend is a person who is not good at words and has an introverted personality, which also determines that she is a good listener.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

Every time we encountered something troublesome or sad, we would meet up for a drink, and she always played the role of a listener. Sometimes, without wanting to speak, she was able to understand and then remain silent. Finally, I was sent home safely after drinking heavily. While I also tried to be a silent listener, she quipped that you are better suited to be a gushing analyst.

Always be by your side when you need it, willingly be a silent listener, know that you understand you, such a girlfriend is difficult to find in the world.

3, do not talk about feelings, you can wake up your people in a word

I once saw such a sentence on the Internet: a girlfriend is the person who throws cold water on you when others are all in your favor and she stays behind to pour cold water on you.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

Having seen a movie called "Green Book," Shelley and Tony were two very different people, but by chance they embarked on a tour together.

In the movie, Tony kneels on the ground and gambles with someone else, and triumphantly tells Shelly that he will definitely win. Shelly saw this and said angrily, "Do kneeling on the gravel floor and throwing dice for a little change make you feel like a winner in life?" Tony's eyes only had winning money, but Shelley made Tony understand in an instant that he had lost dignity.

There are many such scenes in the film, Shelly is not a good talker, but always wakes Up Tony in the most critical moments. In our long journey of life, we need a girlfriend like Shelley so that we can always be sober and determined to move forward.

The 6-year girlfriend relationship ended with a scumbag. What should a real girlfriend look like?

Confucius said in the Analects of Ji: "Youzhi, friendly forgiveness, friendly and knowledgeable, beneficial." "It means making friends who are upright, friends who don't talk a lot; friends who are broad-minded and can forgive people, friends who don't make evil words, friends who can enlighten you, help you when you are in deep trouble, and friends who are flattering.

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