
After Japan's surrender, 100,000 Japanese women were left in tohoku, how was it dealt with later?

Japan has never been a restless country. Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has been planning to annex China and has begun to implement it gradually. At that time, Japan's first goal was to occupy the northeast of our country, and at that time, it was also preparing to take measures to assimilate the local people, so they brought 100,000 Japanese women. However, Japan was defeated in World War II, and the plan was not completed in the end.

After Japan's surrender, 100,000 Japanese women were left in tohoku, how was it dealt with later?

At that time, after japan occupied the three northeastern provinces of China, these Japanese women were allowed to marry the local residents, and if Japan had not been expelled from China at that time, the northeast might have been assimilated by Japan. After all, the Japanese in tohoku had gradually surpassed Chinese, and fortunately the Japanese plan did not succeed.

After Japan's surrender, 100,000 Japanese women were left in tohoku, how was it dealt with later?

In 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender. At that time, when the Japanese retreated, they had no intention of taking care of these Japanese women. At that time, Japan was almost a daughter country, and the ratio of men to women was seriously imbalanced, so the Japanese government abandoned them. At that time, these Japanese women had to beg on the street, or do miscellaneous work, and if they were lucky, they would be taken in by kind people

After Japan's surrender, 100,000 Japanese women were left in tohoku, how was it dealt with later?

Later, people gradually recognized them, because they were so pitiful, these women can be said to have been brought here at a very young age, and people who have lived in the northeast for a long time have become accustomed to life here, and many of them are not willing to return to the motherland that makes them sad, but continue to live in China.

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