
Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

The story of Dayu Zhishui "three times through the door" and not entering is the story that people relish after tea and dinner. The history books record that Dayu Zhishui became a tribal leader with high respect, and Dayu Chuan was located in his son Ziqi, which changed the tribal "Zen concession" system and created a hereditary system of hereditary throne in the family world for more than 4,000 years. The Xia Dynasty lasted for fourteen generations, and after passing on the throne for seventeen years (after the ruler of the Xia Dynasty, he was called emperor after his death) lasted for 471 years and was finally destroyed by the Shang.

Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

The Xia Dynasty is the earliest documented dynasty in Chinese history, and many pre-Qin classics such as the Book of Poetry, Zuo Zhuan, and Shang Shu mention the Xia Dynasty. Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty also clearly records the history of the succession of the Xia and Shang Dynasties on Wednesday in the Records of History, the earliest general historical masterpiece in China. However, in recent years, due to the lack of understanding of Chinese civilization by Westerners, they have not inherited the Chinese civilization for 5,000 years, and according to their logical reasoning, they only recognize the Chinese civilization for 2,000 years.

Later, due to the discovery of the Erlitou site, Westerners relaxed the Chinese civilization to 3500 years, and the Chinese civilization in their eyes was more than three thousand miles. In the early 1920s, some Chinese scholars, influenced by Western thought, classified the "Great Yu Zhi Shui" as a legend and denied the real existence of the Xia Dynasty. But obviously not counting the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, will it still be wrong to say that there are five thousand years?

Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

Westerners believe that written records alone cannot prove the existence of the Xia Dynasty, and only archaeological documents can prove its authenticity. According to the theory of Westerners, ancestral graves must be excavated to obtain a large amount of archaeological literature from them. But China has always been a country of etiquette, so how can it do those chickens and dogs? Fortunately, in 1952, the age of the Discovery of the Erlitou Site was exactly from more than 1700 BC to more than 1500 BC, which is the era of the existence of the Xia Dynasty.

So the experts wrote an academic report on the "Business Anniversary Table" after research and comparison. However, this academic report was arrogantly ignored by Ni Dewei, a former professor at Stanford University: "The international academic community should tear this report to pieces." Xiaobian believes that the reason why Professor Ni Dewei has made such a big fire is precisely because the authenticity of this report makes them afraid, hits the heart of Westerners, and makes them angry and ashamed.

Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

The Erlitou site shows that the Xia Dynasty before the Shang Dynasty existed, but Professor Wang Changcheng of Guizhou University for Nationalities also said: The Xia Dynasty definitely existed, but it was not a Chinese civilization, but an Araba civilization. You say ridiculous, as a professor, to say such a lofty and flattering thing. As long as people who understand history know that the Xia Dynasty is real, and it is in China, otherwise where did the historical Shaofu Country, Du Kang Wine, and Shang Tang extinguish the Xia come from?

Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

As to whether the Xia Dynasty really existed, Dayu Zhishui recorded that in Zuo Qiuming's "Chinese-Zhou Language" during the Spring and Autumn Period, Dayu was the son of the earliest documented member of the Xia clan "Cang" who established the Xia Dynasty. Yu ceded the throne to Bo Yi, and the local people Xing only recognized Yu's son Qi, so Bo Yi returned the status of tribal chief to Qi, thus opening the hereditary system of the family's throne. When the throne passed into the hands of TaiKang, Taikang was obsessed with Tian Hunting and often ignored political affairs for ten and a half days.

At this time, Dongyi had houyi (legend has it that he was very powerful, also known as Yiyi) who seized the power of Taikang when he went out and did not return, and Li Taikang's younger brother Zhongkang succeeded to the throne, actually taking power himself. After Zhongkang's death, Houyi himself was proclaimed emperor, but Houyi was also a dimwitted monarch, who ignored political affairs and liked tian hunting, leaving political affairs to hanhun to manage, hanhun was an ambitious man, and drove away Zhongkang's son Xiang, whose wife Younaishi took the opportunity to flee to her mother's house.

Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

The Yu nai clan gave birth to Sho Kang, the widow of Xiang, in her mother's house, and Shao Kang grew up to become the muzheng of the Ari Nai clan. In order to consolidate his position, Han Hun sent people everywhere to hunt down and kill Shao Kang. ShaoKang fled to the Youyu clan, where he received help from the Youyu clan and began his journey to restoration. He contacted Taikang's widow, Bo Jing, who fled to the Youyi clan during the reign of Hou Yi and organized people there in an attempt to restore the country. Shao Kang took the Yu clan and the Yu clan to fight a big war with Han Hun in the Central Plains.

Shao Kang took the initiative to cut his wings first, and then attacked his leader, defeating Han Hun in one fell swoop. Shaokang finally regained power, established the capital at Yang zhai (present-day Yuzhou, Henan), and restored the rule of the Xia Dynasty, which is known as the "Shaojian State". If the Xia Dynasty really did not exist, how could there be a record of "less recovered countries"? Xia Chuan reigned for 14 generations, and due to the absurdity and cruelty of Jie, Shang Tang gradually became stronger with the assistance of Noh Chen, in order to overthrow The rule of Jie.

Is the mysterious Xia Dynasty a legend? Old Professor: Definitely not, but it doesn't belong in China

Shang then made the "Tang Oath" and launched a great war in Mingtiao and Jie, and finally after three thousand people's election, established the "Shang" capital "Ho Jing". Since the West recognizes that the Shang Dynasty had a 3500-year-old civilization, if the Xia Dynasty did not exist, where did the Shang Dynasty civilization come from? Shang can't be a rootless water, come out of thin air. Therefore, the Civilization of the Xia Dynasty is not a myth and legend, nor can anyone question it, it is real, and it is synonymous with Chinese civilization "Huaxia".

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