
Are three generations of IVF defective? Can it be avoided 100%?

Many people feel that as long as you do IVF, you don't have to worry about the health of your baby, and you don't have to go to the pregnancy test on time like a natural pregnancy. Even if the baby conceived through IVF technology, you must go to the pregnancy test on time, monitor the baby and the pregnant mother's physical condition, in order to make the right judgment, the following follow Hengjian overseas to understand it together.

Are three generations of IVF defective? Can it be avoided 100%?

Can three generations of IVF technology avoid birth defects 100%?

Can't be 100%.

The factors that affect the defect of third-generation IVF are not only the health status of the fetus itself, but also the physical condition of the mother and the environment in which the mother is located after implantation. Therefore, if you want to ensure that the third generation of IVF can develop into a healthy baby, in the case of ensuring the health of the third generation of IVF itself, pregnant mothers should also pay attention to their physical condition and environment.

(1) The embryo detection technology of three generations of IVF cannot be guaranteed to be 100% accurate (it is basically impossible to guarantee 100% accuracy with any technology).

(2) Embryonic chromosomes have the possibility of chimerism. During the division of the fertilized egg, the number of cells gradually increases, and some cells may mutate during the process of multiplication, resulting in "chimeras", and the cells of the same embryo have normal and abnormal.

(3) If a pregnant woman has a disease, bacterial or viral infection, Y during pregnancy, contact with bad substances during pregnancy, etc., and even a lack of oxygen in the fetus during childbirth, it may cause abnormalities in the child.

Are three generations of IVF defective? Can it be avoided 100%?

After the success of the third generation of IVF fertility, regular obstetric check-ups are still required and prenatal diagnosis is required.

What factors can lead to IVF defects:

1. Nutritional status, pregnant mother's diet during pregnancy will directly affect the health of the fetus, unreasonable diet will cause incomplete nutrition, imbalance, and then affect the normal development of the fetus, such as neural tube malformations, congenital heart disease may be caused by nutritional insufficiency.

2. Y factors, drug factors are also one of the important factors that lead to defects in the third generation of IVF, such as antibiotics, hormones, antithyroid Y may cause fetal defects or even deformities.

3. Pathogenic microbial infection, some pregnant mothers like to raise pets, and even hold pets, but pets often contain a lot of microorganisms, these microorganisms will also threaten the health of the fetus, and some even lead to fetal malformations and defects.

Are three generations of IVF defective? Can it be avoided 100%?

Which pregnant mothers are prone to defective babies:

1. Pregnant mothers over the age of 35 years old, or even more than 40 years old, the incidence of fetal birth defects increased significantly;

2. Those who have been infected by the virus in the first trimester, especially those infected with rubella virus;

3. Deficiency of some trace elements in the first trimester, especially iodine and folic acid deficiency;

4. Those who have been exposed to X-rays or harmful substances such as benzene, lead and mercury in the first trimester;

5. Those who have high fever in the first trimester of pregnancy, or those who use Y without the guidance of Y students.

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