
The US troops stationed in Iraq have been attacked by drones for two consecutive days, and the two Countries are dissatisfied with the United States

author:Defense Times vanguard

Recently, the U.S. military has not had a good time in Iraq.

Iraq's Interior Ministry confirmed on January 3 that the international airport in baghdad, the capital, was attacked by two drones carrying explosives that day, but there were no casualties. It is reported that at dawn on the 3rd, two drones carrying explosives attacked a military base in the airport that had been stationed by US advisers and agencies, but they were shot down by the C-RAM air defense system that protected the base. Iraqi security forces are investigating the attacked base, which is not a member of coalition forces who play a combat role, mainly logistics units, equipment contractors and civilian personnel, and that the attack caused no casualties, ACCORDING TO US sources.

The US troops stationed in Iraq have been attacked by drones for two consecutive days, and the two Countries are dissatisfied with the United States

At 4 a.m. on Jan. 4, two fixed-wing drones carrying explosives appeared above the U.S. military base in Assad, Iraq. Located in Anbar province in western Iraq, Assad Air Base is one of the main bases for U.S. forces stationed in Iraq. When the U.S. side discovered it, it immediately took action to shoot down one of the small drones with an anti-rocket and mortar system, while the other was destroyed by the "Needle" anti-aircraft missile.

This is the second drone attack against the coalition forces in Iraq in 24 hours.

The US troops stationed in Iraq have been attacked by drones for two consecutive days, and the two Countries are dissatisfied with the United States

On December 26, 2021, Iraqi anti-American resistance groups used roadside bombs to attack six U.S. military logistics convoys in Baghdad, Babil, Anbar, and Kadisiyah provinces.

On December 31, 2121, some Iraqi demonstrators surrounded the U.S. Embassy in Iraq and burned a model of the U.S. Embassy made of wood and cardboard shells.

The US troops stationed in Iraq have been attacked by drones for two consecutive days, and the two Countries are dissatisfied with the United States

According to the agreement between the coalition forces and Iraq, before December 31, 2021, all the coalition forces will withdraw from Iraq, and the US military will not have the heart to fight, and all the agreements will be fulfilled, which has been confirmed by the Iraqi prime minister.

On December 29, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Qadimi confirmed that the U.S.-led international coalition war mission against the terrorist group Daesh had ended, that all troops and war equipment had withdrawn from Iraq, and that no demand had been made for a continued presence in Iraq.

The US troops stationed in Iraq have been attacked by drones for two consecutive days, and the two Countries are dissatisfied with the United States

However, according to the agreement between the two sides, a small number of US military personnel will continue to provide training services to the Iraqi army, undertake to train the Iraqi army and support the strategic dialogue between Iraq and the United States, and will also cooperate together in combating the "Islamic State" extremist forces. About 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Iraq.

In order to prevent Iraqi armed groups from attacking the US military, the US military deployed Humvees equipped with the "Avenger" short-range anti-aircraft missile system in Iraq, and they were equipped with 50 mm M3P machine guns in addition to the "Needle" missile. The addition of the "needle" missile is to deal with the ubiquitous drones.

The US troops stationed in Iraq have been attacked by drones for two consecutive days, and the two Countries are dissatisfied with the United States

In fact, in the past two years, January 3 of each year has been a day of fear for the US military, because 2 years ago, the United States and Israel cooperated in using drones to kill General Suleimani of Iran and the Iraqi commander Muhandis in the same car. The incident caused the deterioration of U.S.-Iran relations and triggered anti-American sentiment in Iraq to demand the withdrawal of foreign troops.

On January 3, 2022, Iran held a series of events in memory of Suleimani and vowed to pay the price for the United States. Some analysts said that in the new year this year, there will be a series of drone attacks on the US military, which is likely to be related to it.

It is reported that in 2021, the US military facilities or personnel in Iraq have been attacked by nearly a hundred rockets. (Inoue Frog)

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