
A sleep into a dream, a lot of emotions, Lu You "Pillow Occasional"

The minister no longer looked forward to repairing the door, and sent him to The Yellow Leaf Village in Jiangtou. Wine thirsty likes to smell raindrops, dreams back to a lamp dimmed.

The river tong shape ShengNing finally abandoned, and the scale of Zhou Han should be discussed in detail. Self-hatred is not as good as the clouds and geese, and the south has come through the Central Plains.

In 1195 AD, the first year of the Southern Song Dynasty, Song Ningzong had just ascended the throne. The Koreans, Han, and Zhao Ruyu were in power, but they were divided into two camps and often fought like you and me. It was also in this year that Lu You, who was idle at home, wrote a poem called "Occasional Formation on the Pillow". In addition to his self-description of his life, he did not forget the revival of ZTE, and after reading it, people felt a lot of emotions.

A sleep into a dream, a lot of emotions, Lu You "Pillow Occasional"

Lu You was a famous patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, talented and with a bumpy career. Because Lu You was close to the main war faction in terms of political views, he was not valued in the DPRK and was forced to return to his hometown to idle. Once he left, it was a helpless move, and he always remembered to recover the rivers and mountains in his heart.

A sleep into a dream, a lot of emotions, Lu You "Pillow Occasional"

Released subjects, exiled ministers, this is Lu You's self-effacing statement. He lived in seclusion in his hometown and could only look at the capital from afar. It seems to be incomparably idle, not in its position and not in its own government. In the distance of the rivers and lakes, looking up is the head of the wilderness village. Suddenly, Lu You wanted to drink, and then it rained. There is no wine, and I can only sleep with the sound of rain.

When I woke up from a dream, I couldn't vent my sorrow and could only stare at a dim lamp. Isn't it so uncomfortable to drink wine? Was it so unhappy to be woken up by the drizzle? Of course not, Lu You had a secret heart in his heart. The poem is called "Occasional Formation on the Pillow", which is to illustrate that Even if Lu You is half dreaming and half awake, he has always been worried about major events. His state of inability to completely relax makes people wonder what he is depressed about.

A sleep into a dream, a lot of emotions, Lu You "Pillow Occasional"

"Hetong" refers to the Yellow River and Tongguan, which has been a place of contention for soldiers since ancient times. The Qin Dynasty, the Han Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty all occupied the dangerous terrain here and achieved imperial hegemony. Lu You reflected on the current situation and knew that the Southern Song Dynasty court had abandoned the lost land in the north. The land of the Zhou Dynasty and the Qin and Han Dynasties fell into the hands of foreign tribes, and Lu You was uneasy. With fierce feelings, in the face of helplessness, Lu You is not happy!

As a result, Lu You resented that he was not a wild goose and could fly straight into the sky. If he could fly, he would be able to return to the Central Plains and look down on the Homeland Garden in the air. Hatred is hard to dissipate, and can only be relieved by fantasy. Who can understand Lu You's pain, who can help him. Officials in the southern Song Dynasty court were attrition, did not think of making progress, and corrupt officials did not hesitate to collude with foreign nationalities for their own selfish interests. A loyal and noble person like Lu You is certainly not tolerated in the world.

A sleep into a dream, a lot of emotions, Lu You "Pillow Occasional"

Thinking of this, I looked at the four words of "Occasional Formation on the Pillow" again, and suddenly felt very heartfelt. Lu You is well aware of the current situation, and he also knows what he is pursuing all his life. Unable to ask for it, tossing and turning, he was mentally distressed, his heart was sad, and he could not calm down. This is Lu You, using plain and simple sentences to tell the thickest feelings.

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