
He ascended the throne at the age of 3, became the king of the fallen country at the age of 5, and was a slave in the enemy country for 50 years, but his son became the emperor of the enemy country!

He ascended the throne at the age of 3, became the king of the fallen country at the age of 5, and was a slave in the enemy country for 50 years, but his son became the emperor of the enemy country!

The history of the Southern Song Dynasty is a humiliating history, it is a small dynasty established by the imperial family in the original Jiangnan after the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the land area has shrunk dramatically. Since its establishment, it has been under the threat of the Jin Dynasty, which is called Chenna tribute. However, he did not expect that the final sword was not dropped by the Jin Dynasty, but was cut down by the Yuanren.

The last king of the Southern Song Dynasty was only five years old at this time, and he was an ignorant child. In 1274, Emperor Duzong of the Southern Song Dynasty died, and his fainting and incompetent, regardless of the time of the firm belief in the consort Shu's dignity and inferiority. Before his death, he put his three-year-old concubine Zhao Xian on the throne. Only two years later, the Mongol cavalry captured the Southern Song Dynasty under the leadership of Kublai Khan, and in 1276, the Southern Song Dynasty fell, and Zhao Xian was 5 years old.

He ascended the throne at the age of 3, became the king of the fallen country at the age of 5, and was a slave in the enemy country for 50 years, but his son became the emperor of the enemy country!

A 5-year-old child was given the title of king of the subjugated country, and Zhao Xian became a prisoner of the Mongols. Zhao Xian was still young, and after the soldiers captured Zhao Xian, they were embarrassed and took him to Kublai Khan for disposal. Kublai Khan was not too embarrassed to see that he was still a five-year-old child, and he also made him the Duke of Yingguo.

Later, Zhao Xian and his mother lived in the capital of Mongolia, and as they grew older, Zhao Xian gradually understood his identity. So I live very carefully, even if I am still in a high position, but there are still many unavoidable. At that time, Kublai Khan wanted to appease the Han people in the land of the former Southern Song Dynasty.

He ascended the throne at the age of 3, became the king of the fallen country at the age of 5, and was a slave in the enemy country for 50 years, but his son became the emperor of the enemy country!

In fact, he has always been good to Zhao Xian, and Zhao Xian,with a bitter heart, pinned his spirit on the Dharma, and Kublai Khan let him study the Dharma. When she reached the age of marriage, she married a princess of the Yuan Dynasty to her, and finally another royal family sent a Mongolian concubine named Han Wulu to her, which was very beautiful.

However, han Wulu was then taken in by another Yuan dynasty nobleman, King Xiao'er of Zhou, and directly brought back to which side concubine in the palace. Zhao Xian, who had almost the same title, could hardly say a word, and watched as his concubine was taken away. I only felt that I was a slave raised in the Yuan Dynasty to make people laugh. So since then I have become more immersed in the Dharma.

He ascended the throne at the age of 3, became the king of the fallen country at the age of 5, and was a slave in the enemy country for 50 years, but his son became the emperor of the enemy country!

In fact, the royal family of the Song Dynasty seems to be able to achieve the peak of anything except to be an emperor. Zhao Xian only began to learn Sanskrit at the age of seventeen, and at the age of eighteen he went to Tibet to learn Buddhism. In the twenty-fifth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1288 AD), he went to Tubo to start his own path of Buddhism.

I don't know if Zhao Xian was born with a relationship with the Buddha, but he was a Han monk who left a strong mark in the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. In the end, he was honored as "Hezun". The Sakya Sect's Five Patriarchs, The Eight Sibahs, were the ones who formed a "relationship of almsgiving" with Kublai Khan, were Kublai Khan's state teachers, and were a sect in Tibet with independent political power.

He ascended the throne at the age of 3, became the king of the fallen country at the age of 5, and was a slave in the enemy country for 50 years, but his son became the emperor of the enemy country!

Zhao Xian was officially ordained at the auspicious Saska Monastery, and the existence of this Yingguo Duke in various Buddhist interpretations or Buddhist history. He lived for a long time in the Great Sakya Monastery in Tibet and once served as the abbot of the monastery.

Zhao Xian, who thought he had given his life to the Buddha, had forgotten his identity as the king of the fallen kingdom in distant Tibet, but the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty had not forgotten. In the third year of the reign of Emperor Yingzong of Yuan (1323 AD), "The Duke hezun of the Yingguo Died in Hexi". After the people of the Southern Song Dynasty were settled, even if Zhao Xian'an stayed in distant Tibet, he could not escape the tragedy of the fate of the king of the subjugated country.

Ironically, however, the former concubine was already pregnant before she was snatched into the palace by the Zhou King's Concubine, and then she was left with a son named Tuohuan Tiemu'er, who was the last emperor of the later Yuan Dynasty. That's a beginning and an end, doesn't it?

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