
China's most cattle "traitor", the girl who earns Japanese money to sleep in Japan, 8 words to eliminate 20,000 Japanese troops

With the broadcast of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, people are no longer unfamiliar with the word traitor, which refers to those social scum who are bent on betraying the country and seeking glory and coveting wealth and nobility; with the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, people have a new interpretation of the term "traitor", they are the villains who have defected to the great powers and helped the invaders to be willing to be used as running dogs to hurt their own people.

China's most cattle "traitor", the girl who earns Japanese money to sleep in Japan, 8 words to eliminate 20,000 Japanese troops

As we all know, the biggest traitor during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was Wang Jingwei, whose behavior was disgraceful; his Wang puppet government did not know how many innocent Chinese lives were harmed, but there were also national heroes who lurked behind enemy lines and were misunderstood by people, and they would also be mistaken for traitors. He's the kind of hero who lurks behind enemy lines.

China's most cattle "traitor", the girl who earns Japanese money to sleep in Japan, 8 words to eliminate 20,000 Japanese troops

His name is Xia Wenyuan, Xia Wenyuan went to Japan to study when he was young, he was very smart, at that time as a Chinese in Japan can be said to be difficult to walk, but he was mixed in Japan, during the school period his achievements are very good, the Japanese are also very interested in him, he studied in Japan not long after getting a master's degree, the relevant Departments of Japan intentionally co-opted him, and high salary hired him to work for the Japanese military, different from other patriotic and enthusiastic youth, Xia Wenyuan did not reject Japan's "good intentions", and his patriotic way showed even deeper, that is, he chose to lurk in the Japanese military and wait for an opportunity.

China's most cattle "traitor", the girl who earns Japanese money to sleep in Japan, 8 words to eliminate 20,000 Japanese troops

But his such a performance, of course, can not be understood by the Chinese, people think that he is a traitorous lackey, after returning from school, he does not contribute to the country, but helps the invaders to hurt their compatriots, Xia Wenyuan did not make any explanation for this, but all silently endured, after the outbreak of the war of aggression against China, Xia Wenyuan was appointed as a senior translator of the Japanese army, but the Japanese people have always distrusted the Chinese, but Xia Wenyuan through a series of his own measures, so that the Japanese military gradually relaxed its vigilance against him. And began to assign him some important tasks, that is, step by step, he came to the Japanese command to serve, where he also received the treatment he deserved, and as a senior translator, he could freely enter and leave the headquarters, which made it easier to gather intelligence.

China's most cattle "traitor", the girl who earns Japanese money to sleep in Japan, 8 words to eliminate 20,000 Japanese troops

During the Battle of Taierzhuang, General Li Zongren obtained information from Xia Wenyuan at the risk of his life, and the content of the information was very simple, only eight words, which were: "The Japanese army moved south and did not move north." It was also these short eight words that allowed General Li Zongren to redeploy the strategic plan, beat the Japanese army to the ground, and destroy more than 20,000 enemy troops, which is a very remarkable achievement, and this proud record is also a part of Xia Wenyuan, Who later served as director of the Construction Department of the puppet government of Shanxi, and he also secretly helped the Eighth Route Army many times, providing it with a lot of strategic materials, until the end of the war he did not explain to people everything that happened, when everyone looked through General Li Zongren's memoirs, Only to find this unknown hero behind enemy lines.

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