
Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color! Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painter Peng Shuiying

There is such a person, he likes to fantasize about the world, closed his eyes in his mind will appear dream-like landscapes, if you deliberately use the brush to express the artistic conception, perhaps the picture displayed will be very stiff, the development of natural brush and ink will be very soft, creating a fantasy landscape work that is imaginative and beyond reality, and his author is Peng Shuiying!

Peng Shuiying is a new generation of Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painters, he undertakes the fine tradition of jinling painting, pursues the integration of color and ink in ink painting, creates rendering water rhyme in brushwork lines, he pays attention to the innovative expression of color hidden in ink, ink hidden in color, and opens a magical journey of fantasy world!

Painting mountains and painting water in the heart of the never distracting thoughts, when you pick up the paintbrush you are a genius painter, high decibel brain operation, in a virtual brain fragment to find inspiration to explore the picture, this is the dots and lines in your painting, breaking the traditional expression method, strengthening aesthetic analysis, in order to paint an otherworldly classic work of art.

"Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color." Cross-blending, impression into the painting. This is the creative method proposed by Peng Shuiying for the impressionist landscape paintings of the new era. After watching his latest works, it is indeed as picturesque as his people, which is heart-warming. Peng Shuiying is in the creation and research of Impressionist landscape painting, and his works mainly lie in the grasp of color ink, the flexible use of color, cross-integration, fantasy and leisurely.

The creator of landscape painting with more than 20 years of knowledge of photography, Peng Shuiying jumped across the border and achieved such results in just a few years, which is inseparable from his talent for aesthetics. Photography is the window of the mind, painting is the creator of the mind, they all belong to the visual art, visual art is the keen grasp of color, through the heart. Peng Shuiying's new impressionist landscape paintings have relatively high requirements for the spiritual realm of the painter, and there must be no distractions in the mind when painting, and it is necessary to get rid of the world and create an illusion.

Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color! Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painter Peng Shuiying

Peng Shuiying landscape paintings

Art is not very new to me, there is an art class in elementary school, and it is also my favorite class. The thinking of children's painting has always influenced me, the traditional brush and ink of Chinese painting has also been influencing me, and my 20 years of photography experience have changed my feelings about color.

Suddenly, I realized my own color ink brushwork: "Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color." Cross-blending, impression into the painting. "It's a natural technique that requires the accumulation of years, a keen and persistent sense of art. He uses the unique composition style of photography to open up the compatible rendering of ink and color, pays attention to the depth and layer of field in the portrayal of photography techniques in Chinese painting, and creates a strange landscape painting that seems to be like a non-image, like a dream.

Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color! Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painter Peng Shuiying

Peng Shuiying's works have calm colors, strong pen and ink language, and the pictures are full of vitality and vigor, with strong characteristics of the times. Painting mountains and paintings is a kind of realm, a kind of thinking. Craftsman-like pen and ink techniques have been used by the ancients for thousands of years, and the newcomers respect the tradition at the same time, keep the old but must be new.

When you close your eyes and start meditating, many unreal and unreal scenes will emerge in your mind, or every scene in your dream in your sleep, which is nothing, but deeply imprinted in your mind.

When you pick up a paintbrush and start drawing blindly, some strange patterns will emerge from your ink and colors, and when you finish the manuscript, you dare not imagine that this is an ethereal work created unconsciously. In fact, this is the purest essence and inspiration in the human heart, and it is also the most noble artistic realm.

Of course, not everyone can express their inner thoughts in painting, which requires excellent visual aesthetics and skilled painting skills, as well as the growth experience of years and life, and the most important thing is the edification and cultivation of culture.

The ancients called this painting method Shensi, which means that the inspiration comes from the heavenly realm, and there is the meaning of the magic of the gods and the combination of heavenly works.

Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color! Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painter Peng Shuiying

Peng Shuiying, a young Chinese artist, is a typical representative of this genre of painting, who receives the source of nature, exerts imagination space, and creates a new concept of non-realism, fantasy landscape and chinese painting.

Peng Shuiying is a dream full of magic and magic, and every painting he creates, the picture is illusory, but in the painting it is a real appearance.

He adopts the traditional Chinese ink rendering technique as the basic manuscript, fully combines the color elements of Chinese painting, pays attention to the relationship between picture composition and color perspective, and achieves a new visual art style of partial refinement and overall painting.

The sublimation of art lies in inspiration, the realm of art lies in aesthetics, and the level of aesthetics lies in the painter's perception of life. Art lies in change, beauty and ugliness, are all a way of expression of art, not pseudo-art.

Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color! Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painter Peng Shuiying

This earth is a colorful planet, the colors that people can see with the human eye do not represent the real world, and there are many faint colors that only the camera can capture.

The motivation for my painting comes from my understanding of color, I am a cosmic visual telepath, usually before going to bed I will lie in bed and turn on my brain waves to receive the three-dimensional fantasy space given to me by the universe. In that state, I can see a lot of landscapes and rivers that are more abstract and magical than human vision cannot understand.

I also like very traditional landscape pictures, but if I want to learn to model, I can't do it. Picking up the brush I was very reluctant to brush stroke by stroke, so I knew what I was going to express, I painted only on my spiritual level, I was painting for myself.

Color is hidden in ink, ink is hidden in color! Chinese painting Impressionist landscape painter Peng Shuiying

Appreciating my paintings can only be aesthetically pleasing visually, and cannot be imposed on my paintings with traditional landscape aesthetics. I'm not a successful painter, but I'm going to be a successful artist. I want to succeed in my own service, because there are many painting structures and spaces in my mind that I have not yet broken through, and the painting techniques I have explored cannot yet perfectly illustrate the picture of my mind. Painting can not be eaten as a meal, a few strokes when happy, and thinking about life when leisurely, which is all to improve the awareness of painting and transcend inspiration.

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