
In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

As the saying goes: "Two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, and a good man can't stand many people."

In the cold weapon period, in the case of everyone fighting with knives, guns and sticks, it is normal to pick two, but if you can pick five, it is not an ordinary person, if you can complete one pick seven, it is a martial arts master level. After all, it is subject to strength, and without the help of modern weapons, one-to-many is very difficult at any time.

However, many people think that in the age of firearms, this problem will be solved. Because with firearms, we can easily achieve "one-to-many" combat through overlying strafing.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

Silver and gold flowers

To some extent, this view is not wrong, but it is also based on certain premises.

Assuming that the terrain is not dominant and no ambush is set up in advance, it is also very difficult to directly "one-to-many". After all, due to the limited perspective, a person is completely unable to take care of all directions.

So it would be a miracle to say that a man on the battlefield, without those prerequisites, single-handedly killed seven well-trained Japanese soldiers, and this person was still a woman.

But a female soldier named Yinjinhua actually achieved this feat.

At that time, she actually killed 7 Japanese soldiers in the hand-to-hand combat of the position with her own strength.

So, as a woman, why did Yinjinhua appear on the front line of the War of Resistance Against Japan? Why was she able to have such good physical fitness that she could even kill 7 Japanese soldiers in hand-to-hand combat on her own?

1, 7 Japanese soldiers with hand blades

Hunan has been a relatively famous granary for a long time in Chinese history, so whenever there is a war, Hunan will be an important area for all parties to compete.

In the modern period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, especially after the July 7 Incident, because the Nationalist government lost a large amount of land in the early stage of the War of Resistance, and even Nanjing, Guangzhou, Wuhan and other cities fell one by one, the value of Hunan was even more important in the remaining land that could be controlled and did not fall, and this place even once became one of the supply places for the Nationalist government's grain, military resources, industry and other anti-war resources.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

Battle of Changsha

We can say unceremoniously that the ownership of Hunan will have a great impact on the overall pattern of the War of Resistance Against Japan. The National Government is aware of this. Similarly, the Japanese army that invaded China was also very clear.

At that time, in order to save Hunan, the Kuomintang authorities also made painstaking efforts, not only placing one of the most powerful armies of the Nationalist army on the hunan boundary and naming it after the Ninth Theater, but also locating the headquarters of the commander of the Ninth Theater in Changsha City, the provincial capital of Hunan.

Although this move effectively deterred the further attack of the Japanese army, the "Heart of the Japanese Kou" will never die, and after they are ready for battle, they will still come. In order to be able to capture Hunan, the Japanese army launched three large-scale attacks on Hunan, but each time had to hate changsha.

The reason why such achievements have been achieved is entirely due to the joint efforts of all the military and the people.

"As a squad leader, I participated in two battles of Changsha.",

In her later years, whenever someone asked about this matter, Yinjinhua was very excited, and she was very proud and excited to talk about it with people who came.

Time to return to the Liuyang River, back to that thrilling battle...

It was a very fierce trench battle, and in the face of the enemy's equipment comprehensively crushing itself, Silver Jinhua followed the troops to fight with the invading Japanese army.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

At that time, in order to seize the position held by Yinjinhua and his party, the Japanese army laid a lot of blood, which can be seen from the fact that the bombing of aircraft and artillery has not stopped.

But the soldiers who held this position did not shrink back, they still held their positions, tenaciously fighting against the attacking Japanese soldiers.

According to Yin Jinhua's later recollection: "The Japanese kept bombing at that time, the ground was full of dead people, the body was one piece to the east and one to the west, some were blown up into trees and hung, some were blown up and could not be clear, I was tripped by people's intestines when I was marching at night!" ”

This shows how fierce the war situation was at that time.

At the end of the battle, Silver Flower had run out of bullets. Faced with this situation, as a machine gunner, she resolutely put down the machine gun in her hand, and then found a rifle, put a bayonet on the gun, and was mentally prepared for hand-to-hand combat.

When the Japanese attacked again, they quickly broke into the position where The Silver Golden Flower was located, and the Japanese troops who burst in found that she was actually a female soldier, and she was taller than him, so they were very surprised, so they wanted to capture the Silver Golden Flower.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

But what the Japanese soldier did not expect was that he was too confident and obviously messed with the wrong person.

Although Yin Jinhua was a woman, she was not weak, and at this time she had joined the army for many years and had a lot of combat experience.

She saw the Japanese soldiers, who were shorter than him, rushing at her, without any panic, but with their own calculations. At that time, when the Japanese soldier's bayonet was about to touch him, Silver Jinhua dodged sideways, successfully avoided the bayonet, and then grabbed the Japanese soldier's gun with a backhand.

The Japanese soldier was so manipulated by the silver gold flower, he was suddenly a little panicked, and hurriedly grabbed the gun with her, but where did he know that the silver gold flower was not only taller than him, but also had greater strength than him, and under three times five divided by two, the gun in his hand was snatched by the silver gold flower.

Then The silver and gold flower stretched out a foot and kicked the chest of the Japanese soldier, who was kicked like this, unable to resist, and was kicked under the hillside under a stumbling.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

After taking this Japanese soldier as a result, Silver Jinhua immediately took the japanese soldier's weapon and rushed to the other Japanese soldiers who had already burst into the trenches at this time, and in this way, Silver Jinhua rushed left and right with a gun, and actually killed 7 Japanese soldiers in succession.

However, in the process of hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army, YinJinhua was also unfortunately injured by the Japanese army, because she was shot in the head, so she could not support it quickly, and finally fainted.

If it is not healed in time, presumably the silver and gold flowers will be accounted for here.

Fortunately, the friendly forces later retook the position and found the wounded and unconscious Silver Flower, so they immediately carried her off the battlefield and sent her to the hospital for rescue.

Because of his serious injuries, Yinjinhua was rescued in the hospital for three days and three nights before he fully woke up.

Because of her desperate fight at that time, she had no idea how badly she was injured, or even where she was injured. When she opened her eyes, the nurse told her that not only had her head injury, but also dislocated her right wrist, and the wound was deep, most likely caused by her too much effort on the battlefield.

In fact, at that time, I think Yin Jinhua did not care too much about her own injury, and at this time, she may only care about one point: whether she can return to the battlefield, rather than considering whether she will be disabled or whether she will leave scars.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

Second, the miserable past

In fact, all along, for her own body, she did not care at all, she only cared about whether the War of Resistance could be won, not only for the sake of the country, but also for revenge for her own blood and deep vengeance.

Because her family was destroyed by The Japanese.

Yinjinhua's ancestral home is in Shandong, and later due to the famine in shandong, the people's life is very difficult, and even poor to the point of starvation, so in order to survive, many people are forced to flee their hometowns that are already in the disaster area.

At that time, her family could not continue to survive, so they fled together under the leadership of her grandfather and went west, eventually in Henan

Luohe settled down.

The big family that has migrated over, with the efforts of her grandfather's generation, whether it is industry or population, is very prosperous, and the family's life is becoming more and more prosperous.

In 1912, Silver Flower was born.

It can be seen that after Yinjinhua came to this family, it happened to be the initial stage of the Chinese revolution. After she was a little more sensible, the country fell into a period of warlord chaos.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

However, although the situation has been unstable, the country is still generally stuck in the situation of "internal worries", so the people's lives have not suffered any fatal blows. Therefore, with its solid family situation, Yinjinhua has not been greatly affected by the harsh external environment.

In a way, she was also a young lady when she was a child.

Perhaps in everyone's general understanding, everyone in that era should be required to learn all kinds of female reds in order to later marry and teach their children, and they all have one thing in common: that is, they are more introverted.

However, Silver Gold Flower is completely different, because she is not only not introverted, but also a little masculine.

She was not interested in female red at all, but especially liked to dance knives and guns, and her grandfather himself was also a bit of kung fu, so she was influenced by her grandfather, and later she also learned some with her grandfather.

It is estimated that her grandfather did not think that the martial arts that were taught only out of her granddaughter's liking and in order to please her would later save her life. Even less could she have imagined that the kung fu she had learned would become a weapon for her to resist the Japanese Kou later.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

In 1937, in order to realize its ambition to invade and occupy all of China, the Japanese army launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. After the Japanese bombarded Henan territory, Yinjinhua's life suffered a devastating blow.

Affected by the war, the hard-earned family business of his ancestors collapsed. After all, war doesn't tell you whether you're poor or rich; shells don't hit you because you're rich.

What was even more unacceptable to Yin Jinhua was that her family had become innocent victims.

Yin Jinhua watched her relatives die one by one by shells, and there were 42 people up and down the entire family, and she became the only survivor among them.

In the face of the death of relatives and the suffering of her hometown, presumably Yin Jinhua has also been depressed, after all, she is also a woman, and she also has a sensitive and weak side. But the harsh reality told her that she could not sink into it, and that she must cheer up to serve the country and avenge her family.

So what to do? First she had to survive.

After the fall of the family,

Henan is obviously not the place where you should stay for a long time.

So Yin Jinhua began to flee in all directions, she wandered to Changsha, also stayed in Chongqing, all the way to live a floating and undecided life, she witnessed the suffering of the people in the war, and knew that if she wanted to realize her wishes, she could only join the army.

So soon after, she found the recruitment office and began her military career.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

We all know that in the war years, most of the people fighting on the front line were men. Although there are also women, most of them are engaged in health, as well as propaganda, communication and other logistical work, and few women will be directly arranged to the front line to kill the enemy.

But Yin Jinhua is an exception, she has been learning martial arts since she was a child, and her physical fitness is very good.

At that time, the recruiting office looked at her as a woman, who was taller and more energetic than some of her male compatriots. Therefore, she simply joined the combat battalion and entered the frontline combat.

In fact, this is also a helpless move, the war at that time was extremely fierce, the manpower was also very scarce, although Yinjinhua was only a woman, she had better physical qualities than ordinary people, and it was normal to be pushed to the front line of the battlefield.

And this is actually a wish of her own, after all, only if she is on the front line, she can better kill the enemy to avenge her country and family.

Later, because of her bravery in battle, Yin Jinhua quickly took the position of squad leader in the team.

In fact, since joining the army, Yinjinhua has put life and death aside, but whenever she encounters a battle, she will carry a submachine gun to the front every time, which also makes her suffer many injuries.

Once, in order to stop the Japanese army, Yinjinhua's army was forced to march rapidly, but when passing through a stone mountain, a stone of nearly 100 pounds rolled down and smashed into Yinjinhua.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

This is both accidental and necessary.

It is not difficult to understand by chance, after all, this is indeed an accident, so why say that this is inevitable? This is because due to the continuous japanese bombardment here, the mountain has long been loosened, and when the army marches in a hurry, the number of people and the compact pace increase the probability of the stone sliding down.

Instinctively, Silver Flower Used her left hand to block it so that it did not hit some of her deadly parts, but although she was saved, she left a wound of more than 5 centimeters on her arm.

And this kind of injury is just a microcosm of the many wars she has endured, after all, she still has many such scars on her body today.

Life after the war

As a veteran who has been in the front line of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression for many years, Yin Jinhua has witnessed too many heinous crimes of the Japanese army.

Due to the huge differences in the weapons of China and the Japanese army at that time, when fighting, Chinese soldiers often had to use their flesh and blood to resist the Japanese aircraft artillery, and under the bombardment of the Japanese aircraft artillery, many Chinese soldiers were sacrificed.

In an interview, she recalled the past battles and said: "When Japanese soldiers kill people, they do not distinguish between men, women and children, slashing with knives, shooting with guns, and killing as much as they want." In order to test who was stronger, the Japanese soldiers asked Chinese to kneel in a row by the river and stab them with bayonets in succession to see who killed more, and the water of the Liuyang River was stained red with blood, and even the river channel was blocked. ”

In short, the scene of flesh and blood flying and corpses strewn across the field had been the nightmare of silver and gold flowers for a long time, and later whenever she thought of the atrocities of the Japanese army in the battlefield of the Battle of Changsha, she would tremble with anger.

But she was never afraid, much less willing to back down, because it was her duty and her mission.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

In 1949, the war was almost over.

At this time, Yinjinhua had already married a man named Zhou Huibang, and this man, like her, was also a veteran who had fought to the death in the War of Resistance. Soon after, the two of them

It is also from Chenxi County, Hunan, where it has been living

Came to Zhou Huibang's hometown of Lingjiao Village, Paradise Town, Ningyuan County, Hunan Province.

Since then, the two have lived a simple and ordinary life.

In fact, such a remote and quiet day is also what Yin Jinhua has always wanted.

At this time, although she was only 37 years old, she did not think about what to fight for her future by virtue of her merits, and in her view, after experiencing vicissitudes and suffering, it is not easy to live a plain life now.

She also said later: "I am quite satisfied to survive, now the country is stable, there is no war turmoil, there is no need to worry about fear, you can live with peace of mind..."

However, heaven has not cared for this old hero

After 1991, the 79-year-old YinJinhua suffered the loss of her son. Fortunately, with the care and support of the clan and grandchildren, the old people have come out of the pain of white-haired people sending black-haired people, and there is not much loneliness in their old age.

In the Battle of Changsha, the heroine who fought bayonets and killed 7 Japanese soldiers by one person is now what is the current situation

Later, after recognizing the identity of the old man or the anti-Japanese hero, the local government was also very concerned, would often visit her, and even won her a minimum guarantee, and after the old man was 100 years old, he also gave her a centenarian living allowance.

Although Yinjinhua began to have some problems in her body after she was over a hundred years old, her speech was still very clear, and she was basically able to take care of herself in life, and even when she couldn't stay idle, she would grow vegetables and raise chickens in the yard, and when the villagers were busy, she could also help take care of the children...

As of

In May 2015, Yin Jinhua was already the only surviving female soldier in Yongzhou City, Hunan Province, and today, the old hero is 109 years old.

All along, our Chinese nation has been a nation that admires heroes, which is also the fundamental place where we have been able to inherit it until now. Do not forget the original intention, do not forget the people who dig the well, in order to inspire more latecomers to move forward.

And people like Silver And Gold Are undoubtedly heroes that we should always keep in mind. In the war years, it is possible to give everything for the motherland; in the era of peace, it is possible to endure loneliness and not be humble!

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