
The emperor felt that the repair cost was too expensive, so he patched it, and it became popular in the Manchu Dynasty

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When the Daoguang Emperor first sat on the dragon chair, he also wanted to be a ruler of the world, and he also made efforts for this. At the beginning of his reign, he was very diligent, dealing with major state affairs and approving recitals every day.

However, this life did not last long, and he may find that being a good emperor is too tired, so after a long time, he began to be lazy. Many of his instructions on the folds were not taken seriously, so he drew a circle on them or wrote a sentence to know.

The emperor felt that the repair cost was too expensive, so he patched it, and it became popular in the Manchu Dynasty

He estimated that it was pure laziness, but he could not shout all over the world, but the ministers below did not know ah, which also bitter him, well, seeing that his fold was this kind of reply, he thought that the emperor had any special meaning, so he pondered hard.

The last truth is that when the emperor draws circles, it is that the words of the minister's place are not well written. So they also understood in their hearts, and said that the emperor was criticizing me for writing this word badly. So in order not to make this mistake again, they are practicing calligraphy hard, and they can write well, or they have to find someone to write for them, in short, they must write beautifully.

Daoguang had many sons, but many of them died early, and the eldest son, Yi Wei, did not learn any techniques, and was originally the heir in his heart, but he did not expect to once scold him and kick him on the door of life, and this eldest son died and died.

The emperor felt that the repair cost was too expensive, so he patched it, and it became popular in the Manchu Dynasty

After that, his sons were still able to do so, and the fourth elder was actually the later Xianfeng Emperor. However, in fact, the talent of the fourth elder is not as good as that of the sixth elder, that is, the later Prince Gong Yi?.

However, XianFeng had a good master, who often secretly pointed out his words and often won the favor of the Daoguang Emperor. Coupled with the fact that he was a concubine, the throne eventually fell into his hands.

But it was his irresponsibility and cowardice that finally allowed Cixi to grasp the power and bring calamity to the country and the people. The Daoguang Emperor was a very frugal imperial heir, and when he was a prince, he often ate very plainly in order to save daily expenses, and later became an emperor, and the empress's birthday was nothing more than eating a bowl of longevity noodles.

The emperor felt that the repair cost was too expensive, so he patched it, and it became popular in the Manchu Dynasty

It is said that his clothes were bitten by rats, and he did not change them, so he wanted the Ministry of Internal Affairs to repair them, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened its mouth and asked for a thousand taels of silver for repairs. He felt that it was too wasteful, so he asked the queen to fix it, and finally cut out the wind.

So the ministers saw the clothes worn by the emperor and were afraid of overstepping the rules, so they also cut off the wind. His clothes were torn, and he also asked the queen to patch them, and the ministers also broke their clothes and patched them. As a result, in order to cater to the emperor, the ministers competed to buy patched clothes.

In fact, his intention was not bad, but to let the ministers know how to be frugal and save money for the country. But the ministers were so flattering that they went on to the court like a gang meeting.

The emperor felt that the repair cost was too expensive, so he patched it, and it became popular in the Manchu Dynasty

At the beginning of the Opium War, he also fully supported Lin Zexu, because at the beginning he was still very backbone, and he felt that it was impossible not to fight with the British. But he didn't expect to spend so much money on a fight, and he was obviously at a disadvantage, and finally he softened, and he could only wave his hand and stop fighting, and his bones were gone.

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